The show is based on Jay Asher's young adult novel of the same name, and the first season brings the events of the book to life as a young girl named Hannah Baker commits suicide and leaves a box of tapes explaining the reasons why. For leaving Hannah at her request, after they shared a kiss. She had been dreaming that she would have her first kiss with Justin there, next to a large, metal rocket-ship play structure. Justin tells Clay that he lied to his parents Clay tells him that his oldsters are not his: " They by no means depended on you, that is why they drug tested you". We see her finally turning herself in, but we'll have to see if she is charged for a role in his death, and how it will impact her in the future. Mrs. Baker asked Tony about Clay; Tony told her that he doesnt know what his relationship with Hannah was like. There is a inscription at the bottom saying "THERE ARE OTHERS", meaning there are other people who wronged Hannah. Character Information Episode 13 of the Netflix drama saw Tyler Down (played by Devin Druid) getting raped by jock Monty de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos) with devastating repercussions. Alex Standall had made a two-column list of girls in the school: Whos hot and Whos Not. Alex put Hannahs name under Best Ass in the Freshman Class and put Jessica Davis down for Worst. Hannah says that Alex did this to anger Jessica and chose Hannah because most people already had a perverted image of her. When he wouldn't tell them where he got the jacket from and called Tony "tiny", Tony beats him up.[16]. He says that the garage was never his dream; his dream was for Tony to have a better life than he did and this scholarship can give him that. Clay doesnt know why he would be included on the tapes, which upsets him. Renews January 25, 2023 [33], In class, Clay asked Tony if he had been in touch with Mrs. Baker. Purchasing I totally ship the two, and I believe they might get together, maybe even just kiss, in season 2! For listing Hannah's ass as the best one of school in order to spite Jessica for refusing to have sex with him, this further destroying her friendship with Jessica and her reputation. Caleb asked Tony what's going on with him, and Tony replied that its about the trial and the leaked tapes. This is cassette number nine, the story about Clay. Tony, seeming honest enough, said it was no sweat, and told him to be careful while riding his bike though, since he'd fallen off the bike earlier. For taking a racy picture of Hannah on a date and allowing Bryce to spread the photo to the entire school and for sparking the rumors of her being a "slut" and for breaking her heart. Hannah talked to Justin on the phone, then they met and kissed by the rocket ship. Clay knows of several rumors, including one where Hannah let Justin put his hands under her shirt. Caleb wanted to go in the boxing ring with him before he's done with his sessions, but Tony refused. Members will be prompted to log in or create an account to redeem their group membership. I totally ship the two, and I believe they might get together, maybe even just kiss, in season 2. The fight doesnt start off great but after encouragement and advice from Caleb, he manages to make the winning shot. Hannah mentions that the map indicates locations that are referenced on the tapes. It doesn't take place in a single night. There is nothing better than watching TV for entertainment at any age. $18.74/subscription + tax, Save 25% Relationships For humiliating Hannah in public on their One Dollar Valentine's date, and for destroying her reputation. For raping Hannah in his hot tub, and for breaking her soul. The next day, Caleb asked Tony how he knows that Clays innocent and to tell him the truth about what happened after homecoming. [22] They talked, and Tony revealed he was afraid of ruining everything for the Baker's, his family and them. Hannah has given a second set of tapes to one of their classmates, the identity of whom Clay later discovers, and warns the people on the tapes that if they do not pass them on, the second set will be leaked to the entire student body. Tony told her that if she is, it can't help the trial because she doesn't know what happened to Hannah. Fanii se sperie sezonul 3 din 13 motive pentru care dup ce s-a dezvluit c Bryce Walker a fost ucis. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Hannah rules that the recipients must listen to the tapes and then pass them on, and she gives the listeners permission to laugh, another signal of her control of the situation. At Monets, Ryan told Tony he had been called to testify and gave him the pages from Hannahs journal that are about Tony beating up someone. When confronting Tony, he admitted he had confronted Bryce about this. am i the only one who lowkey ships clay and tony?? Tony deejays at the Love is Love dance; Tyler ends up showing up to the dance to help Tony. Tyler offers to be his cutman. Olivia Baker discovered the diagram after she went through Hannah's things and later used it on her billboard to map out Hannah's life as she described in her tapes. Every. Want 100 or more? Tyler notices Tony trying to flee through the crowd, Tyler tries to convince him to stay, but Tony dismisses it because this could mark his third strike. Hannah includes herself on this Cassette as well as she did nothing to stop Bryce from raping Jessica. Along with the tapes, the box came with a paper map of the city that Hannah wants the listener (or in this case, Clay) to use, in order to guide them to the places she mentioned on the city where events had taken place. Netflix recently aired its fourth and final season of the drama "13 Reasons Why." During season four, one notable character died and many of the show's loose ends were tied up. Through Tape number 12, Bryce Walker, who broke my soul.Hannah describing the short version of why they're all on the tapes. I have all of this shit in my life that I'm afraid of. Upon opening it, he discovers that it is a shoe box containing seven cassette tapes recorded by the late Hannah Baker, his classmate and emotional crush who recently committed suicide. Did you know you can highlight text to take a note? Season 3 When he gets called to the office, Tony follows suit and tails him to see if hes telling the truth. Deputy Standall didnt tell the other cops about what Tony (or the others) did and closed the case. When we act out of anger or fear, we can hurt people we don't mean to hurt. Sheriff Diaz is present in the fight and complements Tony on his win. Alive For leaving Hannah at her request, after they shared a kiss. I tried, I tried to honor her memory. Pratters Mrs. Antilly Jane Childs Mr. Cantrell Mrs. Cantrell Laura Jamie Garrison Todd and Steve Crimsen Robert Wells Mason Porter Harris Atkins Mrs. Atkins Javen Reynolds Noelle Davis Peter Standall Mrs. Down Seth Massey Tracy Porter, Clay Jensen Hannah Baker Tony Padilla Zach Dempsey Jessica Davis Justin Foley Olivia Baker Bryce Walker Alex Standall Tyler Down Lainie Jensen Kevin Porter Andrew Baker Montgomery de la Cruz Matt Jensen Courtney Crimsen Sheri Holland Marcus Cole Ryan Shaver Greg Davis Dennis Vasquez Chle Rice Gary Bolan Sonya Struhl Nina Jones Cyrus Skye Miller Bill Standall Jackie Scott Reed Caleb Karen Dempsey Mackenzie Nora Walker Mrs. Bradley Jeff Atkins Mr. Down Rick Wlodimierz Amber Foley Noelle Davis Mrs. Down Barry Walker Privacy Policy. Tony asked his probation officer for help due to his experience with runaways. Tony introduced them to each other and invited Ryan to sit with them. Tony confronted Bryce at the Chatham House and accused him of buying his car out of guilt for getting his family deported. Youve successfully purchased a group discount. Liberty High School (Formerly)University of Nevada Tony wasn't on the tapes and he also took no part in the making of the tapes. For stealing a poem she wrote noting her personal problems and publishing it in the school newspaper without her consent, and for breaking her spirit. If you remember in episode 8, Tony takes Clay on a terrifying climbing excursion to help Clay clear his head. Hannah wanted it to be tapes. Tony asked Clay why he's taking a long time to listen to the tapes; Clay explained that it's because he finds it hard to hear Hannah's voice. The most significant difference between 13 Reasons Why the show and 13 Reasons Why the book is that the book takes place in a single night, with Clay . In the second season, Hannah is still in Clay's head, but as a semi-corporeal entity that helps him work through some of his complicated issues. Creator Brian Yorkey (created for television by) Stars Dylan Minnette Katherine Langford Christian Navarro See production, box office & company info Watch on Netflix S1-4 with subscription More watch options When Graciella asked when their parents were coming back, Tony took her to a mirror and told her that no matter what happens, they remember how good they are. Many of the main characters ended the season with plans to head to college. Clay sits on the curb and listens to the tape as Hannah announces that Alex Standall is the next person to be discussed. By the time he got to Hannah's house, she was being taken away by the ambulance in a body bag. He told him what if he didn't want to listen to the tapes, to which Tony replied that it would only get worse.[3]. He bid him goodbye and headed for his front door as Tony drove away. More specifically, these 'reasons' were actually people whose actions had contributed to her decision. Education By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Because Tony's on the witness list, he had to use his brother's ID to get in. Tony and Clay at a graveyard in "Tape 3, Side A", Clay and Tony talking in the school's hallways in "The First Polaroid", Clay and Tony hugging in "You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves", Clay and Tony driving off in the last scene of the series in "Graduation", Caleb comforting Tony in "The Missing Page", Caleb and Tony in "You Can Tell the Heart of a Man by How He Grieves", Tony and Caleb kissing after Tony won a boxing match in "Acceptance/Rejection". 13 Tapes - To explain to the subjects how they played a role in her suicide, To narrow down the names of people who hurt Hannah and as a source for her tapes. Read Henlo from the story 13 REASONS WHY SMUT IMAGINES + PREFERENCE// REQUESTS OPEN// by Al0nleygirllol (Angel ) with 9,471 reads. That relationship is somewhat short-lived after Skye's self-harming lands her in the hospital, and she is eventually transferred to a mental health facility. Tony is shown to extremely remorseful for what he did by ignoring Hannah and as such is shown to be dedicated to fulfilling her final wishes to deliver the tapes to all those on her list that she reveals are the reasons for why she ended her life. He tells her that if she can't name Bryce or confront him, she needs to try to "move on", which ultimately, is what she does after the conversation. Courtney Crimsen is a recurring character on 13 Reasons Why. If someone receives the tapes, they must listen to all of them and then mail them to the next person on a list of names. He doesn't say 'HELL NO BRO EWWW". Tony knew from a young age that he was different and tried things with girls before realizing that he's gay. Bryce didn't believe that was true and said he was sorry. They started asking each other about their whereabouts on homecoming night; Tony said that he was with Caleb and Clay said he was all alone. For not helping Hannah after she told him about her sexual assault and suicidal thoughts, and failing to realize she was asking for help when she was giving "life one more chance. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! Clay experiences blackouts and, at one point, is admitted to the psychiatric ward of a hospital after stealing a gun from a police officer and waving it around. Clay sits on the curb outside of Blue Spot Liquor and pulls out the second tape from his backpack setting the side marked 3 to play. Tony corrected him by saying it was a guy. Tony skipped his boxing class and went to Monets instead, where Caleb found him. Eventually, Hannah and Clay make their way to Jessica's bedroom to deal with their mounting sexual tension. They would hang out from time to time and Hannah would encourage Tony to ask out Ryan. Clay is frightened to hit the play button again, but he continues listening. Alex spent most of his high school experience determined to not feel anything about his sexuality, or even attempt to figure it out. Maybe the rumors, the tapes and Hannahs suicide would not have happened. The dance One of the football players at the dance calls Jessica amazing and admires her activism "If you really want to make Justin jealous, you know where to find me". Once he realised what happened it was too late. They serve as the overall narrative for the entire first season of 13 Reasons Why. The cassette describes an important party, that Clay On the way to the party, Hannah walks past her old house. Throughout the book, characters show how Hannahs suicide has profoundly affected them. . Tony ignored the question and asked Caleb to sign a form for his probation officer. He notices Tony has red paint on his hands, which he explains is from his work in the auto shop. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Who was Hannah sexting in 13 Reasons Why? He is shown to be a good friend to Clay and was also a good friend to Hannah and was one of the only boys at Liberty High who did not ridicule her or sexually harass her. His arrests for assault got brought up. As Clay continues to listen, he decides that he needs to find another way to listen to the tapes, so he plans to borrow an old Walkman from his friend Tony. I'm not in the mood. 1 2 3 4 As a result of appearing on the list, Hannah is subject to unwanted recognition and physical contact, and others ignore or excuse the sexual assault that she experiences. 13 Reasons Why season 4, episode 3, " Valentine's Day" reveals that Clay is truly suffering from the actions of his past. In reality, Tyler (Devin Druid) revealed that Hannah was sexting with Justin after the photo was taken, and later, we learn that . Status Hannah and Tony are good friends hence her giving the tapes to Tony. However, Tony later revealed their friendship isn't the reason she gave him the tapes. For throwing Hannah under the bus to avoid being discovered as one of the people on the kiss' photo, and for destroying her reputation. However, Hannah notes that Clay does not deserve to be on the tapes (she confesses her admiration and like for him) but it was necessary to add him to the reasons because he was important to what happened and she wanted him to know. Tony told Clay that he isnt doing it for Hannah and Clay doesnt know the whole story yet. She took her own life, Clay. Dean Foundry appears to be surprised by this and orders the students to barricade the doors and stay down. [19], Tony and Caleb meet up outside the gym. Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. The man recognized Tony from somewhere but couldnt place him, and Tony left.[21]. By creating the tapes, Hannah regains a sense of ownership and power over her own story and identity that she did not possess in life. 13 Reasons Why - Season 2: Tony beats up a guy in an alley Nano Da Merciless 104K subscribers 1.6M views 4 years ago Tony opens up about his history and past events in his life, including his. Ellman confirms that Clay is dealing with dissociation , which, according to Mental Health America, is a "mental process that causes a lack of connection in a person's thoughts, memory and sense of identity." Tony started to become suspicious of Tyler, especially as it was reported that Bryce was shot in the head. He is the narrator of the story along with Hannah. When going on the Senior Camping Trip, he asks about what he was doing with Deputy Standall during the dance, Tyler replies that he needed someone to talk to so he called him. BlackBlonde (Season 4) I think, sometimes, were keeping them to protect those people. As the tape continues, Hannahs narrative explores how a reputation can reduce someone to a single trait. Tony had a crush on Ryan and asked him out. The novel "13 reasons why", written by author jay asher in 2007, is an young adult book based on a young teenage girl's life. Tony and Clay apologize to Tyler after mistakenly thinking he was back to buying guns and wanting to use them. Tony asked about the guy from the self-defense class, and Caleb revealed that he has PTSD from the assault. The tapes were passed down, in order, to Justin Foley, Jessica . She starts by sharing the story of her first kiss, with Justin Foley, who goes on to inadvertently spread a salacious rumor that begins the sequence of events leading to her suicide. This could lead to the public embarrassment and shame of certain people, while others could face physical harassment charges or jail time. We break down why that was. Live and in stereo. Clay is surprised because Hannah recently killed herself. Tony lied about this, saying he didnt. When Alex and Jess confess to the Liberty High group how Bryce died, the core cast of high schoolers led by Clay Jensen (Dylan Minnette) and newcomer Ani (Grace Saif) scheme and craft a web of lies in order to convince the police that Montgomery de la Cruz (Timothy Granaderos) killed Bryce. Discount, Discount Code However, Clay suddenly shows up and gets in Tony's car while he is waiting for Tyler's arrival in order for the mistaken gun dealing to happen. Secrets to keep. This is the one fair fight in my life, Tony was Hannah's only friend from high school at the scene where. Tony gave the Bakers Hannahs tapes on a USB. One of the people in the accident, an elderly man, told him to run to the house to tell his wife that he was okay. While he claims that Hannah was a friend, Tony himself admits that she was a bit too much to deal with and on the day she killed herself he wanted to avoid her drama for once and did not answer the door and just let her walk away after she arrived to give him the tapes and as such let her walk away to her death. Kat was originally dating Justin but then she moved away. SURE?! Caleb thought this was a bad idea as Tony would get into a lot of trouble and Clay might actually be Bryces murderer.[35]. You can view our. On the way back down from the rock they've climbed, Tony also reveals to Clay that he's gay. Deputy Standall interrogated him about his relationship with Bryce; Tony told him that he didnt really know Bryce and isnt exactly sad about Bryces funeral. Over a year after Hannah's death, Bryce listens to Tony Padilla's copies. Hannah explains that there are thirteen tape-sides. He apologized for not being honest and revealed that Hannah made tapes and he kept secrets for her. Then one day while Hannah was standing at the register, an unnamed male classmate spanked her and announced to the clerk, that the best ass in the freshman class was in his store. Tony pulled Clay into a hug and drove him home, making him promise not to do anything stupid.[11]. Tony pretended to not know what the paper means, which Mrs. Baker didnt believe. Answer: Numberblocks. Clay walks into Blue Spot Liquor and buys and soda and a Butterfinger. Clay cycles to Bryce's house to attempt to get an audio recorded confession out of him, in hopes of getting him to admit that he raped Hannah, he pretends to buy drugs from him and he starts to talk about him and Hannah, to which the extent of, is him getting beat up. It would explain a lot, mainly why he decides to spend SO MUCH TIME looking after Clay. Clay notices Tony staring at him and wonders if Tony is on the tapes somewhere. Tony lied, saying Hannah didnt leave a note for him. Before her death, she leaves behind a box of cassette . This worried Tony, for the reason that this is the place he and Clay had dumped Tylers guns.[32]. Instead, Tony took Clay to a big rock where they started rock climbing. Dar datorit noului i ultimului trailer, am fi putut afla cine este ucigaul i la ce ne-am putea atepta de la noul sezon.Deci cine a fost s-l ia pe Bryce? Will Clay and Tony get together, or kiss even, on 13 Reasons Why? After Tony had beaten up a guy, Hannah hid Tony from the cops. At the boxing match, Tony goes up against a taller and bigger guy. After Kat left and Hannah started talking to Justin, he eventually asked for her number. Eventually, they found a guy that was wearing Justin's varsity jacket. Tony responds, and the two of them sit in silence for a little while, just enjoying each other's company. It outlines "11 Reasons Why Not," and Clay is listed twice. Hannah got hurt. He then inquires about Tonys sexuality and how he knew he was gay, clearly an attempt finding answers to questions about his own sexuality.[38]. Angela Romero was on the list for Best Lips. At a party, while playing spin the bottle, Clay had refused to quit until he had kissed Angelaall because of Alexs stupid list. He and clay brought Tyler home, and stayed the night. Bryce mentioned feeling regret for what he did to Hannah, but Tony said he had no idea how he hurt her as he didn't listen to the tapes. She lists her first crush, a boy who voted her "best ass in the freshman class", a former friend, a peeping Tom, a liar, a goof who takes advantage of her, a hater, a thief who steals her poems, a member of the list that already passed, a cheerleader who crashes into a stop sign, the guidance counselor, and Clay, her soul-mate, all who thought their actions were harmless, or that they wouldn't affect or scar her. The next day, Bryce visited Tony and revealed that his Dad was the one who called ICE and swore he didn't know about it. After hearing the part of the tape where Clay left the bedroom when Hannah told him to, Clay started blaming himself and broke down. A tender kiss is shown between Miles Heizer and Alisha Ilhaan Boe in a new short film. on 50-99 accounts. For example, Ryan offered to go to court with Tony and he made sure he didn't say anything in court that could get Tony in danger. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! At Future Fair, Liberty students gathered to check out the club and institution representatives. Hannah states, A rumor, based on a kiss, is just the beginning. Side A of the first tape ends. As one of the only people who were nice to Hannah, Tony was not one of the reasons for her suicide and was the one entrusted with her tapes. Though Clay did not know Hannah well and regrets not getting to know her better, he is greatly unsettled by her loss, suggesting that teen suicide is traumatic for many people in a community, not just the victims close friends and family. At school, the students have to demonstrate how to stop bleeding from gunshot wounds on a dummy. Friends 13reasonswhy by 16again (- uu) with 2,520 reads. 24. You guys remember season 1, episode 8 when they're walking down after rock climbing and when Tony tells Clay that he's gay? She declares that she hopes the listeners will not find the process easy; what she wants most is for them to understand and feel remorse for the suffering they have caused. Tony started skipping school to work at the family's car repair. [7], Clay gave Tony the tapes, saying that he cant listen and if Tony can tell him the reason hes on the tapes. When Jessica had to testify, Tony, Clay, and Alex went to court to watch it. It's messy and all kinds of awkward, but what kiss isn't, and Tony finds that Clay's hands gripping onto the sides of his jacket serve as an ample distraction from the armrest jutting into his stomach. Tony is shown to be a kind, caring, and loyal person. At Tonys house, Clay finds Tony and his father working on Tonys classic Mustang. Bledar Hyskaj 944 subscribers Clip of The 13 Reasons Why Season 2 Episode 2 (2x2) "Two Girls Kissing" scene Skye is insecure about Clay's fixation with his deceased crush, made all the. The names are circled and connected in order of who appears on her tapes. They discussed helping Tyler and wondered what made him almost shot up the school. For mistakenly believing that Hannah was the reason for her breakup with Alex. A box is found at the foot of Clay Jensen's steps. Their relationship didn't work out, but they remained friendly with each other. Through the audio narrative, Hannah reveals her pain and suffering and the slide into depression that ultimately leads to her suicide. Clay mentioned that he shouldve been there for Tony and that he loves him; Tony then told Clay the same and hugged him. He told Clay about everything that happened. One of those differences is the exact sequence of the tapes. And this is where things getinteresting. Alex fight in high school | 13 reasons why | Movieclips(3/20) - YouTube Watch my other videos on 13 reasons why visiting my channel and playing the 13 reasons why playlists. They ask for Clay to start the car while they work under the hood. Tony and his dad were preoccupied with fixing Tony's old Mustang, so Clay stole the Walkman and made an excuse that his mother was cooking dinner and that he needed to be home. Hannah arranged to meet Justin at Eisenhower Park. Student (Liberty High School) Mechanic (Padilla Automotive) After their conversation ends, Tony s told that Tylers actually meeting Principal Bolan instead of Dr. Singh, as he claimed. Time to time and Hannah would encourage Tony to ask out Ryan next to a big rock where they rock! Use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform saying it was late... Loyal person rock they 've climbed, Tony goes up against a taller and bigger guy the. A SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan and institution representatives already had a crush on Ryan asked. Was Hannah 's house, she was being taken away by the time he got to.... 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13 reasons why tony and clay kiss
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