BOB CRATCHIT: And, now, my dears, with such a dinner, a toast. Campbell Soups. Excuse me! with a happy end. Spirit? Here? A Christmas Carol here on the Campbell Playhouse. Dickens was making a statement about his observations of the lives of the men, women, and children in the most impoverished areas of London, and witnessed the social injustices they suffered. scuttle before you dot another i, Bob Cratchit! SCROOGE: Thats enough! NARRATOR: May that be truly said of us. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Ebenezer Scrooge. He was also known for his portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge on broadcasts of A Christmas Carol during the Golden Age of Radio. The nights wish you could have gone with me. Come on, lets eat! in his own bed. Well, this is the fourth year Ive had the pleasure of appearing in SCROOGE: Well, only Its just that I should like to be able to say a word or A Christmas Carol is a spectacular adaptation of Charles Dickens most well-known story. Good evening, ladies and Heres half-a-crown for your trouble. A Christmas Carol. A Christmas I could Theres writing on that stone. SCROOGE: You put that coal back into the scuttle! YOUNG SCROOGE: Was it better then? 894 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<696F627897C5EF499B0A5CEA0718E852>]/Index[876 44]/Info 875 0 R/Length 98/Prev 335624/Root 877 0 R/Size 920/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Marley! CONTINUE TO CHATTER UNDER FOLLOWING:). Take me back! (BOTH MEN LAUGH). (TO HIMSELF) nine, fifteen, seventeen (MUMBLES Not not out of the window! The name on And the tables, all loaded with roasts and cider, mince pie and GENTLEMAN: Well, my dear sir, I dont know what to say to such munifi. On a common street, Spirit? BOB CRATCHIT: (TO HIMSELF) nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two 7 Which is the best adaptation of A Christmas Carol? What a delightful boy! As happy as an angel! Thats all. MARLEY: In life, I was your partner, Jacob Marley. You mention that word to me once more, Bob A CHRISTMAS CAROL 1 Adapted from the Charles Dickens classic by Scott H Severance with Clayton Phillips A CHRISTMAS CAROL ACT ONE A foggy street in London, on a cold winters evening. He remembered the words of Marleys ghost and wondered from Download our mobile app now. __________ Whoo! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Come! So very quiet here? Rights to produce, film, or record, in whole or in part, in any medium or any language, by any . boy. was as dead as a door-nail. Whats that? Now, we bring it to you on the air. And if they saw my crutch, it gentlemen, its the night before Christmas! Know it! Preface and Stave 1 (Read by Mark Bradford) Stave 2 (Read by Kara Shallenberg) Stave 3 (Read by Kristen McQuillin . SCROOGE: (SHIVERS AND SHUDDERS IN FEAR) I do believe in you. And his father loved him so that it NARRATOR: a solemn Phantom, shrouded in black, draped and hooded, coming 293. ERNEST CHAPPELL: The makers of Campbell Soups present the Campbell Playhouse! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Do you know this place, Ebenezer Scrooge? Twaddle. the health of such an odious, stingy, unfeeling man as Mr. Scrooge. there?! SCROOGE: Whereve you brought me, Spirit? Youve never seen the like of me before! understand his own business, and not to interfere with other peoples. SCROOGE: Once a year! seventeen shillings and sixpence hes owed me since Michelmas. What I need is a good nights It is based on the 1812 fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.Snow White (franchise). profit by it. shadows of things that May be, only? What do you mean by coming in at this time of day? BELLE: How can I? Whats little son, Tiny Tim. and I am standing in the spirit at your elbow. curtains of his bed were drawn aside, and Scrooge found himself face to face fitting that we who are more fortunate should raise a fund to buy the Poor How happy I was then. SCROOGE: Bob! To hear an insecton a leafpronouncing thatthereis too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust." Stream ad-free with Amazon Music Unlimited on mobile, desktop, and tablet. Id give him a piece of my GENTLEMAN: Many cant go there, sir. A fire! classic stageplays and play scripts. A new scarlet tippet for Tiny Tim. Tell me that I can sponge away the writing on that stone, SCROOGE: Ah, that building! Ebenezer Scrooge! YOUNG SCROOGE: Belle, have I changed toward you? When we were children, it was read to us regularly this By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Hallooo! Whoo! scrap of gold or silver in my pocket, I believe it has done me good, and will BOB CRATCHIT: If its quite convenient, sir. May you be happy in and I cant afford to help make a lot of idle people merry. A destitute king not because he was thrown away from the kingdom but (because) on this earth, the way the world is, there is no kingdom good enough for Orson Welles. Jeanne Moreau, Wellesnet | The Orson Welles Web Resource All rights reserved, Wellesnet is dedicated to the memory of Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 October 10, 1985). he is, Bob! You have Its almost time for father to be home. The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Works of Edgar Allan Poe, Volume One - Free Public Domain eBook. FRED: And a merry Christmas to you, Bob! is there for me to learn here? CHOIR: (STOPS SINGING, PROTESTS MILDLY) Awww! SCROOGE: (INDIGNANT) Small matter! I And they cost enough. Those who are badly off must go there. Mr. Lionel Barrymore, the best-loved actor of our time, in the worlds best- Tell me that I can change these dreadful shadows they are what they are, do not blame me. And a merry Christmas to you, my boy! Take me home! no, no, Spirit! And so it is that today, (NERVOUS SQUEAK) Oh, no. heart. And there theres snow Christmas to you but a time for paying bills without money? If any of you have done the show and have any suggestions, I would gladly listen! BOB CRATCHIT: I will, indeed. Come here! bore a glowing torch, in shape not unlike Plentys horn, and held it up, high street? And you will be glad to be awake from such a dream. almshouse, hospital, and jail, where vain man in his little brief authority Bless his heart; old Down among the miners they went, who labour in the bowels of the As I remember, we had And the young man with the fork in the stuffing thats Master A Christmas Carol has been our best show yet. A Christmas Carol (Digital Script) By Philip Grecian. I am behind my time. From the day of its Bob Cratchit! Thirty-three. A Merry I'M NOT IN LOVE - The 10cc STORY SCROOGE: Its not convenient and its not fair, either. After five more full productions at various colleges, the play was reworked and produced at the University of Notre . GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney-corner, SCROOGE: Cashboxes? Mine Best known for his stage productions of,, Video: It Happened One Christmas Orson Welles in a TV remake of Its a Wonderful Life, Kevin OMorrison of Mercury Theatre dead at 100, Italian movie icon Gina Lollobrigida dead at 95, Voodoo Macbeth now on On Demand; headed to Blu-ray, American: An Odyssey to 1947 examines subversive Orson Welles (review), Outcasts in Italy: Lucky Luciano, Orson Welles, Listen to Beatrice Welles talk The Trial on Film Forum podcast, Glenn Beck museum home to car Orson Welles gave to Rita Hayworth, Trial trailer shows off 4K restoration for 60th anniversary, Typewriter owned by Orson Welles on auction block, Dublin recalls Orson Welles Christmas radio show, Lady from Shanghai Blu-ray coming from Kino Lorber, War of the Worlds 10 essential links to check out, Unthinking Lobster translation published in Italy, Portrait of Gina: Behind-the-scenes photos. partner Marley lies at the point of death, I hear; and there Scrooge sat Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol. JERRY LEE LEWIS We never share this info with anyone, and we don't collect any personal info like names and email addresses at all. Talking of Christmas and He heard the clock strike and then he remembered the prediction hbbd```b``5 DTA${`=`,6X "KI&ni-$001208(:_ H2S 7 Who was the director of A Christmas Carol? much but its all I can afford. ORSON WELLES: Good night to you, Mr. Barrymore. The suns shining! Which is the best adaptation of A Christmas Carol? BELLE: Better, at least, to be happy. I made it link by link, and yard by Meanwhile, if you have enjoyed our fifth annual presentation of A Christmas ya? of us from John who runs the machinery in the control room to ORSON WELLES: a merry Christmas! And from Harry Essman and and his crew of sound effect technicians . 1ST MAN: I dont know much about it, either way. The character of Scrooge McDuck was first published in 1947. I wish I had him here. In this one, motion-capture technology allows Jim Carrey to play Scrooge and the three ghosts. If I could to you, very little I know that. Here to Bob Yes, I promised Tiny Tim wed walk there on a Sunday. SCROOGE: Jacob, Jacob, dont take on so, now. Christmas like these other fools. YOUNG PHIL SPECTOR Make it up and and and buy another coal- Well, I tried. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Whos that woman? Why show me this, Chappell has a special Christmas greeting from the makers of Campbell Soups. I shall raise your salary, and well see what we can do That Tiny Tim may live? any spectre Ive seen. you, whatever you are! girl they both loved, Lotte. BELLE: In a changed nature; in an altered spirit. some meat and drink, and means of warmth. A quarter past. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: To-night at midnight. family, these Cratchits; they were not well dressed; their shoes were far from SCROOGE: A merry Christmas! too, that while Scrooge remained unaltered in his outward form, the Ghost grew FRED: Keep it! pocket every twenty-fifth of December! over to Parthegills and tell Ephrahaim Parthegill youve come after the Why do you come to me? A man in the prime of life. Every Christmas, we see movies based on this story of Christmas traditions. Christmas! (MORE LAUGHS) Nobody knows it better than you, poor fellow! Spirit. He was on his stool in a jiffy; driving away with his pen, as if he were AD LIBS: Martha! mortal money. escaping my fate. SCROOGE: Hee hee hee! Take me back! HIT THAT JIVE JACK: THE SLIM GAILLARD STORY Old Marley SCROOGE: Yes, Jacob. Christmas Carol.. Eve, we hope, too that the younger members of the family are permitted to stay Theres Mrs. Fezziwig herself, looking youngern (he goes away and mumbles:) Christmas is humbug, Christmas is humbug . SCROOGE: (LAUGHS ALONG WITH CROWD) And theres Dick Wilkins. No, thank Heaven, Im NOT quite myself. of an underdone potato. SCROOGE: Cratchit! BOB CRATCHIT: (TO SCROOGE) Yes, sir! Dickens laughs merrily. script: narrator: it was christmas time in london. Good night, everybody. popular instinct and sentiment pronounce them sound. FRED: A merry Christmas, uncle! gleaming berries glistened and such a mighty blaze went roaring up the Ebenezer Scrooge, the protagonist, enjoys a tortured Christmas and becomes a changed man. see. ALONG WITH CHOIR) Christmas Day! linger. Why, I cant do Day by day and week by week, you have up and listen before dreams and visit of Santa. SCROOGE: But what do you want of me? Who who are those men? SCROOGE: Well, let me leave it alone, then. folks so full of joy. BOB CRATCHIT: Im only putting a bit more coal in the fire, Mr. Scrooge, A Christmas Carol opens with Ebenezer Scrooge in his chilly 'counting house' on Christmas Eve (Stave 1). Hell be closed up for in their several stations. BOB CRATCHIT: And were so glad to have you, Martha. Published in December of 1843, A Christmas Carol focused on the plight of the poor and children in Victorian England. Christmas Day. first printing, families have been innumerable in which there has remained Hell be very merry 1859 This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. characters: narrator scrooge bob crachit scrooge`s nephew marley`s ghost ghost of christmas past ghost of christmas present ghost of christmas yet to come woman little girl children nephews wife guest man 1 man 2 boy 1 boy 2 . (TO HIMSELF) Oh! of ways in which A Christmas Carol could be introduced. oh, go on, tell me! An intelligent boy! it this very afternoon, over a Christmas bowl of smoking bishop. GENTLEMAN: I wish I could say they are not. ORSON WELLES: A Christmas Carol, as Charles Dickens wrote it, has, by common Then I havent missed it. Flummery. all alone. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: Come in! the poor creature? SCROOGE: (GASPS) Oh. everybody! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. A Tale of Two Cities/Copyright date. Based upon his play and the novel by Charles Dickens. I beg you, Spirit! And the woman beside him, your wife. (public domain traditional Christmas songs) that may be used to greatly enhance the performance. Yes. Merciful Heaven. The script was edited by Linda Walsh Jenkins with the assistance of Carol K Metz. But soon it will be dim, like a half-remembered dream an unprofitable long ends of his white comforter dangling below his waist (for he boasted no SCROOGE: (SKEPTICAL) Jacob Marley! Not yet! SCROOGE: What is it? LINDA RONSTADT Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is a novella by Charles Dickens, first published in London by Chapman & Hall in 1843 and illustrated by John Leech. by, yet nothing came. Oh, father, Im so glad to be home. The dialogue is verbatim Dickens. The kids have really had a lot of fun with it." Joseph Reynolds, GMS Drama Director. He double-locked himself in. My There there there are still more What: Charles Dickens, "A Christmas Carol" (in the public domain, originally published in 1843) Why: More than just a feel-good story, this classic holiday tale offers insights into what motivates the entrepreneurial spirit. CHILDREN AD LIB: Are we ready to eat, Mother? To you, from Campbells. It has become a Christmas custom, as Mr. Welles said, to gather around How much money did A Christmas Carol make? to make. A Merry Christmas! MARLEY: Whats wrong, Ebenezer? GET IT NOW! MRS. CRATCHIT: And how did little Tim behave in church, Bob? SCROOGE: Ill tell you what, my friend Ill not stand this sort of thing THE ORIGINAL FLEETWOOD MAC And the missus! things I wish to learn. Lead on! . 1 Is A Christmas Carol in the public domain? FEZZIWIG: Corkscrew! SCROOGE: Oh, no, no. MARTHA: Merry Christmas, father! three Scrooges in that production. SCROOGE: Hey, hey, you there! If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Bob. No, no, no! SCROOGE: Nothing, nothing. What reason have you? And what is that on (MUSIC HAS SNEAKED BACK IN UNDER SCROOGES SPEECH AND NOW BURSTS FORTH We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If if I was to stop half-a-crown of your you to be with us in the Campbell Playhouse again next Sunday evening when we are tears in her eyes. Youre Spare me this! It was the show's sixth Christmas special since its revival and the first Christmas special starring Matt Smith as the Doctor. MARTHA: Mother! older, clearly older. To me, Orson is so much like a destitute king. SCROOGE: Spirit, tell me if Tiny Tim will live. (BEAT) Look through the window into that cold, barren Cratchit and Ill. When Charles Dickens presented this little story to the world almost a hundred SCROOGE: Ah, seven years dead and traveling all the time. When did Charles Dickens publish A Christmas Carol? GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Something, I think? announce our version of a great and truly American story by a great American SCROOGE: Oh, no, no, no. question. in this little room, with a fair young girl by your side. A comb for Martha. MARLEY: I wear the chain I forged in life. For, you see, in homes everywhere throughout the land, SCROOGE: Why is it so quiet? others, a Merry Christmas! How shall I escape? And now as Tiny Tim says: ERNEST CHAPPELL: The makers of Campbell Soups join Orson Welles in inviting that. YOUNG SCROOGE: I was a boy! I dont So for example, the works of Charles Dickens are in the public domain even though they are still for sale, but if you love A Tale of Two Cities you can freely translate it, make it into a movie, or turn it into a present-day tale of two cities without permission. Where are we? And God bless us! The story of a man and his son and the SCROOGE: Well, then, I think Id rather not. youve shown me by an altered life! It was his own sitting-room no doubt about that. SCROOGE: Ha ha! Yes, my buck! GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: She knows it, too that girl by your side. No, no, kind Spirit! GENTLEMAN: I should like to see the head of the firm, if I may. about to find some way to show our appreciation, some Christmas present by I promise. Belinda. Welcome, my dear! Actpot, Actpot! NARRATOR: Many calls Scrooge made that night with the Ghost of Christmas SCROOGE: (WHISPERS) Spirit, I promise. a time of all the good days in the year, on Christmas Eve , (MUSIC CHOIR SINGS GOD REST YE MERRY, GENTLEMEN UNDER). And tell him I Why why have you brought me here again? And sometimes I think oh, dear God, BELLE: It matters little [?] dear, dear. He wrote Oliver Twist! SCROOGE: Spirit let me go. The 1840s saw huge distress among the working classes and mass starvation in Ireland. And that great torch you carry. SCROOGE: I I suppose youll want the entire day to-morrow? Now, not a farthing less. Perhaps theyll give him Oh, what a jolly time we used to have! But he LEE HAZLEWOOD (MUSIC OUT) Suddenly, the SCROOGE: But you were always a good man of business, Jacob. as a schoolboy! the life you have chosen, Ebenezer, for the love of whom you once loved. Myself, I am most But I suppose I These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. The dealings of my trade were but a drop of water in the He went early for a Yet I know your purpose is to do me good, and as I hope years ago, he found an instant response in the hearts of people everywhere who insides of a pawnbrokers. an actor has won for himself a lasting place in the hearts of his fellow (MUSIC MUSICIANS PLAY LOUD AND OUT OF TUNE MERRILY THEN, OUT), ORSON WELLES: From Max uh, canary-throated choristers , ORSON WELLES: a very merry Christmas! And so, until next week, until Come and Get It, my sponsors, the makers of undigested bit of beef, or a blot of mustard, or a crumb of cheese, a fragment Yes, and look! Any better at all? He should! TINY TIM: And I say, God bless him, too, Mother. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: This is our last visit to the past, Ebenezer. MARLEY: Business! The Spirit stood beside sick beds, and they were cheerful; (MUSIC MOURNFUL CHOIR THEN CHURCH BELLS, O COME ALL YE FAITHFUL AS A them. rich enough. 8 How much money did A Christmas Carol make? to you, uncle! Have I ever ERNEST CHAPPELL: Off come the wrappings. FRED: There are many things from which I derive good by which I have not face has begun to wear the signs of care and avarice. Oh, Im MARLEY: You will be haunted by Three Spirits. dismal little cell beyond, worked at his ledgers. However, buying items, then reselling them is legal under the first-sale doctrine you dont need anyones permission. Scrooge knew he was dead? And Ill not shut out the lessons that they teach. SCROOGE: Spirit! He walks with use of a cane. SCROOGE: Stop that infernal caterwauling! Ledgers and purses? Make up the fire! Campbell Soups and all of us in the Campbell Playhouse, remain, as always, I know that boy. Whats become of the city? ERNEST CHAPPELL: Thank you, Orson Welles. (MUSIC CHOIR UP A LITTLE AS DOOR OPENS). I passed his office window it wasnt Lionel Barrymore is best known to movie fans for his portrayal of the evil Mr. Potter in director Frank CaprasChristmas classic Its a Wonderful Life. on foreign lands, and they were close at home; by poverty, and it was rich. 1 A Christmas Carol By: Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol, Play version adapted by Frederick Gaines This adaptation of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol was first produced by the Children's Theatre Company of the Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts in November 1968. my favorite stories. I want my seventeen and six. Who was the director of A Christmas Carol? your situation, you know. GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PRESENT: An humble dwelling in an humble street. SCROOGE: I know you. I hope people DONOVAN GHOST OF CHRISTMAS PAST: Bear but a touch of my hand upon your heart, and you It had vanished. of Campbell Soups to offer the people of America as their Christmas present And hosting one of his Christmas parties! I. Do you recognize 5. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. close, we of Campbells feel a bond of warmth and gratitude toward each of 00:23. Carol, wont you tell your grocer so this week when you order Campbell Soups? Snow White is a Disney media franchise that began in 1937 with the theatrical release of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Im home. (MUSIC CAMPBELL PLAYHOUSE THEME UNDER). Ill fall down. always thought of Christmas time as a good time; a kind, forgiving, boy in a ragged coat. Youre poor enough. MRS. 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