Although the rabbit being mounted may seem to be laid back and placid it only takes one bite in the wrong place! This is simply not true. Usually you will want to bring them to a room in the house that your rabbit hasnt been to before, such as a kitchen, a bathroom, or a section of a hallway. This is especially important when working in small spaces or long periods of time. Think of it like bringing a new baby into a family that previously only had one child. Even if they are calm and able to get along in the afternoon, sometimes rabbits need more time to get used to each other before they can be friendly during the more active hours. Not all rabbits have compatible personalities, and its impossible to predict who your rabbit will easily get along with if they havent been introduced. Baby and adult: Sometimes difficult, but goes well if adult is very tolerant. We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. You do not need to have adopted your rabbits from us, as these services are available to all rabbit owners. Keep your rabbits side by side, but wait to bond them until you move to a different home. Unfortunately sometimes even with the best intentions and constant supervision, injuries can occur during the bonding process. Most people will agree that if your rabbits can go a full 48 hours together in a neutral territory without any fights or major chases, then they can move in together. This allows for the rabbit to heal and for his/her hormones to balance. The State of NJ site may contain optional links, information, services and/or content from other websites operated by third parties that are provided as a convenience, such as Google Translate. When looking for a potential partner for your rabbit most people agree that its usually easier to bond a male and a female rabbit together, rather than rabbits of the same gender. Make sure the bonding area is big enough. However, with some of these behaviors, such as chasing, you do want to keep a close eye on the rabbits to make sure it doesnt escalate into something more aggressive. With enough time, the bonding will usually stick, but its important to be prepared with a plan in case it does not. Medical Boarding. For all boarding inquiries, kindly contact us at 8830 5772 via Whatsapp. Bunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis. Then you will receive tips and tricks about rabbit care straight to your inbox so that you know youll be taking excellent care of your new rabbit. If you're existing bun had access to the area before, you can spray or wipe down the restricted area with white vinegar to remove any residual bunny smells. At all times throughout the bonding process I have your rabbit's best interests at heart and at no point do I allow them to fight, I will step straight in to prevent this, and if I think it really won't work I will let you know as soon as possible. Alternate who gets what housing/space regularly so that no one is able to claim one as just theirs. This will allow the rabbits to develop a friendship without the instinct to defend their space. This service is FREE. Even though they may initially bond, they can also un-bond. The HRS also has free virtual sessions from Hoolibuns if you want to try that, too, to see if it works for you. You want to be on the lookout for actively aggressive rabbit body language. Second Cutting Timothy Hay from Small Pet Select, Read more about why I recommend this product. You want to avoid the rabbits getting frustrated and taking out that irritation on the other rabbit. We do not offer bonding services unless one or both of the bunnies are adopted from us, because we dont have the time or resources. While it is an excellent idea to find a friend for your rabbit, there is actually a lot you need to consider before making this important decision. Classes of 2021 & 2022, real talk: how happy are you with Getting my son off the Xbox and teaching him the fine art Bunny picture frame - a non traditional baby gift? These are the behaviors that can lead to injuries between the rabbits. If at all possible, you want to try introducing your rabbit to a number of other rabbits so that your bunny can help to choose their own partner. Much easier if you bring a girl home to a boy than if you bring a rabbit home to a girl. Reviews on Rabbit Vet in Sewaren, NJ 07077 - Island Bird Cat & Dog Vet Group, Staten Island Veterinary Group, Plainfield Animal Hospital, East Brunswick Animal Hospital, Dr Joseph R Chiosi DVM, Victory Veterinary Practice, NYC Little Animal Pet Sitter/Boarding, Brown Allison DVM, The Spay & Neuter Center of New Jersey, Sayrebrook Veterinary Hospital All rights reserved. If you are outside Washington state and want a bunny, please consider adopting! The bonding process takes approx. Most people will recommend keeping them separated and swapping their living spaces like this for a week before starting the bonding. Bonding is generally easier when rabbits have been sterilized. However, the idea of bonding your pet rabbits sounds daunting and overwhelming. If the two rabbits mostly get along, but you just dont trust them together unsupervised, there is actually another option. This is when your rabbit is put in a pen with another rabbit. Sometimes, despite our best intentions, a rabbit bonding does not go as planned. This technique is ideal because it wont be as stressful for the rabbits. We can offer Bonding Support Consultation services face-to-face in our offices in Kirkintilloch (G66 1QH). During bonding, you will see some behaviors that you are not used to seeing. The personalities of the rabbits are mismatched. Our Bonding Services We are always happy to bond your spayed or neutered single bun to one of our adoptable bunnies. Within this 48 hour period it usually becomes very apparent if the bonding will be successful or not, and if for any reason I feel that that the bonding won't work out, for example; excessive fighting occurs, even after intervention. ADOPTING A FRIEND FOR YOUR RABBIT - BUNNY BONDING SERVICES Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. Its harder to keep track of the rabbits in a larger area. Unless the two rabbits are actively trying to hurt each other and there is nothing you can do to calm them down, dont end a session if the two rabbits had a bad interaction. Boarding drop off and pick up times are between 9am-1pm. Some people recommend giving your rabbits as much space as possible to start, while others swear by starting your rabbits in a small box or laundry basket. We will do our best to accommodate you at other times on a case-by-case basis. You should be able to determine from the behaviour shown if you need to take it really slowly or if the rabbits are firm friends right from the outset. Because state law requires an exam prior to vaccination weve listed each price where known, but prices may change. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Be sure and take an extra carrier should they still decide to fight even when moving. Our next available date for bonding rabbits is currently 20th April 2023. Most of the time, this is not a realistic expectation. Your bunnies can become truly loved up at my residential 'Bunny Bonding Bootcamp' or I can help you achieve this yourself virtually, in your own home with either a. Bunny Bonding Phone / Zoom Consultation or through my Bunny Bonding with Confidence Course and Monthly Support Membership! For short periods of less than an hour, the rabbits will likely be fine with minimal activities. Unfortunately sometimes even with the best intentions and constant supervision, injuries can occur during the bonding process. This is a time of day when rabbits are naturally less active. I would be very happy to help with bonding your rabbits. Ideally I'd like to say I've never had any injuries, but that would be dishonest and misleading and I prefer to be honest and open with you. Rabbits are very territorial animals. Amy Pratt is a lifelong rabbit owner who has been specializing with rabbits at the Humane Rescue Alliance. So don't worry, I will be there every step of the way until you and I are both happy they are fully bonded and settled at home. from Small Pet Select! What do you need to consider before deciding when to bring home a second rabbit? Use vinegar to help get rid of any scents your rabbit might recognize. Set up the two pens or enclosures right next to each other so that the two rabbits can see each other and sniff each other if they want to. One grooming per bunny per stay is included. Soooo whatever happened to this? The bunny bonding service locations can help with all your needs. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. Your bunny will be much happier with a rabbit friend especially when you cant be home, but unfortunately what you might. If you are new to caring for rabbits, check out the Bunny Lady bimonthly newsletter. If you think you might want to have a bonded pair and do not already have a bunny, adopt an already-bonded pair! When bonding goes wrong it is usually down to one of two factors: Some rescues offer bunny speed dating. Bring them to the vet together, or out to play together. 3. After your rabbits have been bonded and living together, you might expect them to be lovey dovey all the time and live happily ever after. In some cases, you may want to put them together for even longer periods of time, especially if you are bringing a partner into a female rabbits old enclosure. The bonding process that you choose will depend on the personalities of the rabbits involved and the amount of time you have. Believe me in the past, before I was rabbit savvy it happened to me and it really does happen that quickly! If bonding looks possible, we recommend boarding your bunnies at SaveABunny, which is neutral space, for a minimum of 3 days at $60 per day. Find a bunny bonding service near you today. Your rabbits will board with us for 7 - 14 days, and whilst in our care we will conduct the bonding activity for you. Please realize a reservation is not guaranteed until you receive confirmation from us. I am happy to answer any questions you may have in the meantime. Now years later I finally have a trio of buns that live together happily. I have used a bunny bonding service in the past when adopting a new rabbit. Effective December 15, 2020, all rabbits boarding at SaveABunny must be vaccinated forRHDV2at least 10 days prior to arrival. If you're bonding outside, simply spray some white vinegar on the grass to remove any unwanted smells. So far, any injuries that have occurred have been superficial and not needed veterinary attention when bonding groups of 4 or less. We do not recommend brothers or creating trios/groups. The first stages can be stressful for the rabbits. For example, I left my two rabbits together in the basement for a week after they seemed ready to move in, because my female had been showing signs of serious territorial tendencies. However even with new accommodation; it is not a good idea not to allow the rabbits to use the whole space immediately, but to build up over a period of a few days to a week. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. chewed toys, marked litter trays, fabric items such as animal beds/toys and any other items which may indicate to the original bunny that they are back in their old territory. celebunnies have excellent customer reviews from our happy customers on our boarding and our bonding service. If you find you are stuck in the bonding process, try switching up the bonding area. However, you can find a friend for your rabbit if you take the time to plan and prepare for bonding. If you are boarding for a month and need a discounted rate, pleasecontact us. Initial consultation is $125 on-site for 1 hour, then $65 per hour after, up to 5 hours, if needed. Keep everything set up the way it was so that they now have to use the others litter box and water bowl, and play with toys that have the others scent. Theyll both need to be let out for exercise separately to avoid any fights while they get used to each other. Bonding Support Consultation 0.00 Book Now Rabbit Bonding Support Consultations As we know mounting/chasing is regularly seen in a new bond to show dominance. The bonding process takes approx. Give them lots of toys to play with and hay to munch on. However, you will very rarely find two rabbits who are able to get along right away. What are your rabbits breeds, sexes, names and ages? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This will give your rabbit calm feelings while they are sitting next to each other. A rabbit going to the vets on their own will come back smelling totally different and may behave differently and to introduce them back may be very problematic and is just not worth the risk. Our bunnies are spayed/neutered and vaccinated and your buns must be as well. Our spaces fill quickly and may all be reserved by the end of October. Our nearby rescue also offers bonding services so I told the owner to just try and bond them with a rabbit that seems to fit well in the group. Ouch!! You can either get a completely new area rug to use for the rabbit enclosure, or you can spray the flooring with the vinegar solution. At that point I will plan to take a week and stay with the rabbits full time while they get used to living together. We only try bondings between bunnies of the opposite sex, and only between a pair of bunnies (never a trio or more). I dropped my bunny off to get neutered this Its been a month since we picked him out of our potted My mom called him ugly. An older rabbit would be much happier with a companion closer in age rather than a young one that is full of energy and vice versa. If you see one rabbit duck his or head in a grooming request but the other rabbit does not respond, go ahead and stroke those foreheads yourself. The initial 48 hours is crucial and can be very intense. They have an instinct to defend their territory. Ready to find a friend for your bunny or adopt a pair? PO Box 14235, Portland, OR 97293 | 503-617-1625 | Or, you may bring food of your own choice. If you are introducing a male with a female rabbit, you will also prevent unwanted babies. Rabbits that have been in a fight are much more difficult to bond because now they have negative memories of each other. A volunteer will work with you and your rabbit to find a suitable partner using speed dating short periods of supervised introduction. Some people will tell you to start with short sessions, while others will insist that its best to jump in for hours right from the start. Adopting a second bunny without going through a dating/bonding process is risky because many bunnies do not get along and may never get along. This will teach them that approaching each other leads to a pleasant interaction, and can be especially helpful if you are dealing with one rabbit who is highly anxious. We also provide a large range of excellent top quality Scottish Hays (8 types) and fresh and dried herbs and forage from the rescue gardens and allotments and branches to chew. Take it slow and give your rabbits time to work out their disagreements. Once bonded the rabbits should be housed together in a space large enough to accommodate them both comfortably. A Guide to Bunny Bonding. It becomes more difficult and even dangerous to try to bond rabbits once they have bad blood between them. I would only use this technique sparingly if you are working with elderly rabbits or those that have any serious health conditions. Professional Bunny bonding Servive Celebunnies rabbit boarding surrey A delux holiday boarding setup for rabbits, based on rabbit welfare and giving the space and care needed to ensure the health and safty of all rabbits so you can have peice of mnd and enjoy your own holiday! (As of July 2021) Please be aware that vaccine availability changes quickly. Sadly our resident boys couldn't get along and we had to accept that we were stuck with 2 pairs for the time being. Your bunny will be housed in a double x-pen (4 by 6), fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay. Match-making and Bunny bonding services We love to help bunnies fall in love. 5 start rabbitboarding accommodation, Surrey 5 start rabbitboarding accommodation, Surrey That fear is not completely unfounded. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Above all be patient with your rabbits. Our boarding is home-style, so drop-off and pick-up times are typically between 9 am and 1 pm. Your bunny will speed date until we find a good match (the bunnies must choose). We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Follow the Bunny Lady and her bunny partner Elusive and they seek to educate rabbit caretakers and make sure everyone is able to have a happy and healthy bunny in their home. Any stay that takes place over a government recognized holiday, or from Thanksgiving through New Years will require a 50% non-refundable deposit made 30 days in advance of the boarding date. The first is to ask for the help of a friend or family member and see if theyll allow you to stay in their home with your rabbits for a few weeks while you bond them. The new rabbit is a complete stranger and it will take time to build up trust. Rabbits are bonded when you can trust them to not hurt each other. I wanted to try to pair the 3 remaining rabbits after the death of one, to each other and a new bun. If this ceased before homecoming and then begins again, it may be one or other rabbit deciding to try and assert themselves, and in some cases it may be a different rabbit to the one who was boss previously. It is important that the rabbits are not split up UNLESS THERE IS A RISK OF INJURY, or you will be back to square one and you will need to begin the process again from scratch. Boarding drop off and pick up times are typically between 9 am and 1 pm,! Injuries can occur during the bonding will usually stick, but you just dont them! 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