Did you know that you can get Democracy Now! Existing customers, please log in to view this film. Diana, Our Mother: Her Life and Legacy. 808 certified writers online. "Hot Coffee" Documentary Guide. Her lawyer reaches out to McDonald's and says look, let's settle this whole thing for $90,000, that's going to cover the medical bills, pain and suffering, the whole shebang, let . WOMAN ON THE STREET 1: Mandatory arbitration is how somebody has to be involved in the case, isnt it or something? OLIVER DIAZ: I had to disclose every single penny that I raised. March 27, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hot-coffee-documentary/. Judge Diaz actually was a justice of the Mississippi State Supreme Court until he was targeted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for defeat because he wasnt corporate enough. She is going to trial in May? Saladoff uses Liebecks story, along with three others, to raise the idea that corporations are limiting peoples access to the court system by creating the perception that lawsuits like Liebecks are frivolous. Several interviews with farmers and their families depend on selling their crops . Dialectic is based in Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Essay, Pages 3 (604 words) Views. OLIVER DIAZ: Yes. And so there was this humongous campaign by industry attempting to affect juries, but also attempting to affect senators. It contains thousands of paper examples on a wide variety of topics, all donated by helpful students. Letterman put it on one of his Top Ten lists. A rambunctious road trip reveals the toll that environmental deregulation, A dramatic, musical, documentary satire on class in America that attempts, A non-partisan look at the consequences of big-money campaign donations, 2023 Docuseek, LLCAll rights reserved | Privacy Statement | Accessibility Statement, McDonald's coffee case, corporate America, civil justice system, tort reform, access to justice, frivolous lawsuits, Stella Liebeck, jackpot justice, torts, civil justice, lawsuit, public relations, caps on damages, Colin Gourley, Jamie Leigh Jones, Oliver Diaz, judicial elections, money in politics, judges, corporations, US Chamber of Commerce, big business, judicial system, courts, jackpot justice, contracts, mandatory arbitration,"Hot Coffee",Bullfrog Films. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hot-coffee-documentary/, IvyPanda. I though it was the external script "GFSEX" it seems to be right but when I copy the external script into sannybuilder a. The punitive damages represented two-days' worth of McDonald's coffee sales.What also went largely unreported is the fact that the $2.7MM in punitive damages was reduced, by the judge, to $480,000 . One of those cases is one that a number of people have heard of, but I dont think they would have thought of it as an issue of corporate malfeasance. OLIVER DIAZ: And indicted, yes. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. MAN ON THE STREET 1: Ive heard the two words used separately. Democracy Now! SUSAN SALADOFF: So, Jamie Leigh Jones was 19 years old. And they began to investigate . must. The film premiered at the 2011 Sundance Film Festival on January 24, 2011, and later aired on HBO on June 27, 2011, as a part of HBO films documentary summer . Yet, corporations are able to come in and not have to disclose where their money comes from or how they spend it. More documentaries and journal entries will inform more people about this looming problem (Goldberg & Zipursky, 2010). An eye-opening documentary with jaw-dropping revelations, Hot Coffee exposes how corporations spend millions on propaganda campaigns to distort Americans' view of lawsuits-forever changing the civil justice system. "Hot Coffee Documentary." OLIVER DIAZ: The original opponent, actually, I think he probably fared a little better. SUSAN SALADOFF: This is Judge Oliver Diaz. And he's also involved in the Mario movie so I pray to Miyamoto that the script isn't fucked up for this up and coming film. It also encourages citizens to protect their rights. Because we have followed the case of the former Alabama governor, Don Siegelman . People can learn more about this case by seeing the film Hot Coffee that has premiered here at Sundance. The primary reference was, everybody knows the McDonalds coffee case, therefore we need tort reform. (2020) 'Hot Coffee Documentary'. This is viewer supported news. hot coffee documentary transcript. Jury was out for about 15 minutes and found me not guilty of everything again. The corporate world presents new contracts to fund a new public relationship drive (Schmerler, 2011, p. 2). Another point in Mrs Liebeck's favor- which was pointed out in a documentary called 'Hot Coffee'- was the fact that McDonalds ordered workers to brew their coffee between 180 degrees and 190 degrees. Lay out why youre doing this. Despite these extensive injuries, she offered to settle with McDonalds for $20,000. Hot Coffee (350) 7.5 1 h 28 min 2011 X-Ray NR. 2018 Midterms. AMY GOODMAN: Explain tort. PAUL BLAND: What we started to see was, again and again, our clients had been forced to sign, in fine print of contracts, these mandatory arbitration or forced arbitration clauses. AMY GOODMAN: Though, as your wife says in the film, what perhaps was one of the happiest days in your lives turned out to be one of the most catastrophic in the end. Couple of breaths of this, knocks them right out. First-time filmmaker and former public interest lawyer Susan Saladoff uses the infamous legal battle that began with a spilled cup of coffee to investigate what's behind America's zeal for tort reform. What she didnt know was that embedded in the employment contract is something called a mandatory arbitration clause. MAN ON THE STREET 3: I dont believe I ever have, no. He was actually a major Democratic donor across the United States. But after the election, the U.S. attorney, who was appointed by George Bush was a Republican congressman, a guy who had gotten defeated for Congress, and George Bush put him in for U.S. attorney he then began to investigate Democratic donors to judicial races in Mississippi and began a prosecution of me at that time, a prosecution based upon my campaign contributions. The fact of the matter is that personal injury lawsuits take years to conclude. New York: Independent Institute. But what weve seen lately are these corporations coming in, putting money into judicial races, and theyre promoting candidates who tend to support corporate interest rather than a fair, level playing field for average persons. OLIVER DIAZ: Well, I had to stand for election again. Hot Coffee Documentary. JOANNE DOROSHOW: It is essentially laws that restrict peoples rights to go to court. More than 15 years later, the McDonald's coffee case continues to be cited as a prime example of how citizens use 'frivolous' lawsuits to take unfair advantage of America's legal system. Jim Gash, Associate Dean for Student Life, Associate Professor of Law, Pepperdine University'Hot Coffee is a provocative exploration of Big Business' campaign to weaken the civil justice system. 2020, ivypanda.com/essays/hot-coffee-documentary/. This superb movie should be seen by every US citizen.' My mom was very sick at home, so I needed to help support her. Folks had a chance to observe my judicial record, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce decided that they could get a better candidate for their interests rather than me. In this informative, persuasive documentary, she describes the harsh unfairness of the relentless corporate campaign to dilute or diminish the 7th Amendment right to a jury trial in civil cases, all in the name of tort reform.. I want the truth to finally come out, so that hopefully people can protect their civil rights and protect their access to the courts. harry hill family. And they came into Mississippi at a time when this had never been done before and put millions of dollars into the election against me to support my opponent. We started with the story of Hot Coffee. AMY GOODMAN: Did Karl Rove play any role in this? This documentary reminds the viewer about the controversial McDonalds Coffee case. Hot Coffee . PARK CITY - Hot Coffee is strong brew, a scalding documentary on tort reform that should stir up your blood pressure faster than a triple espresso. Did you know that you can get Democracy Now! Third-degree-burns-hot. We rely on contributions from our viewers and listeners to do our work. By examining the impact of tort reform on the lives of ordinary citizens, the film shows how Americans give up their Constitutional . The viewer also understands how the company profited. POLS 1336 Exam 2. However, the documentary tackles the subject squarely in order to convince the people about the dangers of this reform. AMY GOODMAN: Did your opponent did the original opponent end up in your seat? Do you know that you agreed that instead of going to a jury, that you have to go to a private arbitrator, who is with a company thats picked by the company who cheated you?, ALEX WINSLOW: And when you ask people about binding arbitration and would you knowingly sign away your rights, they say, Well, of course not. And then you ask them, Well, do you have a cell phone? I mean, its like the biggest corporation down there. 693. The issue for us all is, what can and should we do to see that justice is a reality and not just a slogan?' Open Document. 'Hot Coffee' Comes To New Orleans. 11 terms. This documentary follows Robert Caro, the Pulitzer Prize winner, and his editor Robert Gottlieb. JAMIE LEIGH JONES: I had never heard of a mandatory arbitration clause before I had signed my employment contract with Halliburton. Yet, we were being investigated for bribery. Torts and Personal Injury Law. Hot Coffee instead tells the tale of something far less sudden but far more important than the fate of a French financier or the future of Orlando's most (in)famous citizen. The film discusses how different cases have been misused (or used) to promote this issue of tort reform in the United States (Saladoff, 2011). AMY GOODMAN: So, talk about exactly what happened to you. OLIVER DIAZ: I won. Homework Assignment I: "Hot Coffee" The movie, "Hot Coffee", is a documentary film that was created by Susan Saladoff in 2011 that analyzes the impact of the tort reform on the United States judicial system. "Hot Coffee Documentary." Kevin Jagernauth, IndieWire, Saladoff, Susan (Producer) She received third-degree burns over 16 percent of her body, necessitating hospitalization for eight days, whirlpool treatment for debridement of her wounds, skin grafting, scarring, and disability for more than two years. Alan B. Morrison, Associate Dean for Public Interest and Public Service Law, George Washington University'Hot Coffee serves as a wake-up call for Americans to question changes in the judicial process under the guise of tort reform before those changes destroy our system of access to justice.' You were running for your position , OLIVER DIAZ: Well, in Mississippi, Supreme Court elections are Supreme Court races are by popular election. AMY GOODMAN: So, talk about exactly what happened to you. hot coffee documentary transcript. The federal prosecutor said, Well, if its not bribery or campaign finance laws, he must have he must have not properly disclosed this on his income, so were going to indict him for income tax evasion now. I was tried again, completely acquitted. It is for informational purposes only. 2011. He was forced off the bench for three years to fight the charges and was acquitted. SUSAN SALADOFF: Well, I want this film to get out to a general public, so that people can at least have their minds opened to another side of this story of our civil justice system, so that they can vote intelligently, so that they can talk about it intelligently. JOAN CLAYBROOK: This big push to publicize the McDonalds case came in the midst of an attempt to pass federal legislation that was going to limit the consumers right to go to court. They looked at my largest contributor, which was a very good friend of mine named Paul Minor. It looks like nothing was found at this location. The original content of this program is licensed under a. With Chuck Allen, Judy Allen, Jay Angoff, David Arredondo. delivered to your inbox every day? Editor, Cindy Lee; director of photography, Martina Radwan; co-producer, Rebecca Saladoff; music, Michael R. Mollura, Joel Goodman. And none of our clients knew that those provisions were there. Jan Dellinger: Yeah, Bob later in life . What they are is they are literally contracts, where people are asked to sign oftentimes they dont even have a choice to sign. By following four people whose lives were devastated by the attacks on our courts, this thought-provoking documentary challenges the assumptions . The film Hot Coffee informs the viewer about the facts surrounding the case (Saladoff, 2011). The documentary Hot Coffee offers a critical analysis and discussion about tort reform in the country. Laura Nader, Professor of Sociocultural Anthropology, University of California - Berkeley, Author, Law, Culture, Society'A stunning debut with the lively, lucid Hot Coffee, about the spin behind such notions as tort reform, frivolous lawsuits and jackpot justice. You may forget you're even watching a documentary because of how funny and approachable it is. Seinfeld mocked it. I am happy because this documentary has widened my eyes about the ongoing tort reform debate. This is a rush transcript. And she went to work for Halliburton in their IT department. The case against the telephone company was hardly frivolous. The documentary examines the issue from all dimensions using a number of case studies, personal testimonies, and court cases (Helland & Tabarrok, 2006). So the story of Stella Liebeck opens the new documentary " Hot Coffee ," which will be shown Monday on HBO, part of its summer . 0. The infamous hot coffee case against McDonald's is one of the featured stories in this documentary directed by Susan Saladoff. for only $16.05 $11/page. "Hot Coffee" Film Explores How Corporations Are Spending Millions and Spinning the Story to Alter Our Nation's Civil Justice System. Hot Coffee: Directed by Susan Saladoff. The outstanding fact is that the court system should always be ready to protect the rights and liberties of the people. But if you want to change a system, which had become, in the late 1970s, very, very pro-plaintiff, in the view of some, if you want to change it, usually the word reform is used. As Historic Storms & Flooding Kill 19 in California, Why Is Media Ignoring Role of Climate Change. Weve since learned that this is sort of the MO that the Rove and the his machine actually used. At its heart, the . We utilize security vendors that protect and AMY GOODMAN: But this took you off the bench. These clauses are in all of our contracts now. delivered to your inbox every day? JOSEPH KALLAN DAIGLE: Chocolate milk, orange juice, milk? OLIVER DIAZ: Well, I think people are very familiar with elections in America, and for years youve had corporations donating to the executive branch, presidents and governors, of the legislative branch, your House of Representatives and Senate. Yet, corporations are able to come in and not have to disclose where their money comes from or how they spend it. We all know what the criminal justice system is. "Hot Coffee Documentary." Three days after I was acquitted, I was re-indicted again. Then, answer the questions in each . I wanted people to understand that they were giving up their constitutional rights every day to access the courts, and they didnt even know they were doing it. Reagan humorously reports to his audience that, you may be startled to hear that the victim not only sued the driver, as expected, but an action was also brought against the telephone company, as if to suggest that a lawsuit against the telephone company was preposterous. Barista: The Battle for the Perfect Cup is On. But its happening I mean, even though she represents sort of an extreme of what happens in a mandatory arbitration clause, its really happening to all of us. March 27, 2020. https://ivypanda.com/essays/hot-coffee-documentary/. The citizens have continued to suffer because they lack the required cash. We werent able to raise enough to combat these millions that were coming in, and so we took out a loan from the bank. And so, I was faced with having to run an election with massive amounts of money coming in against me and having to raise the resources on my own to [inaudible] -. At that point, they realize how much the tort reform movement has eroded civil rights. Hot Coffee, the debut documentary film from Susan Saladoff's, concentrates on the decades-old debate about limiting money judgments in civil lawsuit cases.The title of the film stems from the widely-reported and commonly-mocked $2.9 million jury verdict awarded in 1994 to Stella Liebeck, an 81-year-old woman who claimed that she was injured because McDonald's served its coffee too hot. I just I wont say the word tort reform, that phrase, because I dont think that it is an accurate representation of whats really going on. Barista: The Battle for the Perfect Cup is On. How the infamous McDonald's hot coffee lawsuit and similar cases were exploited as part of a right wing crusade to weaken civil justice. Even though Stella still won about 680,000, the law that the people past for caps on punitive damages . That doesnt go on your head, baby girl. It is directed by Susan Saladoff, who has practiced as a medical malpractice attorney for at least 26 years. Coffee for All Documentary. Those who believe the nation is suffering from frivolous lawsuits may discover that they were led to that view -- not by facts -- but by clever propaganda.' Such contracts have lobbied for legal frameworks that can take reimbursement decisions away from the justice system (Goldberg & Zipursky, 2010). (2020, March 27). This is a must-see movie for those interested in tort reform and legal justice.' AMY GOODMAN: Did Karl Rove play any role in this? And I wanted to tell the truth. Saladoff follows the Reagan clip with the facts: The telephone booth was erected too close to the highway and had been hit by cars several times before, damaging the phone booth door, which was never properly repaired. 1 Hot Coffee Documentary Paper Yunxin Hu 2014/12/01 The Hot coffee Documentary talked about some real cases about the Its sort of - if youre familiar with the Citizens United case at the U.S. Supreme Court recently, corporations were able to contribute massive amounts of money without having to disclose where those funds come from or even how much money theyve put into the races in Mississippi. The film also features other cases such as Jamie Leigh Jones v. Halliburton Company. These court cases explain how corporations and agencies have spent billions in an attempt to support tort reforms in the United States (Okrent, 2014, p. 58). This movie indicates why business corporations will always win unless the government offers an immediate solution. And again, the Chamber came in, put massive amounts of money against me, and I was defeated in the second election, because of well, you could imagine the publicity that I had received while I was on the bench, and it was very difficult to overcome that. This means it forced her to give up her right to seek redress in court if she was wronged. thecorsair. OLIVER DIAZ: Well, I had to stand for election again. Diego Maradona. In Lieback's hot coffee case against McDonald's, the trial judge reduced the $2.7 million punitive damages verdict to $480,000, while compensatory damages were reduced from $200,000 to . Alabama, they did the same thing. OLIVER DIAZ: Exactly. 33 terms. And I was appointed by the governor when there was a vacancy on the court and then had to stand for election. New York, USA: HBO. The-doctors-weren't-sure-she-would-live-hot. AMY GOODMAN: Did your opponent did the original opponent end up in your seat? (2011). ("Hot Coffee" is available in the museum's gift shop.) Barista is an extremely engaging film about five of the top baristas in the world preparing to compete in the National Barista Championship. LEGL Hot Coffee Documentary TEST 2. Hot Coffee is a 2011 documentary film that analyzes and discusses the impact of tort reform on the United States judicial system. ', 'As a Torts professor, I was riveted to the screen as the movie illuminated many of the issues and injustices currently plaguing our tort system. The most amazing thing is that the public is not aware of the implications of this tort reform. JOSEPH KALLAN DAIGLE: Did she get any on her head? A documentary about the lies that let to 'tort reform.'' AMY GOODMAN: OK, Judge Diaz, tell us your story and what happened. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. This movie should be part of everyone's education.' This is Democracy Now! I did win my first election. Hot Coffee Documentary Review Guide. Hot Coffeelends a strong voice to those who favor fundamental fairness in redressing well-founded personal injury legal claims. The documentary Hot Coffee tells the story of former Mississippi Supreme Court Justice Oliver Diaz. Yeah, its really a disadvantage for candidates. More than simply compensating victims, meritorious lawsuits can force corporate or individual defendants to change or modify the behavior that caused the harm or injury. The jury found me not guilty of everything. The redundant blame always comes back to the claim that frivolous or even fraudulent lawsuits are commonplace. And Halliburton is huge in Houston. The film explains how the idea to cap damages for the injured will always be a major concern. The Oxford Introductions to U.S. Law: Torts. AVAILABLE UNTIL JUNE 26. Tort Reform: refers . Richard M. Alderman, Interim Dean, Director of Consumer Law Center, Chair in Law, University of Houston, Author of Consumer Protection and the Law'Too often, people don't understand how little oversight exists on product design until they are injured and seek compensation for a poorly designed product. The pioneers want to change our thoughts and perceptions about the Civil Jury System. OLIVER DIAZ: I was completely acquitted in the trial. Tonight at 9, HBO. Don't worry, we'll never share or sell your information. Hugo, Carly (Producer) When we come back, well, stay there, listen to this story. This information is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. First-time filmmaker and former public interest lawyer Susan Saladoff uses the infamous . 2020. There were not many statistical studies. OLIVER DIAZ: I was completely acquitted in the trial. And I was appointed by the governor when there was a vacancy on the court and then had to stand for election. Copy may not be in its final form. OLIVER DIAZ: Took me off the bench for over three years. The documentary offers useful highlights to describe how giant companies such as McDonalds have presented new laws to replace the current jury system. In conclusion, every person should be ready to analyze this problem before making his or her final decision. Heres What You Need to Know, How To Choose The Best Doctor For Your Compensation Claim, Commercial Fishing Accidents: What You Should Know, Defense Base Act: Coverage, Benefits and Compensation. (2010). The duo has worked together for over 50 years and has embarked on the final project . Because he was such a good friend of mine, I had never voted on a single case that he had before the Mississippi Supreme Court or me while I was on the bench. McDonalds did a survey of other coffee establishments in the area, and found that coffee at other places was between 30-40 degrees cooler. Liquids at these high temperatures can cause third-degree burns within 3 seconds. However, there were negative slogans against him by Chamber of Commerce. The film also features other cases such as Jamie Leigh Jones v. Halliburton Company. https://www.youtube.com/user/TodayIFoundOut?sub_confirmation=1How "Dick" came to be short for 'Richard': https://youtu.. Lets go to another excerpt. Two cases decided 25 years apart, but there were some facts in common: a hot drink, a consumer alleging that she was burned by the drink, and a lawsuit. After the car stopped, she tried to hold the cup securely between her knees while removing the lid. Until now, those who wish to reform the tort system have played the role of the squeaky wheel. There was a buzz around campus for a couple weeks and the conversations in the hallways and in the classrooms revisited the heart-wrenching struggles that those featured in the movie were going through. The Sundance audience rendered a . IvyPanda. People can learn more about this case by seeing the film Hot Coffee that has premiered here at Sundance. I said, Theres no way they could even pursue this. OLIVER DIAZ: Well, I think people are very familiar with elections in America, and for years youve had corporations donating to the executive branch, presidents and governors, of the legislative branch, your House of Representatives and Senate. The problem is that I can't find the right script. They were able to see who donated. We ran for in the election, which was three weeks after the general election, and were able to win in the runoff. "Hot Coffee Documentary." Episode 50?? SUSAN SALADOFF: Its unbelievable. Yale Journal of Medicine and Law, 8(1), 1-4. The coffee spilled on Liebeck's lap, resulting in second- and third-degree burns over 16 percent of her body. The information on this website is for general information purposes only. student. It tells the stories of four individuals and the impact tort reform laws had on their lives. Here you go. The jury found me not guilty of everything. OLIVER DIAZ: Exactly. Most Americans are likely to realize this is not a full cup of coffee. professional specifically for you? AMY GOODMAN: How long was the jury deliberation? Documentary. OLIVER DIAZ: Took me off the bench for over three years. I did. "Hot Coffee" challenges, in a provocative and sometimes strident manner, one of the few points of widespread consensus in our recent political dialogue: that we need to clamp . Hot Coffee Exposes How Hard Caps on Malpractice Awards Shift Burden to Taxpayers, Juan Gonzlez on 50 Years of Defending and Chronicling Americas Workers, Latinos, Race and Empire: A Talk by Juan Gonzlez, Judge Wendell Griffen on a Life Fighting for Justice, from Protesting Death Penalty to Backing Mumia, Hot Coffee Film Explores How Corporations Are Spending Millions and Spinning the Story to Alter Our Nations Civil Justice System, Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License, Helicopter Crash Near Kyiv Kills 17, Including Ukrainian Interior Minister, U.S. Begins Training Ukrainian Troops at Fort Sill in Oklahoma, Filipino Journalist and Nobel Laureate Maria Ressa Acquitted of Tax Evasion Charges, Election Deniers Marjorie Taylor Greene & Paul Gosar to Join House Oversight Committee, Brazil Charges 39 Bolsonaro Supporters with Staging a Coup, Iranian American Jailed in Tehran Begins Hunger Strike, Peru: Thousands Converge in Lima to Demand Resignation of Dina Boluarte, Greta Thunberg Detained for Second Time in Germany at Coal Mine Protest, Amnesty Seeks Investigation After Jailed Dissident Dies in Equatorial Guinea, Justice Department Wont Seek Death Penalty for Texas Gunman in Walmart Mass Shooting, Faculty at University of Illinois Chicago Launch Strike, Argentina, 1985: Oscar-Shortlisted Film Depicts Historic War Crimes Trial of U.S.-Backed Generals. 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hot coffee documentary transcript
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