Username. Niger: August 2017 October 2017 Purple Heart Here are the other U.S. soldiers killed in Niger", "City to host memorial service for Green Beret killed in Niger", "DoD releases names of 3rd Special Forces Group soldiers killed in Niger", "Fayetteville funeral held for Green Beret killed in Niger", "Pentagon identifies fourth soldier killed in Niger attack", "More than 1,000 mourn Sgt. [67] Johnson had her name tattooed on his chest. Special Forces Tab The 2017 ambush pitted the outmanned and outgunned 11 U.S. troops and their 30 Nigerien partners against scores of enemy fighters armed with mortars, truck-mounted heavy machine guns and rocket-propelled grenades. ISIS release helmet camera footage of soldiers Byan Black, Jeremiah Johnson, Dustin Wright and La David Johnson being killed in Niger. Rank: Staff sergeant (E-6), effective June 2015posthumously promoted to sergeant first class (E-7), effective Oct. 4, 2017. Combat Infantryman Badge (posthumous), MOS/Branch: Special Forces engineer sergeant (18C), Dates of Service: July 2012 October 2017, Deployments: [114], On 18 December, Jones-Johnson accused the Department of Defense of lying to her family about how her son was killed. But I am honored that they finally decided to upgrade him.. By Jack Moore On 1/25/18 at 7:00 AM EST. In addition to Jeremiah Johnson, Wright and Black, Sgt. That was downgraded to an Army Commendation Medal by Thomas in early 2019. [104], In October 2017, Defense Secretary James Mattis said that the ambush was "considered unlikely". At 1522 on 6 October 2017, the Nigeriens transferred the remains of SGT L. Johnson to U.S. custody. Name. [134], Six medals were awarded to Nigerien soldiers. [20], The ambush remains the largest loss of American lives in combat in Africa since the Battle of Mogadishu in 1993. Meritorious Service Medal In March 2018, more than five months after the attack, the SUV used by the Americans and the helmet cam footage was discovered by Tuareg Rebels in Mali after clashes with bandits in the border area. The new footage provided a more comprehensive understanding of Johnsons actions during the ambush, and directly led to the decision for the upgraded award, Army spokesman Matt Leonard confirmed. ", The attackers brought up a truck-mounted heavy machine gun and raked the tree, the summary said. SSG Jeremiah W. Johnson 4 October 2017, Niger Special Forces. Dustin M. Wright, 29, of Lyons, Ga. All four were killed in Niger, when a joint patrol of American and Niger forces was ambushed on Oct. 4, 2017, by militants believed linked to the Islamic State group. Clockwise from upper left (ascending order for mobile users): Staff Sergeant Bryan Black, Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Johnson, Staff Sergeant Dustin Wright, Sergeant La David Johnson. The tree where Sgt Johnson's died, seen from an islamist firing position.png 937 616; 541 KB. At Dachau's cold-water immersion baths, Nazi doctors calculated death to arrive at around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. La David Johnson, 25, of Miami Gardens, Florida; Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright, Staff Sgt. 1st Class Jeremiah W. Johnson have both received the Bronze Star with "V" device. The T-6B Texan II is a two-seat turboprop used to train Navy and Marine Corps pilots in flight school. Myeshia Johnson wanted to see her husband's body, but was reportedly not allowed to do so by the military. [97] On 19 October, McCain said that a subpoena may be required to determine what happened in Niger. Staff Sgt. Username. Approximately 960 meters (1,050yd) from the initial ambush site, LaDavid took cover under a dense thorny tree and engaged the encroaching enemy. Air Assault Badge Im glad that theyre recognizing him for what he did, Gannon said, recalling the recently recovered helmet camera footage. Simultaneously, Black was slightly ahead of the SUV and was hit by small arms fire, killing him instantly. ABC News' investigative journalist James Gordon Meek remembers reporting on the ambush of Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 3212, an Army Special Forces team, in Tongo Tongo, Niger, on Oct. 4 . Niger - 4 October 2017- Bryan Black- Jeremiah Johnson- La David Johnson Sergeant First Class Jeremiah W. Johnson of Springboro, Ohio, was killed while conducting a reconnaissance patrol near Tongo Tongo, Niger, on 4 October 2017. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . 1st Class Jeremiah Johnson, who was killed in action in the 2017 attack and decorated with the Bronze Star Medal with "V" for Valor, praised the French but said the U . [91] On the same day, three reporters from the Los Angeles Times wrote that his response "illustrated the hazards of his extemporaneous governing style, the disorganization within his White House, and his refusal to back down in the face of criticism". They would establish a perimeter and began treating the wounded. [21], The ambush sparked political debate over the presence of US forces in Africa and brought attention to previously under-reported US military activities in the region. Johnson acknowledged the order and attempted to get behind the wheel, but heavy fire drove him back. The top U.S. military officer, Army Gen. Mark Milley, has delivered a message to Ukrainian soldiers at a new training program Two of three NATO surveillance planes deployed temporarily to Romania have arrived at an air base near Bucharest. The lowest recorded core temperature in a surviving adult is 60.8 degrees. The Tongo Tongo ambush occurred on 4 October 2017, when armed militants from the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) attacked Nigerien and U.S. soldiers near the village of Tongo Tongo, Niger, while they were returning to base from a mission. Wright also received the Silver Star after he maneuvered multiple times across open terrain through intense and accurate fire from an overwhelming hostile force to protect and recover two of his fallen comrades, his award citation stated. Through the night of the 4th, the team made their movement north and reached the objective officials referred to as "objective north" at sunrise. The winding tale of how the lightly armed team wound up in the melee, and why the militarys investigation placed primary blame on the ground force rather than senior leaders, has been covered extensively, including in a recent ABC documentary, 3212 UN-REDACTED. They were on a dirt track headed south about 120 miles to Camp Ouallam at the end of a joint patrol that began on Oct. 3. Jeremiah Johnson. Black, killing him instantly," the summary said. Army Good Conduct Medal The clash . Jeremiah Johnson and Sgt. [54], In December 2017, Major General Mark Hicks, the commander of Special Operations Command, Africa (SOCAFRICA), wrote a letter to the Special Operations Forces that read, "To reinforce and clarify guidance going forward I would like to emphasize that we must reduce our risk exposure and build trust in our ability to exercise sound judgment and disciplined planning and execution". [75], A small section of Georgia Highway 1 was named in memorial of Wright in April 2019. [27] A senior US intelligence official told ABC News that at least 21 militants were killed, all of which were buried on the Malian side of the border. Approximately 85 meters (93yd) southwest of the SUV, Jeremiah Johnson was hit by enemy fire and collapsed; Wright stopped running and returned to Jeremiah Johnson's position. Purple Heart La David Johnson were posthumously awarded the Silver Star while Staff Sgt. The documentary shows what happened as the unit was caught in a surprise ISIS attack in outside the Saharan village of Tongo Tongo. [13] Jeremiah Johnson, Sgt. Get the latest DOD News products delivered to your inbox. 1st Class Jeremiah Johnsons mother, Debra Gannon, said helmet camera footage that militants took from the Americans kit helped trigger an upgrade for her sons award, which was previously a Bronze Star with Valor. Air Assault Badge He served as a Special Forces engineer sergeant, or an 18C. [124], On 12 January 2018, the ISGS claimed responsibility for the attack after a long delay. Armed Forces Service Medal Bryan Black, Sgt. Under heavy fire, seven American and four Nigerian soldiers would run through the wooded area and break contact with the enemy. The patrol's leader, an Army captain who was not identified in the summary; the Nigerien commander; and several Nigerien soldiers worked their way around from the south in an effort to outflank the attackers. [103], On 9 May 2019, US Representative Ruben Gallego urged senators to oppose Patrick M. Shanahan's nomination as Secretary of Defense, alleging that he "mishandled" the investigation into the Tongo Tongo ambush. The ambush left five Nigeriens, [11] four Americans, [7] and 21 militants dead. [28] On 19 October, Kelly, whose son was killed in the War in Afghanistan in 2010, defended Trump's call with the widow of La David Johnson. [66] His funeral was held in Fayetteville, North Carolina, on 19 October 2017.[66]. "During the movement, enemy small-arms fire hit Staff Sgt. "Realizing that the team was significantly outnumbered by a well-trained force, the Team Ouallam commander returned to the vehicles and ordered everyone to break contact and withdraw to the south," the summary said. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. All rights reserved. Afghanistan: July 2015 - September 2015, Awards: Who Is the Army Punishing? Meritorious Service Medal He was from Springboro, Ohio. Forces in Niger Were Denied Armed Drone", "Pentagon suspects Green Berets in Niger killed by self-radicalized group", "Top US general reveals new info on Niger ambush", "Attaques jihadistes: le Niger sous le feu", "Video showing deadly ambush of US soldiers in Niger raises new questions", "U.S. soldier in Niger ambush was bound and apparently executed, villagers say", "Missing soldier found nearly a mile from Niger ambush, officials say", "Additional remains of Sergeant La David Johnson found in Niger", "Puyallup Green Beret killed in Niger once was a chess whiz and stock", "Trump's call to one widow has dominated the news. La David Johnson and Staff Sgt. As they advanced toward the ambush site they engaged and killed several militants before retreating to a safe position due to overwhelming fire. La David Johnson was born on January 2, 1992, in Miami, Florida. Johnson enlisted in the Army in October 2007 as a Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear Specialist. [101] After the briefing, Senator Ted Cruz said that "on the initial assessment there were not significant steps that could have been taken to prevent this assault". The version shown to defense reporters was 10 minutes long, compared to the 22-minute version shown to members of Congress. Meritorious Service Medal However, they submitted a CONOP that was copied from a previous routine reconnaissance patrol. [56], On 6 October, the body of LaDavid Johnson was found by children tending cattle. Dustin M. Wright", "Lyons community gathers together for SSgt. Wright exited the halted vehicle . Staff Sgt Jeremiah Johnson.jpg 310 435; 19 KB. Jeremiah Johnson, Staff . Parachutist Tab He previously deployed to Jordan in 2012. [41] However, the meeting would drag on with the local leaders delaying the soldiers' departure by stalling and keeping them waiting. Purple Heart She said she didn't like Trump's tone and that she broke down when Trump fumbled her husband's name. [125], Multiple US officials told CNN that the French military was leading an investigation to gather intelligence about the perpetrators of the ambush. [63] US Representative Dennis Heck and Washington State Senator Hans Zeiger spoke at his memorial service. Jeremiah Wayne Johnson. [62] Black graduated from Puyallup High School in 2000. Overseas Service Ribbon Deployments: The team radioed in that they were being overrun, then destroyed their radios to avoid them getting in the hands of the enemy. [91] On CNN, Wilson said, "This might wind up to be Mr. Trump's Benghazi". Jeremiah Johnson, Black and Wright were outside the same vehicle when . Officials at the Pentagon refused to provide further details on the incident during a televised briefing on Thursday, citing ongoing operations and force protection issues. The four U.S. Army soldiers killed were Sgt. [68], In school, Johnson met Myeshia Manual, whom he married on 22 August 2014. Amid the fallout from the ambush, scrutiny placed on U.S. Africa Command highlighted more problems across missions in the region, including poor medical evacuation capabilities and a lack of air support. Bryan C. Black, 35, of Puyallup, Washington; Staff Sgt. A much shorter, edited version was disseminated by the Islamic State group a year after the ambush outside the village of Tongo Tongo, near the Niger-Mali border. First Class Jeremiah W. Johnson, Staff Sgt. [26] In October 2017, there were about 800 US military personnel in Niger, most of whom were working to build a second drone base for US and French aircraft in Agadez. [110] Jones-Johnson said, "President Trump did disrespect my son and my daughter and also me and my husband". Members of the 3rd Special Forces Group, 2nd battalion cry at the tomb of US Army Sgt. Joint Service Achievement Medal He was posthumously promoted to the rank of Sergeant First Class and received the Bronze Star Medal with Valor. Army Achievement Medal (five awards) The Mauritanian Nouakchott News Agency reported Friday, Jan. 12, 2018 that Abu al-Walid al-Sahrawi with the self-professed IS affiliate claimed responsibility for the Oct. 4 ambush about 120 miles (200 kilometers) north of Niger's capital, Niamey. Bagu Soumana was an adjudant-chef (Chief warrant officer) of the BSR. In a statement attributed to Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi, the group said, "We declare our responsibility for the attack on the US commandos last October in the Tongo Tongo region of Niger". Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. All three were assigned to the Armys 3rd Special Forces Group at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Eventually, as enemy combatants pushed forward, they hastily abandoned their position. Jeremiah Johnson, 39, and La David Johnson, 25, died in the rare firefight in Africa involving U.S. troops alongside two Green Berets, Staff Sgt. Michael Perozeni, shouldered much of the blame for the ambush until it was revealed that he asked not to continue the mission after the helicopter assault force they were supporting unexpectedly pulled out due to weather issues, according to the redacted investigation. Little information has been made public about the incident, and the attack is still under investigation. [38], At 10:30 am (local time), 4 October, the convoy stopped at the village of Tongo Tongo so that partner Nigeriens could eat breakfast and get water. [111] On the same day, Arnold Wright said that Trump was respectful when he called with his condolences, "He talked to me about the loss of my son and how he served with honor and dignity and he just wanted to give me a call to thank me". Book excerpt: Sacrifice: A Gold Star Widows Fight for the Truth, Rare awards show Nigerien valor in 2017 ambush of Army Green Berets, Army officer awarded less than $4,000 in traffic stop lawsuit, As 2 of the MARSOC 3 go on trial for homicide, the 3rd gets immunity, How a comedian and Air Force spouse are helping feed military families, Fake general scammed seniors in online romance scheme, Ruben Gallego on defense priorities, concerns in the new Congress, New parental leave policy and Ukraine aid update | Defense News Weekly Full Episode 1.14.23, Important financial steps to take before deployment Money Minute, Canada expands joint strike fighter fleet | Defense Dollars, Star of new movie talks bond between athletes, troops, Army Special Forces are testing this rapid-fire mortar system, Nov. 11, 1918: Wasted Lives on Armistice Day. More than halfway back to base, the team received time sensitive intelligence that placed the commander northwest of Tiloa at the Mali border. Bryan Black, 35, and an Army support enabler, Staff Sgt. [16] On 20 October, McCain and Mattis met in McCain's office in the United States Capitol. Dustin Wright . [20] The report did not make specific recommendations on the handling of future missions. The four team members who split from the second position would regroup with the remainder of the team and partner force. [29] According to the United States Department of Defense, ISIL leaders in Syria had acknowledged Sahrawi's allegiance through their Amaq News Agency but ISGS "has not been formally recognized as an official branch of ISIL". [84] On 30 November, the government of Niger gave the US permission to fly armed drones out of Niamey. [76], Goub Mahamadou Issaka was a NCO-cadet of the Gendarmerie.[77]. Army Commendation Medal Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. However, Senator Richard Blumenthal said, "I could not look those families in the eye and say we're doing everything we need to do to provide sufficient intelligence that will enable them to be successful in their missions and avoid the kind of catastrophe that we saw here". Army Good Conduct Medal (two awards) . Upon realizing Black, Jeremiah Johnson, and Wright were missing, Two team members volunteered to head back to the ambush site in an attempt to locate vehicle three. [113], On 25 October, Michelle Black said she was grateful that Trump called her and spoke to her children: "So, yeah he was very gracious and I appreciate anyone who calls cause, like I said, that takes quite a bit of bravery to call into that kind of situation". "Wright stopped, returned to Staff. "Dismounted enemy then maneuvered on [Sgt. [120] On 26 October, Phillip Carter and Andrew Swick wrote on Vox, sharing a similar view that missions similar to the one in Niger "have never been specifically authorized by Congress, let alone discussed and debated by the American public". [98] On the same day, Senator Lindsey Graham said that the members of the Senate Armed Services Committee will be briefed next week. [72] with about 1,200 people in attendance, including Representative Wilson. [60] They would later move to Fayetteville, North Carolina, where they raised two sons, Ezekiel and Isaac. [78], On 5 October, President Mahamadou Issoufou condemned the ambush and called for a moment of silence "to the memory of our soldiers who have fallen on the field of honour" and to the memory of "all victims of terrorism". Last Assignment: Deceased. One of the captains led the patrol and worked with the second captain to develop a concept of operations (CONOP) for a mission to go after a militant in northwestern Niger suspected in the kidnapping of an American aid worker. The new video was quietly recovered during a French operation to kill the leader of the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara this summer. Four U.S. soldiers died and it took him 12 days to respond", "Islamic State's Sahara branch claims first attack in Burkina Faso", "Sub-Saharan Africa's Tree "New" Islamic State Affiliates", "Belmokhtar's militants 'merge' with Mali's Mujao", "Confusion surrounds West African jihadists' loyalty to Islamic State", "At least 46 attacks in area of Niger where U.S. troops killed: U.N.", "Niger: Nigerien and US soldiers killed on the Mali border", "US intelligence officials examining video of Nigerien militant group", "Tongo-Tongo and the death of American soldiers", "US soldiers killed in Niger were outgunned, 'left behind' in hunt for ISIS leader", "New details on deadly ambush in Niger that left 4 soldiers dead", "American troops caught in deadly Niger ambush told to proceed despite mission concern", "Senator McCain says subpoena may be required to get answers on", "Oct 2017 Niger Ambush Summary of Investigation", "US special forces 'fought Niger ambush alone after local troops fled', "Hours before death in Niger, U.S. soldiers were targeting militants in Mali", "Troops Ambushed in Niger Waited an Hour to Call for Help, Pentagon Official Says", "Caught in a deadly ambush, US troops in Niger waited an hour for French air power to arrive", "U.S. Kyle Rempfer is an editor and reporter who has covered combat operations, criminal cases, foreign military assistance and training accidents. Black, Wright and Jeremiah Johnson were fighting could not disengage. They made several attempts to break out of the kill zone but had to retreat to a final defensive position. Bryan . Members of team Quallem killed several enemies during this movement out of the ambush site. . Djibouti: April 2016 September 2016 They quickly put it on as the firefight began. Jeremiah Johnson, Sgt. March 8, 2018 1:43 PM EST. [66] After graduating high school, Johnson owned and operated a business until he enlisted in the US Army as a CBRN specialist in October 2007. Niger Cross of Valor with Star [130], On 2 November, four senior Nigerien officials told ABC News that the operation was always a kill or capture mission, contradicting the statement made by Dunford on 23 October. [19], Bryan Christopher Black (19822017) of Puyallup, Washington,[60] was born in Camp Pendleton, California, to Henry and Karen Black. The militants, who had arrived with a dozen technicals and about 20 motorcycles and were equipped with small arms, vehicle mounted heavy machine guns, rocket propelled grenades, and mortars had allowed the convoy to move through the kill zone before attacking, trapping the rear of the convoy.[43][44][45][46]. Staff Sgt. The video below, which is age restricted, contains combat footage of the 2017 Niger ambush. Two US soldiers who were wounded in the ambush were transferred to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany. On Oct. 4, 2017, a unit of the U.S. Army's 3rd Special Forces Group, known as Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) 3212, was ambushed by affiliates of the Islamic State terrorist group (ISIS) in Tongo Tongo, Niger, resulting in the deaths of four U.S. soldiers Staff Sgt. Find 91 people named Jeremiah Johnson along with free Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok search on PeekYou - true people search. Jeremiah Johnson, 39, were killed fighting in one location near the . [1], Nine valor medals, including four Silver Stars, were awarded to members of ODA 3212 for their actions during the ambush. Wright got in the SUV and began to slowly drive south while Black and Jeremiah Johnson ran alongside, continuing suppressive fire at the enemy while under heavy fire. The four fallen troops "gave their last full measure of devotion to our country and died with honor while actively engaging the enemy," the summary said. After completion of the second mission the team was ordered to return to base, before returning the team commander ordered an overhead ISR asset to continue monitoring the area in order to gather intelligence on possibly enemy routes leading into Mali, in turn leaving the team unwatched as they departed toward Tongo Tongo at 8:30 am (local time). Soon after, a vehicle with a mounted machine gun stopped within 100 meters (110yd) of LaDavid Johnson's position and pinned him down. Adjutant Chef Bagu Soumana and Soldier 2nd Class Abdoul Rachid Yarima were posthumously awarded, while four surviving soldiers received their awards in an October 2019 ceremony in Niamey. q. Jeremiah Johnson (mayor) (1766-1852), mayor of Brooklyn, New York. During this manoeuvre, Sergeant LaDavid Johnson and two Nigerien soldiers became separated from the rest of his team. He was eventually assigned to the Second Battalion, Third Special Forces Group out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina. ", "APNewsBreak: US soldier fought to end after ambush in Niger", "ISIS Affiliate Claims October Attack on U.S. [119], On 20 October, Jason Ditz wrote an article for The American Conservative saying, "Niger provides a terrifying reminder of how far we are from being an informed American public that serves as a check and balance on what our military is doing in our name. Jordan: May 2012, Awards: [19] The team believed the local leader was complicit in an impending attack. The Tongo Tongo ambush or the Niger ambush occurred on 4 October 2017, when armed militants from the Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) attacked Nigerien and US soldiers outside the village of Tongo Tongo, Niger, while they were returning to base after a stop in the village. The Americans traveled in two technicals and an unarmored Toyota Land Cruiser[34] while the Nigeriens traveled in five vehicles, one of which had been provided by the Central Intelligence Agency and had specialized surveillance equipment on board. [39] The US and Nigerien team leaders objected to the task because they were not heavily armed or equipped for intense combat should they encounter Chefou's ISIS fighters alone. Dustin Wright died Wednesday. [18] Among the US soldiers, four were killed: Staff Sergeant Bryan Black, Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Johnson, Sergeant La David Johnson, and Staff Sergeant Dustin Wright. A helicopter support team pulled out due to weather conditions, leaving the team exposed in Tongo Tongo, near the border with Mali. [61] At the age of 20, Black earned a business degree at Central Washington University. Niger: May to October 2016, Awards: . La David Johnson of Miami Gardens, Fla.; and Staff Sgt. 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[105] Officials from the Department of Defense said that soldiers had carried out 29 similar operations in the past six months with no problems, and such operations were considered routine by the time of the ambush. ", "Trump says he did not 'specifically' authorize Niger mission that killed four U.S. soldiers", "After Niger Attack, U.S. Team members last saw Staff Sergeants Bryan Black, Jeremiah Johnson, and Dustin Wright taking cover behind the team's unarmored SUV. The team reported enemy contact and immediately returned fire using vehicle mounted M240 machine guns while the rest of the team dismounted from their vehicles, donned protective equipment, and began to exchange small arms fire. Before retreating to a final defensive position was downgraded to an Army support enabler Staff... Minutes long, compared to the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany my! They hastily abandoned their position Byan Black, killing him instantly, '' the summary said were... 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jeremiah johnson tongo tongo
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