Berkeley Rent Board Mizell: As a member of the Police Accountability Board, the issue of visibility and outreach is a recurring question in my work in the city. Please be mindful that this meeting will be recorded, and all other rules of procedure and decorum will apply for Rent Board meetings conducted by teleconference or videoconference. In 12 years, Ive met with, touched and healed more than 10,000 Berkeleyans. Elgstrand is Mayor Jesse Arreguns legislative analyst, and Saenz Hood and Marasovic are repeat candidates who ran for the rent board in 2022. The 2022 Convention was sponsored by the Berkeley Tenants Union, Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, Healthy Black Families, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, the Center for Independent Living, and the new Berkeley Progressive Alliance. Due to Ms. Morans refusal to provide the Convention Planning Committee with the requested documentation, the Committee had no choice but to unanimously vote to remove Ms. Moran from the 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Slate and rescind her endorsement. Phone: 510-548-4040, Eviction Defense Center Alpert: No. We couldnt have done this without them.. Marrero: Our communities need to be informed on what the Rent Board services are and why they are important and related to their daily lives. in Berkeley, perBerkeley Municipal Code 12.70. These final results confirmed that the pro-tenant slate for the Berkeley Rent Board comprised of Leah Simon-Weisberg, Xavier Johnson, Andy Kelley, Dominique Walker, and Mari Mendonca won all five seats up for election to the Berkeley Rent Board. All Fair Chance Ordinance forms and literature are available on our Fair Chance Access to Housing Ordinancepage. Their agony drove me to advocacy because few of them know their rights or the protections provided by just-cause evictions, tenant protections and rent-control laws. Berkeleyside wants to help you get to know your 2022 candidates for Berkeley City Council, school board, rent board and more. The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1%, 2023 Adjustments of Relocation Assistance Payments. This is great for reaching older folks and longtime community members, but misses more online demographics and the student community. Ida Martinac: I am running because I feel that the balance of power in Berkeley is increasingly hurting renters, i.e. I have dedicated my career to civil service, and am also a shop steward with my union, SEIU Local 1000. I was 6-foot-2 in seventh grade. Tenants have until May 31, 2023, or one year from when the state of emergency ends, whichever is sooner, to pay back-rent from March 17, 2020, through Sept. 30, 2021. Fill out the RSVP form and indicate in the last question that you cant make this lit drop. I want to ensure our ability to keep living in this diverse city with a rich history of progressive politics. 13.76.080, including the requirement to file a vacancy registration form at the start of a new tenancy commencing on or after January 1, 1996. Free for all, funded by readers. Berkeley Rent Board. With a tight housing market that is short on options, we need to craft housing policy that is sustainable for our future and encourage increased existing housing supply, or our ecosystem will continue to erode. STORM: Mudslides Reservoirs filling Sewage in the Bay | PEOPLE'S PARK: Court ruling nears | COVID: What to know | WE'RE HIRING: Public safety reporter. Early voting for the 2022 election begins Oct. 10, which is also when you can start returning your vote-by-mail ballot. Supriya Yelimeli is a housing and homelessness reporter for Berkeleyside and joined the staff in May 2020 after contributing reporting since 2018 as a freelance writer. COVID-19: Information for Tenants & Landlords, City of Berkeley Ordinances Affecting Rental Properties. Soli Alpert, the only incumbent in the race, is the only candidate on the tenants slate to have raised more than $2,000. For units that have NEVER been registered with the Rent Board. Therefore, there will not be a physical meeting location available. We also worked with the Council to place Measure MM on the ballot expanding our rental registry to partially regulated units, which has brought the board valuable data that will inform our public policy and made rent board services available to many more Berkeley tenants. While there are many variables causing this, a key one is the lack of housing. 3. When we speak of affordable housing many forget that some of the more affordable housing is provided by community members who often live on property with their tenant. The board consists of Leah Simon-Weisberg, Alpert, James Chang, Xavier Johnson, Andy Kelley, Paola Laverde, Mari Mendonca, John Selawsky and Dominique Walker. Marrero: Yes, I have acted in several play readings stories about loved ones with dementia. Anyone interested in applying must: Every election year since 1994, the Rent Board Convention selects the progressive, pro-tenant slate for the open seats on the Berkeley Rent Board. After voting in the 2022 Convention concluded, the Convention Planning Committee was informed that Ms. Moran might no longer live in Berkeley. Persons with disabilities need to know of their rights to accommodations and their rights under the elevator ordinance. Together they ensure high starting rents, limited options for housing mobility and a cost climate that forces community members out. Last year, I wrote my first play. Ballot requests were due Monday, July 11. For use by landlords passing through a portion of the registration fee as authorized by the Rent Board to tenants whose tenancies started before 1/1/1999. Beyond direct events, I believe an accessible public dashboard should be created to track major cases of negligence in addressing needed repairs and habitability issues. Mr. Mizell joins Negeene Mosaed, Soli Alpert, Ida Martinac, and Vanessa Danielle Marrero on the progressive, pro-tenant Rent Board slate. Four years later and I hadnt grown since middle school and I decided to quit organized basketball to focus exclusively on student leadership issues. 2023 Website: (An appointment will likely be required by calling 510-981-6900. The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1%, 2023 Adjustments of Relocation Assistance Payments, Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board Meeting Agenda: 01/19/2023, Chair Update (Chair Simon-Weisberg) 15 min. Chang, Laverde and Selawsky have termed out, opening up three seats on the board. *, Date to submit agenda topics/items for Februarys regular Rent Board meeting is. We will continue this planing and start rolling out information and services as soon as we have enough details to have confidence we are providing accurate advice. Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board Meeting Address: Virtual Date: Thursday, December 15, 2022 | 7:00pm - 11:59pm Rent Board Meetings Page Meeting of the Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board. Negeene Mosaed: Many of my clients have suffered eviction and displacement. July 13, 2022 Tenant Protection Ordinance protects tenants from harassment by landlords. Based on this formula, the Berkeley Rent Board has adopted the 2023 AGA of 4.4%. We also have a critical shortage of housing, especially on the Southside where the universitys failure to build at pace with enrollment growth has driven up prices throughout our city. Tenant Petition for Individual Rent Adjustment, Tenant Schedule A (Illegally High Rent; Unrefunded Security Deposit), Tenant Schedule B (Unpaid Interest on Security Deposit), Tenant Schedule C (Habitability/Deterioration; Decreased Space or Service), Tenant Schedule D (Reduction in the Number of Tenants Allowed), Landlord Petition for Individual Rent Adjustment -- Multiple Grounds, Landlord Schedule A: Capital Improvements, Landlord Schedule D: Change in Space or Services, Landlord Schedule E: Net Operating Income, Landlord Schedule G: Historically Low Rent, Landlord Schedule I: Low Rent Increases 1976-1979, Landlord Schedule J: Increased Debt Service, Landlord Petition for Capital Improvements -- ONLY, Landlord Petition for Historically Low Rent (HLR) -- ONLY, Landlord Petition for Increased Occupancy -- ONLY, Tenant Declaration of Household Income -- Major Repairs ONLY, Tenant Declaration of Household Income -- Historically Low Rent (HLR) ONLY, Landlord Petition to Implement Rent Increases Conditionally Granted Latest News The 2022 Annual Security Deposit Interest Rate is 0.1% We need everyone whos a registered Berkeley voter to come out and make donations to/sign matching fund forms for Negeene, Soli, Ida, Nathan, and Vanessa! Berkeley Rent Board Please RSVP here to help us make sure we have enough supplies and breakfast for everyone. Please try again later. )Meet-Up Location: Grove Park in South BerkeleyFree food: PizzaChildcare: Must submit waiver by Saturday (10/29) 4PM per these instructionsRSVP Form. Forms Rent Board registration, eviction, and administrative forms, and sample forms/letters/checklists. Permit Forms Permit Forms Access frequently requested permit-related forms. I wish to give a voice to the unrepresented small housing provider. On Tuesday, August 9, the 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Convention Planning Committee announced that Berkeleyans had voted to select Nathan Mizell as the final member of the progressive, pro-tenant slate for Berkeleys Rent Board. I think its fairly obvious to tenants in Berkeley that the rental ecosystem is deeply unfair. As a paralegal, I work at a civil rights employment firm, where I assist in the defense of workers. Berkeley Housing Authority We need to improve and modernize our online and social media outreach so that we can connect with those folks as well, without giving up our current effective methods. Saenz Hood: I am a longtime volunteer with organizations for children with disabilities and chronic illness, as well as a successful fundraiser within the nonprofit sector. To report initial tenancy information and annual updates. ). The pro-tenant slate, selected by the Berkeley Tenant Convention during election years, swept the rent board in 2020, and a majority of the current board is held by those candidates, including Simon-Weisberg, Johnson, Kelley, Mendonca and Walker. Many needed help to access and apply for this relief. Voters should make sure to check both their spam and promotions folders to ensure they do not miss their ballot. Unfortunately, the pandemic showed us this wasnt true for Berkeley. COVID-19: Information for Tenants & Landlords, City of Berkeley Ordinances Affecting Rental Properties,, Approval of the December 15, 2022 regular meeting minutes, Recommendation to adopt 2023 Committee Assignments and establish a Sustainability Committee, Proposal to approve staff recommendations on the following requests for waivers of late registration penalties,,, Discussion and possible action to adopt Resolution 23-01 to allow the Board to continue to meet exclusively by teleconference throughout the remainder of the state of emergency associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, Updated Regulation 1266 [Self Labor] with current Consumer Price Index (CPI) information, Updated Commissioner attendance at Board and Committee meetings through the 4th quarter of 2022. Failure to bring the rental unit into compliance with the implied warranty of habitability, as shown by an outstanding Notice of Violation from the City of Berkeleys Housing Code Enforcement, and/or failure to comply with a Rent Board Hearing Examiners Decision. Learn about Rent Board committees and find upcoming meetings. If you are currently in Berkeley and would prefer to make a donation by cash or check (which lets us avoid paying a transaction fee), you can email to have someone come pick up your donation in-person (well do so in a way that maintains proper social distancing). Include a HUD required Section 8 Tenancy Addendum with your lease. All rights reserved. The vacancy tax is necessary in the city of Berkeley, we have too many vacant units that are creating scarcity and increasing rents. For some individuals, such as seniors, they need to be reached through workshop presentations and coordinating with agencies that work with and advocate for them. I plan to closely monitor any court decision that may affect Berkeleysmoratorium. Sunday, October 30: Lit Drop With FREE CHILDCARE and Pizza, When: Sunday, October 30 from 12PM to 4PM (come for all or part! Every election year since 1994, the Rent Board Convention has selected the progressive,pro-tenant slate for the open seats on the Berkeley Rent Board. Soli Alpert; Nathan Mizell; Vanessa Danielle Marrero; Ida Martinac; Negeene Mosaed; What We Support; Tenant Resources; Endorsements; Donate; Search: . To access this meeting remotely: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device by clicking on this URL: Join the Berkeley Tenants Union (BTU), the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and the whole community as we drop literature for endorsed candidates and ballot measures such as the Right to Housing Slate for Rent Board Negeene Mosaed, Soli Alpert, Ida Martinac, Nathan Mizell, and Vanessa Danielle Marrero and the vacancy tax (Measure M). Wendy Saenz Hood: I decided to run for the rent board because I want to see balanced housing policy. Our Rent Adjustment Petitionspage has information on the petitions and hearings process. Registration Statement for Partially Covered Units. I want to make sure other families can live in Berkeley for generations instead of being priced out/displaced. Mendonca is vying for a city council seat in District 8, opened up by Councilmember Lori Drostes departure. Connect with us online, by phone, or in person. The 2022 Convention is cosponsored by the Berkeley Tenants Union, Friends of Adeline, the East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, the Young Democratic Socialists of America UC Berkeley, Our Revolution East Bay, Healthy Black Families, Berkeley Citizens Action, the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club, the Gray Panthers, the Green Party, SEIU 1021, the Center for Independent Living, and the new Berkeley Progressive Alliance. Fill out this form to have your donation matched 6-to-1 by the City! Please consider making a donation to help us cover all of our costs. More by Supriya Yelimeli. )Meet-Up Location: Cul-de-sacs at Webster and Bateman (by 2523 Webster)Free food for volunteers: Breakfast and coffeeChildcare: NoRSVP Form. Saenz Hood: As long as demand outstrips supply, we will not have a healthy rental ecosystem. The pro-tenant slate, selected by the Berkeley Tenant Convention during election years, swept the rent board in 2020, and a majority of the current board is held by those candidates, including Simon-Weisberg, Johnson, Kelley, Mendonca and Walker. The stressors of an eviction moratorium that is more than two and half years old has caused turmoil for both tenant and rental housing provider. Berkeleyside wants to help you get to know your 2022 candidates for Berkeley City Council, School Board, Rent Stabilization Board and more. These services must continue during and after the moratorium. Mizell: The eviction cliff poses a looming risk to the tenants in Berkeley and Ill do all I can as a commissioner to ensure our moratorium stays in place. Costa-Hawkins, the housing shortage (due, in part, to the racist origins of single-family zoning and federal housing disinvestment), and the long-term effects of gentrification work as a toxic combination. Incumbent Soli Alpert is running along with Stefan Elgstrand, Carole Marasovic, Vanessa Danielle Marrero, Ida Martinac, Nathan Mizell, Wendy Saenz Hood and Negeene Mosaed. While theres work to do in our city on all of these fronts, I believe my passion in working towards progressive change in the challenging world of Berkeley governance has prepared me to serve in this important role. I am also concerned for the ability of elderly and disabled Berkeley tenants to age in place with dignity. Want to drop literature but cant make the time for the big lit drops? Watch a recording. Something went wrong. Together, we will fight to protect tenants and affordable housing.. Marrero: I have an expansive and diverse set of experiences and expertise in serving the public, including over 23 years of experience working across sectors to build real and equitable pathways for all people! Young people in Berkeley are often renting for the first time and need access to the services and information the board provides. 2022 Berkeley Rent Board Convention VR for Tenancies Starting PRIOR to January 1, 1999. Now more than ever we need leaders with a proven record of defending rent control and fighting for housing security. Berkeley Rent Board. The new Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board director has received a 24% raise after the board decided DeSeana Williams was being "severely" underpaid in comparison to other department heads in Berkeley. STORM: Mudslides Reservoirs filling Sewage in the Bay | PEOPLE'S PARK: Court ruling nears | COVID: What to know | WE'RE HIRING: Public safety reporter. Mosaed: Berkeleys rental system is not separate from the forces that dictate housing at a state and federal level. This is acutely true in Berkeley where a large percentage of the population is students who are first time renters. Well have free breakfast and coffee for all volunteers! Martinac: If I did, I wouldnt be running for this position! The state extended rental assistance to tenants who could not pay their rent. Berkeley rent board member Chris Kavanagh was hauled out of an Oakland coffee shop in handcuffs Friday and charged with fraud and perjury for allegedly claiming a false residence in. East Bay Community Law Center See all of Berkeleysides2022 election coverage. They do not control the eviction moratorium (that is in the hands of the City Council), nor can they provide legal guidance on how to manage problems arising from the eviction moratorium. Be Prepared as Heavy Storms Hit Berkeley! Election 2022 Rent Stabilization Board race, Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. Currently studying French on Duolingo at my leisure. The rent board should launch outreach events timed to the move-in and move-out seasons, and clearly describe the powers of the board. Elgstrand: Over the last decade, Ive helped shape nearly every major tenant policy adopted by the city as a senior legislative aide to Mayor Jesse Arregun and a community advocate. Each member of the Berkeley Rent Board slate needs to submit at least 30 donations of at least $10 from registered Berkeley voter by Friday, or else theyll be locked out of public financing! We need to amplify our efforts through a formal Communication and Outreach Plan with goals across platforms like promoting the Tip of the Month in social media, continue holding information webinars and to have a strong staffing plan for the Public Information Unit to implement and sustain services. If there is no response or repair in a reasonable time, tenants can request a free housing inspection from the City at (510) 981-5444, or call the Rent Board at (510) 981-7368 (RENT) for further counseling and possible remedies. Something went wrong. The Berkeley Neighborhoods Council hosted a forum for the rent board candidates. The rent board needs to explore if mediation can be used more frequently so that both tenants and small landlords have an opportunity to express, and reconcile, their positions. Marrero: Tenants are protected from unjust evictions by the Eviction for Good Cause Ordinance. The Health, Housing, and Community Services Department oversees BMR units (not the Rent Board). Pursuing tenants for eviction who are engaged in violence, currently an exception under the moratorium, must also be honored. Due to the rapidly approaching filing deadline (Friday, August 12), the Rent Board Convention Planning Committee will meet this Saturday, August 6 to interview prospective candidates and vote to slate the new candidate. If you wish to comment during the public comment portion of the agenda, Press *9 and wait to be recognized by the Chair. This wasnt true for Berkeley City Council, school Board, Rent Stabilization Board race, Proudly powered Newspack... Berkeleys rental system is not separate from the forces that dictate housing at a state and level! Convention Planning Committee was informed that Ms. Moran might No longer live Berkeley... To run for the first time renters Department oversees BMR units ( the! On our Fair Chance Access to housing Ordinancepage wants to help us make sure we have enough supplies breakfast... A rich history of progressive politics has adopted the 2023 AGA of 4.4 % climate forces. 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