It is a type of subtle television. As far as epic: defines it as A long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style. So it is a nice way to refer to the Bhagavatam, the Mahabharata, etc. Therefore, Arjuna wouldnt be killing anybody, and there would be no reason to grieve for them. Such people have taken a key step toward breaking the cycle of reincarnation. Actly I m a realized soul but not yet liberated. 3 Why does Arjuna say he is confused about his duty? So there is really no loss. This means that Arjuna has direct audience with God. Veerabhadra. This sublime message of Bhagavad Gita was spoken at the battlefield of Kurukshetra. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Also, we have to remember the historical context. At the start of the Dharma Yudha (righteous war) between Pandavas and Kauravas, Arjuna is filled with great moral dilemma and despair about the violence and death the war will cause in the battle against his own kin. I like it more than anything I've ever experienced before. The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to . So, I have given below my quick response. Chapter 3: Karm Yog. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Hare Krishna: hare krishna pamho it is you that make me understood in first stage what is bhagavad gita thanks a lot maharaj ki joy ho.. HARE KRISHNA PAMHO, I have gone through the book bhagavad gita as it is more than hundred of times but never I can understand the actual meaning of the verse but it is very easy to understand what you described in this news letter so really it is the mercy of lord krishna and prabhupada and definitely you,myself is fortunate enough that such a person teaching me b/gita like ho , Hare Krishna Mahaprahbu So we can not let our mind be idle. It does not store any personal data. Sometimes it is good to get back to basics on the philosophy of Bhagavad Gita. Who are Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita? Therefore Shri Krishna revealed this knowledge to Arjuna, the ultimate kshatriya warrior.Moreover, Arjuna was Shri Krishnas devotee and friend. . (3) Another reason is that Krishna chose to act as a driver for the rath (car) of Arjuna. What does Bhagavad Gita say about Bheeshma and Dronacharya? Translation: Lord Krishna says: I have been arriving and will arrive every time the evil gets an upper hand over the fair and good. Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita are two of the most important figures in the text. He forgvs me a lOt but he gvs me pain ofcourse its my karma to act and doing some times I take permission from him and I will not do. I think it is better Prabhu for you to ignore this old man and become more and more serious in Krishna consciousness yourself. Hare Krishna! So everyone there assembled on the battlefield on both sides heard the Bhagavad-gita. The journey from the first chapter of Gita to the fourth chapter is one of elevated levels of integrating or tuning our thought processes. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The Bhagavad Gita was spoken by Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, to His friend Arjuna on the battlefield of Kuruksettra around five thousand years ago. Although physical bodies can be destroyed, a persons essence will be reborn again and again, unchanged, through the process of reincarnation. I will destroy everyone. In his eyes, killing his evil and killing his family is the greatest sin of all. Krishna also established an alliance of Yadavas with the Pandavas, a faction of Kurus, who were fighting against the established Kuru Kingdom. (Shortform note: Sri, sometimes spelled Shri, is a term of respect that doesnt have a direct translation.). Jesus has all authority. I gues its all growing, spiritual. Because all we have to do is forsake position, no King ever wants to be King, and 5000 years ago, a battle didnt solve anything, so TODAY, we have TODAY , and we have great things now, modern things, and we should all pray and ask our superiors for Peace, so we can keep our things, and PEACE is a very good thing, and it is brought about by LOVE, and Krishna is LOVE. I love the cds with His Divine Grace speaking and his singing and the chanting. You can have a personal realtionship with him by reading his books. Bhisma died on the 10th day of the 18 day war. To give us spiritual guidance. Because He feels that Arjuna is behaving in very unbecoming way and as a friend whenever in the Mahabharata if any of the pandavas behave in unbecoming ways then Krishna tends to tease them. So you can understand for yourself how long it would take to have this conversation. Not actually spiritual. So in this way the Kurus forced the Pandavas to fight them and the leader of the winning group would go on to become the King. As Krishna's explanations why Arjuna should fight were only a summary, and since Krishna glorifies both 'buddhi-yoga', intelligence used in spiritual advancement of knowledge (2.45, 2.49-50), and 'karma', work (2.47-48, 2.50), Arjuna becomes confused and wishes to use Krishna's instruction to perform 'buddhi-yoga' as an excuse to retire the battlefield for a life of contemplation. All people maintain this rule for office , so I think that every person must maintain this rule philosophically with realization . They were Ksatriyas, it means the warrior class. It was Arjuna's war. He casts down his weapons and tells . All glories to Srila Prabhupada. What did Krishna told Arjuna in Bhagavad Gita? As a member of the warrior class Arjuna has the primary sacred duty of fighting righteous battles. That's it really. Although all the descendents of this family were actually Kurus there was a disagreement between the five sons of Pandu and the other members of the Kuru family over who should be the King. I agree with The more we read the Bhagavad Gita the more interesting it becomes and the more we will make spiritual advancement as we are in the initial stage and I am very eager to read all these letters and I am very thankful as i receive these E mails. I simply repeat what Srila Prabhupada has said. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Even after reading them all many times they're still fresh and new. By controlling food intake, we can control our mind. James Read Prabhupadas books and get in contact with Prabhupada and Krishna and all the great saints and sages who appear in Prabhupadas books. Only the material body is killed, the soul can not be killed. Krishna is not speaking the Bhagavad Gita for Arjunas benefit only. Yes. Thus conversing, Sri Krishna and Arjuna entered their own camp and saw all the Pandavas plunged in great grief. That is all we have to do. Arjuna asked Krishnaji of how he could have imparted the knowledge to the sun, when the sun has been there much longer than him?Krishnaji replies, that both Arjuna & he have taken many births in the past, but us mortals, forget our prior births & Krishnaji doesnt.Normally, human beings have such strong identification with their body that it restricts their ability to remember what occurred in another body. That is their duty. Otherwise it is a waste of time. These are materialistic perfections. As for the reason why Arjuna should fight, Krishna invokes the concept of dharma, sacred duty, which sustains the cosmic order. Shri Krishna needs to communicate Geeta to the right person so that the message is properly understood. The idea that Prabhupada is the final acharya is insane. Chant and grow closer to the LORD! I am finding some contradictions between Srila Prabhupadas instructions and some of my brothers action. 4 How did Sri Krishna and Arjuna find out about Abhimanyus death? Nothing is ever lost in following ones own dharma, but competition in anothers dharma breeds fear and insecurity.. Pranam. So if they think of their dogs or cats at the time of death they will have to take the bodies of dogs and cats in the next birth. For this assistance, Krishna in turn helped the Pandavas to win the Kurukshetra War against the Kurus headed by Duryodhana. Not more than that. He says this divine knowledge was first given to Viivasvaan, the sun. As we make more advancement in spiritual life all the apparent contradictions will be automatically resolved. Haribol!! Then your confusion will evaporate and you will be floating in the ocean of transcendental bliss that is Krishna consciousness. Chapter 1: Arjun Vihd Yog. And is not my site but is also completely reliable source for Prabhupadas original books. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Yes. perhaps the gods and goddesss and demigods can help God, to ease the suffering, somehow. And if not then why other people on battle field could not manage to witness the conversation? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But constant seeking of happiness from external objects makes us slavishly dependent upon the world, making us restless. The mother deer was either killed by the tiger or died somehow leaving the baby deer with no one to look after it. Chant all 700 Bhagavad-gita slokas and see how long it takes. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. The Bhagavad Gita, or The Gita as it is popularly known, is part of the epic Mahabharata. What did Lord Krishna say to Arjuna about duty? The only way you will be able to understand the Bhagavad-gita is by reading Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is in a humble and submissive mood, accepting that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and accepting that Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee of Krishna. Krishna emphasised on two terms : Karma and Dharma. I said him about BHAGAVAD GEETA, in that LORD KRISHNA wt has said that thing only do in ISKCON. Here's what you'll find in our full The Bhagavad Gita summary : Carrie has been reading and writing for as long as she can remember, and has always been open to reading anything put in front of her. They are eternally current and easily achievable by any sincere soul. Why did Krishna tease Arjuna in the Mahabharata? Request you to send some stories in order to discuss during the cell. So it is such a disaster if you think of your dog at the time of death. Leading the army is Arjunas dharmahis duty and destiny. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Practically all the other editions of Bhagavad-gita attempt to hide the actual teachings of Krishna and the dishonest authors try to use Krishnas book to propogate their own personal ideas and philosophy. So she went back to her old form and then died. Arjuns military preceptor, Dronacharya, was a genius in the science of warfare, and it was from him that Arjun mastered the art of archery. Krishna replies that, though Arjuna is speaking from the heart, he is also speaking from ignorance. I play music ,my cds are on the web, and I promote peace and love and KRISHNA. Lord Krishna did everythng to make ppl consious and to make them realise their mistakes he did steal makhan and all bt it was only for his neighbours to understand that hey shud not he selfish, his neighbours would give all themakhan to the king in the form of tax and not even a spoonful to their children and Lord Krishna used to steal it eat it with these children and take the blame on himself. So the answer is to read Srila Prabhupadas books. Not very long. As u said that a person will advance in his next life he will take a human form if he will be in Krishna consiousness for a short period of time bt what if he has been a devotee of Krishna and at the time of death he thinks about his pets? The Gita is a dialogue between the warrior-prince Arjuna and the god Krishna who is serving as his charioteer at the Battle of Kurukshetra fought between Arjunas family and allies (the Pandavas) and those of the prince Duryodhana and his family (the Kauravas) and their allies. A decisive battle between two sets of cousins, the Kauravas and the Pandavas, was just about to commence on the battlefield of Kurukshetra. His Divine Grace PB, his books are great, but for the average joe and jane, too complicated to read. You can not understand Bhagavad-gita like this. Krishna emphasised on two terms : Karma and Dharma. Eighteenth chapter of Shrimad Bhagwat Geeta. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I have written this reply to inform you that I have received the many, many books which you had kindly sent me and I am extremely happy at its sight. Bhagavad comes from the word Bhagavan which referrers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and gita means song. He turns to his charioteer for guidance. His chariot is driven by Sri Krishna, an incarnation of the god Vishnu, who has taken a mortal form in The Bhagavad Gita. Thank-you again for listening this, and thank-you if you reply to this and thank-you for everything so far.). Since then I have been chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, reading and distributing Srila Prabhupada's books and preaching as much as I can. Krishna, the Absolute, and Human Knowledge. Thank you so much for the mail. Manu gave to Ikshvaaku, the fist king in the solar dynasty or Soorya vansh. Hare Krishna! 2 What is he telling Arjuna to do in the Bhagavad Gita? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Brahmins are the highest caste, the priests and spiritual leaders. He explains the secret of all secrets. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Prasadam is very powerful. He has learnt how to control his mind, but I have not. He tells Krishna that he doesnt want to fight against his own family, and that his family fighting within itself will lead to chaos in the kingdom. What did Krishna say to Arjuna about Bhakti yoga? I took initiation from Srila Prabhupada and Srila Prabhupadas disciple Jaya Dharma Prabhu who was the temple president in Sydney, Australia in the 70s when Srila Prabhupada was physically present. Is it compulsory to attend all questions in UPSC mains? I was always under the impression that through the grace of Srila Vyasadev, Sanjaya was able to witness it all live as if via television broadcast. It was a very dramatic scene. By offering this sense to the universe, we acknowledge that we are not the owner of senses. We have to keep it constantly engaged in the service of Krishna. He was not born like an ordinary child. I have read in some versions of Bhagavad gita that the battlefield of By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. My hope is in Jesus Christ, his mercy, his grace. His popularity and following have surpassed all across the world. So this is not the way an ordinary child is born. We will fall into one of these fourcategories-. When Arjuna questions how he can support such sin, Krishna says there is no such thing as the killer and the killed, that the body is merely flesh and that at the time of death he attains another body. So they are lost. Lord Krishna told very clearly that one must do ones duty without any second thought. This has clarified things for me on that point. Acharya is self-effulgent. Shortform book guide to "The Bhagavad Gita", White Conservatives & The Loss of Cultural Dominance, The Way of Integrity: Exercises to Help You Find Your True Self, The True Story of Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness, Who Is Ray Dalio? Shree Krishna expounds on karm yog or the yog of action in this chapter. Krishna also told Arjun that the idea of killing his kin was bothering him because it was against his wishes. If you do not read Srila Prabhupadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is you will be completely confused. If you want to know what I think then read Prabhupadas books. For How long ? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So if you think of your dog at the time of death your next body will be a dogs body. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. is confused living entitity and Krsna is enlightened entity. Read more about Krishna and Arjuna in The Bhagavad Gita. David. Carrie worked in book publishing for several years before getting an MFA in Creative Writing. and many more.. Also I dont know which Bhagavad Gita Book is original (there are many in Google) and I dont have much money to buy hard copy (I am still student), Would you share some books with me on my email id if possible, Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare The Kauravas were on the side of Adharma and had broken rules and laws and hence Arjun would have to do his Karma to uphold Dharma. Exact number of verses is 700, 711 is my mistake, sorry for that. All over India Free Delivery, Lord Krishna's teachings to Arjuna highlighted that all wars first exist in the mind. Is it possible to learn before birth? Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. My hope would be to have more love, less betrayal and no demons. Treat everyone with the same lens of impartiality. And study it. It does not matter exactly. Next, Krishna reminds Arjuna of his dharma. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. People make up our lives and it's difficult not to get influenced by them or by our equations with them. Many thanks for this messsage, it is most insightful as well as helpful. The first step to gaining clarity on any situation is developing a clear, calm and collected mind. Chant Hare Krishna and be happy. Sometimes we hear the Gita referred to in English as The Song of God, and this is a reasonable English translation of the title and it is a fairly accurate description of what the Bhagavad Gita is. WHO IS SANJAY IN THE MAHABHARATA AND HOW HE HAS DESCRIBE THE CONVERSATION OF THE SUPREME GOD KRISHNA AND HIS FREIND ARJUNA WHO HAS GIVEN THE SPECIAL SEEING POWER TO SANJAYA ? That is all. In Bhagavad Gita Chapter 11 Verse 32, the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has said that - O Arjun! She can read it fast and then she will read it again also. In Bhagavad Gita, It has been said by Lord Krsna, no living entity shall be killed as there exists a soul in every living entity. The armies from both the sides were ready to take the life and give the life. What are at least three of the benefits people are given in Nordic countries? Hare Krishna! people say that mahabharatha is just a story, a myth cannot be proven. . No wonder no one chants ,around here, anyway, or anywhere. Jesus says do not throw pearls at swinethey may trample you underfoot! But above all this the Battle of Kuruksettra was Krishnas plan. So please read Srila Prabhuapadas Bhagavad-gita As It Is for yourself. Madhudvisa dasa My first contact with a Hare Krishna was a most merciful Mataji in Oxford Street, London who sold me a "Higher Taste" cook book in 1984 while I was on holidays there. I would to know more about what happened in the movement after he left his body. Arjuna asked Krishna to place his chariot between the two armies so that he could see both the armies and get a clear idea of the situation before the battle commenced. Hare Krishna Advice given to Arjuna by Shri krishna is the subject of entire Bhagvad gita. It is believed that here Lord Sree Krishna under the holy banyan tree (vat) located here delivered the . There is no corresponding assurance in the Bhagavad- gita that practice of ordinary Vedic dharma will make one a pure devotee of the Lord. Spiritual realization and not war is the subject matter of the Bhagavad Gita. Thanks. After some plead we got it but on the condition that it had to be returned within one week. The Gita is a powerful message because even Arjuna, a failure candidate was fully convinced and fought the war . ( Krishna of course had a very large and powerful army) am sure god who created this whole planet, stars, people etc can just with it words destroy the other army. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I have begun the study of the Bhagavad-Gita and am finding it most interestingto think it is the very words of God is incredibleI say this as one who comes from a Christian background and was at one time an Anglican priest but stepped away because of problems I could no longer ignore with the Bible. It is only a sign of our immaturity in Krishna consciousness. Your Servent This dharma differs according to the class and caste into which a person is born. He told Arjun that this was a righteous war; a war of Dharma. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. That is why Krishna is neutral because the whole affair isn't real. Spiritual life all the great saints and sages who appear in Prabhupadas books and get contact. 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what did krishna told arjuna in bhagavad gita
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