The Wokingham Household Support Fund is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and administered by Wokingham Borough Council. We approved the scheme on Monday 14 November 2022. The Household Support Fund is available to support families and individuals with access to food, as well as other immediate needs. For example, households with children and pensioners; food, energy bills, essentials linked to food and energy bills, wider essentials and (in exceptional circumstances) housing support. Loans may be accessed through Wolverhampton City Credit Union. This funding runs from April to September 2022. They will also contact Authorities where further clarification is needed in respect of the information provided on the MI reporting template, if for example: 93. If your application is successful, payment will take 7-10 working days.Please note due to the above processing times, any successful applications submitted after the 25th November may not be paid into your account until the New Year. 46. Completed MI returns should be sent to the DWP. It provides short-term financial support to vulnerable households who struggle to afford. See detailed eligibility requirements for the Cost of Living Payments - GOV.UK, Further details on the Energy Bills Support Scheme - GOV.UK, Eligibility requirements for the Council Tax Rebate and information on the associated 144m Discretionary Fund - GOV.UK. However, when making decisions, Authorities should consider the risks involved. 76. You can use the form below to apply for help through LWP and al Authorities should deduct their administration costs from the total allocation to determine the amount remaining. Authorities are also encouraged to use existing tools at their disposal to verify personal bank accounts. Household Support Fund (Updated: 21st November 2022 .). 75. Where a homeowner is having difficulty with their mortgage payments, they should contact their lender as soon as possible to discuss their circumstances as lenders will have a set procedure to assist. 22. The Fund can also be used to support households with the cost of food and water bills, essential costs related to energy, food and water, and with wider essential costs. It is the amount that will be used to determine the grant funding payment from DWP to cover the full cost of administering the grant in an Authority area. Under the Equality Act 2010, all public authorities must comply with the Public Sector Equality Duty. Household Support Fund October 2022 to March 2023 The Household Support Fund is money given to councils by the Government to help people in need of financial support. Household Support Fund Household Support Fund In this section Household Support Fund notice How does the scheme work? Due to the limited nature of this fund, we are only able to make one award to each household. 1. 79. An example would be the award of a food voucher on 31 March 2023 to a vulnerable household. Table 6: Total Value of Awards Split by Access Routes. Wed like to set additional cookies to understand how you use GOV.UK, remember your settings and improve government services. In particular, LAs should prioritise those who have not already received additional support for the cost of living. You will be contacted by an advisor within a month of applying (we call from withheld. Where eligible, ongoing housing support for rent must be provided through the Housing cost element of, In exceptional cases of genuine emergency, households in receipt of. Alternatively, Authorities may want to consider: 105. The funds are available until the 31 March 2023 or earlier if the funds have been exhausted. These include for example: small IT changes, for example, to facilitate MI production. Authorities should ensure that they consider and put in place suitable controls when making use of vouchers as part of The Fund. We expect Authorities to work with district councils to ensure support is going to those with genuine need and to help minimise the risk of fraud on housing support. Telephone: 0191 4352088. This includes the Cost of Living Payments set out on 26 May 2022 and the energy support set out on 3 February (enhanced on 26 May 2022), and detailed on 29 July 2022 (details on eligibility for these schemes are at Annex A). Note, all cells which automatically populate are shaded grey and are protected. The Chancellor spoke in the House of Commons on Wednesday, March 23, and announced that he is doubling the Household Support Fund to 1 billion, to give local authorities the support they need to help people in their local area. Residents in financial hardship can self-refer to the Household Support Fund for support with food and energy vouchers, or alternative . In particular, we encourage. Authorities should consider household circumstances when making a decision on how to spend this grant. It is important to be vigilant to fraud and error risks in relation to housing costs, and to assure yourself that the appropriate checks are in place. We also require you to copy your Chief Financial Officer/Section 151 Officer into the email, providing this assurance when you return the MI template to DWP. Every area must operate at least part of their scheme on an application basis. Residents are eligible if they have: an annual household net income of less than 30,000 and; savings of less than 16,000 96. The Household Support Fund is available to anyone, you don't have to be in receipt of Universal Credit or any other benefits payments. In October 2022, DWP will also introduce a further data share for those who are only in receipt of HB. Where can vouchers be used? The Household Support Fund is a separate payment to the Government's Cost of Living Payments being administered directly by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). 4. Cambridgeshire Holiday Voucher Scheme (CHVS) Assistance through Household Support Fund ended on 31 March 2022. The Authority directly provides vouchers to vulnerable households as a result of the Authority proactively identifying the recipients. DWP will also continue to engage with Authorities throughout the course of The Fund and will provide opportunities to engage with the department and other Authorities to share good practice and work collaboratively. We are also providing Authorities with details of those in receipt of Guarantee Credit and/or Savings Credit element of Pension Credit and their appointees if appropriate, as well as for all claimants on ESA (IR). The final MI return will be used to determine total eligible spend to 31 March 2023 and a final grant payment will be made to your Authority for this period when the information in your return has been verified. 27. The funding can be used for support / assistance with: Additional support is available for the following: If you need support with essential household items or other essentials, please contact Customer Services on 01902 290241 (option 2) who will refer you to the relevant Community Organisation. A food bank operates on an open basis where anyone can turn up and pick up food and supplies. Rows 1 and 2 relate to grant awards made by Authorities (including District Councils) directly to vulnerable households, and grant awards to vulnerable households made by TPOs. Authorities will need to ensure they sign future iterations of the MoU and the appropriate Annex to continue to have the legal permission to access the data sources for LWP. If you have any specific questions about the form, please do contact us on 01428 654305 or email 116. 100. Application Form. The Household Support Fund (HSF) is provided by the Government and administered by BCP Council. If you are not a tenant of one of the organisations listed above, then please apply for the Household Support Fund by visiting Support is available to households in Birmingham over the summer using funding from the government's Household Support Fund. Housing costs. This may include, but is not limited to, people who are entitled to but not claiming qualifying benefits, people who are claiming Housing Benefit (HB) only, people who begin a claim or return to payment of a benefit after the relevant qualifying date as well as people who have fuel costs but who cannot access the 400 of energy support from the Energy Bill Support Scheme or the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022. Please visit our new page for the latest HSF news. This group is not eligible for the means-tested Cost of Living Payments unless they are of State Pension age or eligible for a Disability Cost of Living Payment. Fraudsters can target funds of this type. 36. Authorities could make the entirety of their scheme application based. Some of the funding will be set aside for applicants who come directly to the council for assistance. News stories, speeches, letters and notices, Reports, analysis and official statistics, Data, Freedom of Information releases and corporate reports. For the purpose of this section: 53. Your council may have chosen a different name than Household Support Fund. Wider essentials. Applications to the. There is no prescriptive definition of essentials. 39. Grants and financial schemes A number of private housing assistance packages are available in Wolverhampton to help with adaptations, repairs, improvements or to get on the property ladder. If the payment is in relation to both food and energy in equal measures put 50% of the award in each of the two categories. . You can apply if you: Are aged 18 or over. Note: County Councils and Unitary Authorities will be referred to as Authorities and the Household Support Fund will be referred to as The Fund throughout the remainder of this guidance. The objective of The Fund is to provide support to vulnerable households in most need of support to help with significantly rising living costs. The Household Support Fund provides assistance to Newham residents who are experiencing financial hardship. Facilities grants can range from minor works such as installing ramps to major works such as extensions (up to a maximum of 30,000). The Household Support Fund was created to help those in need. When deciding how to help people, Authorities should consider: 18. Elections. 25. This new grant will run from 06 October 2021 to 31 March 2022 and totals 500m. For these purposes financial irregularity includes fraud or other impropriety, mismanagement, and the use of grant for purposes other than those for which it was provided. Staff accessing Searchlight will need to be registered with the Employee Authentication System. 82. Authorities must use their judgement to decide what legal powers and funding can be used to support individuals who are ineligible for public funds or statutory housing assistance. What the Household Support Fund is. Phone: 01902 551166. This HSF Extension covers the period 1 April 2022 to 30 September 2022. 122. We may need the Authority to explain why that is the case and provide supporting evidence. 48. It is expected that the focus of support should be on bills and that support for housing costs should only be given in exceptional cases of genuine emergency. Authorities who have signed and returned the relevant section (Annex C) of the current DWP/LA MoU have legal permission to access DWPs Searchlight portal and specific UC, Pension Credit, ESA (IR) and HB only data through a monthly data share for the purpose of The Fund. the volume of awards should be included in Table 3 row 2 (Volumes) column a and row 2 column b based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split the volume of awards spent across these categories. A customer may only receive payment through 1 application route unless there are exceptional circumstances, or you have a child in reciept of High Level Disability Living Allowance (DLA). The UC, Pension Credit, ESA (IR) and HB only data will be provided monthly via Transfer Your File. The definition of committed spend for the purpose of The Fund does not affect its accounting treatment in accordance with normal rules. Where Authorities (including District Councils) issue awards directly to vulnerable households they should either obtain information at source or via information or data they have access to, in order to complete the split of spend and number of awards across the reporting categories. In addition, where a trusted organisation/professional has assessed your needs, a secondary application can be submitted by them on your behalf. Paragraph 52 (previously paragraph 50), has been updated to clarify reporting requirements for Households with Children and Households with Pensioners. This cell will automatically populate from the figures in rows a and b. 9. 3. Table 3: Total value of awards split by household composition. Table 4: Total Value of Awards Split by Category. 56. The Household Support Fund funding allocation includes reasonable administration costs to enable Authorities to deliver The Fund. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. To support with the cost of living, Hertfordshire has been provided with funding from the Government's Household Support Fund (HSF). 32. 115. These values should be reported in column c (Third Party Organisations) of Table 5 and column c (Other) of Table 6. As paragraph 5 above, Authorities should also have a process to consider applications for support. 74. have fuel costs but who cannot access the 400 of energy support from the Energy Bill Support Scheme or the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022. The fund will close on 31 March 2023 . This will be checked against DWP records. These could be redeemable at a number of food outlets including supermarkets or food banks. the number of households helped should be included in Table 3 row 3 (number of households helped) column a and row 3 column b based on the information the Authority has been capturing to split the number of households helped across these categories. You can change your cookie settings at any time. The deadline for completing these returns is shown in the table below. Volumes: this is the number of individual/separate payments made to vulnerable households within the eligibility criteria. The IFR application form includes NHS number, name and address, date of birth, GP details, diagnosis, requested intervention and other information relevant to the request. The Household Support Fund is being classified as Local Welfare Provision (LWP). For the purposes of this grant, you should consider how any support that helps people facing severe financial hardship impacts those with characteristics protected under the Equality Act. For audit purposes where an Authority recycles and reuses expired vouchers the Authority must confirm by email to the DWP copying in the Section 151 Officer: 106. Therefore, if an Authority identified a group of potential claimants who may be eligible for The Fund from their own records, they can access Searchlight to verify each claimants DWP benefit entitlement (although benefit entitlement is not a condition of support). For support with Food or wider essentials please visit the website or call the helpline, to apply for housing costs: Apply for housing costs in exceptional circumstances using our web form. Row 3 refers to the number of households helped. 111. Please do not contact us about the funding, we'll be in touch if you're eligible. 40. By Tangible Items we mean products that are of a physical nature such as clothing or household items. 124. 73. We will launch the. The aim is that the HSF 3 should primarily be used to support households in the most need with food, energy and water bills. Well send you a link to a feedback form. 28. Authorities should particularly consider how they can support those vulnerable households who are ineligible for other government support with the cost of living, including the: 26. If you have any queries about the content of this guidance or use of the funding, you can contact the DWP. Funding will be used primarily to support households with essentials costs related to food, energy and water bills. Energy Bills Support Scheme and the equivalence package confirmed on 29 July 2022, Council Tax Rebate and the associated 144 million Discretionary Fund, Cost of Living Payments for those on means tested benefits, One-off 300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment (through the Winter Fuel Payment), are eligible for but not claiming qualifying benefits, become eligible for benefits after the relevant qualifying dates, are ordinarily eligible for benefits but who had a nil award in the qualifying period due to, for example, a fluctuation in income. At the end of the The Fund we will also ask for a summary of spend against the final delivery plan with this due at the same time as the final MI in April 2023. DWP will continue to respond to questions we receive via the designated inbox as quickly as possible. Applications will be reviewed within 7-10 working days. Support which can make a quick but sustainable impact on energy costs is particularly encouraged; for example, insulation of hot water tanks, fitting draft excluders to a door, or replacing inefficient lightbulbs or white goods. For more information on the grant or to apply please contact Citizens Advice Richmond by freephone 080 82 78 78 73. Applications were invited if you live in the Dudley Borough and: You are the only adult in the household and your gross income, including wages and any other income (for example, pensions and all benefits), is less than 35,000 per year and your savings are less than 6000. Household Support Fund (HSF) The HSF grant is a one-off award that could help to buy food, gas, and electricity. We also use cookies set by other sites to help us deliver content from their services. The Household Support Fund was distributed by councils in England to directly help those who needed it most. This is because you know that the purpose of the grant is for children and the nature of support is clothing which comes under wider essentials. We will collect data to ensure that this grant . If you have already . We may need the Authority to explain why that is the case and provide supporting evidence. the standard lookup code for your authority, The second telephone number (if applicable) of the, If appropriate the surname of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the forename of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the address of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the telephone number of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, If appropriate the second telephone number of the Personal/Corporate Acting Body as reported on the, use discretion on how to identify and support those most in need, taking into account a wide range of information, use the funding from 1 October 2022 to 31 March 2023 to meet immediate needs and help those who are struggling to afford energy and water bills, food, and other related essentials. 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household support fund application form wolverhampton
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