Air1 can automatically top off your Diesel Exhaust Fluid stock by fitting telemetry to your Diesel Exhaust Fluid bulk tanks. There are no negative effects to doing this. I still carry mine in a 1 gal zip lock bag just in case it were to leak under the pressure changes, but I haven't ever had a problem. Yaras Air1 branded offers options on retail packages to help market your sites Diesel Exhaust Fluid bulk availability. Transmix disposal Our products are better because they are of high quality, proven in aviation use. THIS 16OZ BOTTLE TREATS 320 GALLONS. I use 1 oz per ten gallons on my UL350 engine. Our price is lower than the manufacturer's "minimum advertised price." This product has a two year shelf life so yours may not be good anymore. I use this in my experimental aircraft. Linking Diesel Exhaust Fluid to your Fuel card facility. It especially makes a huge difference in smoothing out low rpm idle. Effective to prevent carbon deposits in combustion chambers, especially for Jabiru engines operating with low EGTs. This is unopened, and storage would not add to shelf life. If you have to use 100LL, then this stuff is for you. Our Products Pipelines assets are strategically located in the West, Southeast and Midwestern United States and we have a number of exciting growth opportunities in this segment. The new plant is expected to have annual capacity of 59,000 metric tons (130 million pounds), with plentiful expansion . This website uses cookies to manage authentication, navigation, and other functions. I came across this product and tried it for a year. I had to double the ratio in order to keep the plugs from fouling. You have declined cookies. Bill Hertzel Rotax 912is North Ridgeville, OH, USA Clicking the "Thank You" is Always Appreciated by Everyone. Works as advertised! My old Franklin cant use 100LL without it! I had some from a few years ago and had it stored outside in a plastic tote, and looks like the container leaked. KMLT Tampa Terminal also has a Truck Rack for lifting of all commodities handled at the facility. Decalin RunUp Fuel Additive, 16 oz. Do you mean to say 2 ounces per 10 gallons or actually 2 ounces per 1 gallon? Leave all boxes unchecked for unit only. It is equivalent to TCP (for experimental only). Has a graduated measuring and dispensing reservoir built into the bottle. It also performs other useful duties by helping to remove carbonaceous deposits in the oil galleries. Scavenges Lead in aviation fuel after combustion to prevent lead oxide buildup on valves but still allows the lead to perform the anti-knock function prior to combustion. Please feel free to contact me for further information if reqired, You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Aircraft Spruce assumes no responsibility or liability for any issue or problem which may arise from any repair, modification or other work done from this knowledge base. Prevents valve seat erosion from valve seat micro welding. There is a limit as to how much lead it will hold in solution and here is some reported data in a Rotax engine using synthetic oil. What is it?, Roger Lee LSRM-A & Rotax Instructor & Rotax IRC Tucson, AZ Ryan Airfield (KRYN)520-349-7056 Cell, Re: Decalin fuel additive & lead Scavenger, A forum thread already exists in regards to fuel additives - See here - Also, keep note on what Rob Seaton has stated in that forum. What we have on the website is correct per the manufacturer website. Decalin RunUp is not approved for use in the engines of certified aircraft. . Decalin is specifically formulated to deal with lead in the 100LL fuel. Easy to use graduated measuring and dispensing reservoir built into the bottle. My forum members on the 150/152 club swear by it. Q: For proper mixing, is it advisable to add to the tank before or after fueling? I use the Decalin in my 3300 but I don't use pump fuel. Decalin RunUp is miscible in all proportions and compatible with both 100LL and Unleaded Autogas. It is lead oxide which causes plugs to misfire due to its partial conductivity shorting out the plug. A large amount of diesel fuel sourced from the retail network by fleet operators is purchased using fuel cards. I use Decalin in my IO-320 and O-290 to help scavenge lead deposits, It really keeps the spark plugs clinker-free and eliminates pre-ignition and detonation. No messy syringes. - 120,000 bbls, Commodities Handled: CBOB, PREM, ULSD, Jet, Ethanol andBiodiesel, Receipt = By Vessel through the Port Tampa Bay Central Manifold (for receipt of all commodities handled at the facility). LOCKWOOD AVIATION SUPPLYOfficial BRP-Rotax Service Centre for ROTAX Aircraft engines. I increase the ratio to 2oz per 10 gal. 3877 Flowers Road If a good aviation grade 95 octane, non ethanol, no lead fuel was available at every airport, that would be my fuel of choice. Also noticed that the fluid changed color from yellowish to clear. However, I do have comment on the package design. Per Vendor, Yes the Declain Runup is compatible with fuel resistant composite fuel tanks along with fuel resistant fiberglass cloth and epoxy resins and hardeners. Shelf life is 2 years from the date it is shipped to us. You can carry it with you for out-of-town airports. Is there any prohibition on putting this product into tanks that are mixed 100LL and Unleaded Autogas? Decalin RunUp contains two types of additive, one to reduce the negative effects of tetraethyl lead in aviation fuel and the other to improve the combustion efficiency, reduce combustion deposits and clean the fuel delivery system in aircraft. This can be increased to a maximum of 2 ounces per gallon for problem engines. Lots of good reports, now a bad one to spoil the hope. Additionally, our company-owned terminals provide liquid petroleum product storage and loading facilities for delivery trucks. 108 4.67k 2.96k It is an excellent additive for auto conversions, where it reduces buildup on oxygen sensors and plugs. Our technology is of the very highest quality, the very latest chemical structures proven to be effective in: The blow-by fuel entering the oil system is enhanced by the traces from the additive. and ROTAX factory in Gunskirchen, Austria. ordering and shipping was excellent, this product seems to be exactly what I was looking for.. Must have for xctry flights in the SuperStol when 100LL is the only option for the Rotax. Please note, Pilotshop's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Using it for a decade now. Aviation and automotive fuel additive chemical technologies. Decalin RunUp scavenges lead in aviation fuel after combustion to prevent lead oxide build-up on valves but still allows the lead to perform the anti-knock function prior to combustion, according to company officials. [JabCamit] Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2015 10:58 AM. Customer Service Information Report (CSIR). Yara has the solution you are looking for. The results indicate that after 91 hours of operation my oil contained 1098 ppm of Lead (Pb). Thanks. A large amount of diesel fuel sourced from the retail network by fleet operators is purchased using fuel cards. I have never detected water in previous sump checks. Using it for a decade now. Automotive experts choose BG, what does that mean for you? . It especially makes a huge difference in smoothing out low rpm idle. This plan is an added benefit when you purchase a qualified BG service. Users can expect the same level of engine cleanliness when using this fuel and Decalin RunUp as they saw with 100LL. We have additives for cars, trucks, motorcycles, boats, airplanes, and even your 2-stroke motors. Perfect for Central and Remote fuel storage locations to maintain fuel quality. Can anyone recommend this? Q: How many gallons does one quart of Decalin Runup Fuel Additive treat? Done in ten minutes. Please note, Aircraft Spruce's personnel are not certified aircraft mechanics and can only provide general support and ideas, which should not be relied upon or implemented in lieu of consulting an A&P or other qualified technician. Powered by Invision Community, There was a recent report of a Jab using it in the US, had severe detonation on takeoff. Decalin RunUp contains two types of additive, one to reduce the negative effects of tetraethyl lead in aviation fuel and the other to improve the combustion efficiency, reduce combustion deposits and clean the fuel delivery system in aircraft. BG Automotive Maintenance Services ensure your car is reliable, safe, and fun to drive. Use religiously in Rotax to avoid lead build up. Q: After adding Decalin for the first time to 100LL, on my next flight a few days later during the pre-flight sump check I noticed a separation of fluids in the sample -- about the same amount as the Decalin added. Flat Rate Shipping must be selected in cart for promotion to apply. The short answer is yes. : :. Please note other excluded items on the same order may incur a freight charge. Prevents valve seat erosion from valve seat micro welding. Range of Tanks = 9,500 bbls. Can you please clarify. Box of 8 kits: $1,195 Tests for fungi, bacteria and jet fuel fungus, all at the same time Six simultaneous tests in one kit. Does this stuff freeze? Yaras Air1 telemetry service offers an Diesel Exhaust Fluid automatic ordering service. It is equivalent to TCP (for experimental only). Excellent product and performance at a great price from Aircraft usual. Fuel injectors and throttle bodies get cleaned up as well at the same time. Q: Will Decalin Runup have any impact on lead that ends up in the oil? A huge fleet (hundreds of engines with over 150,000hrs of flight time)of Rotax 9 series engines runs on avgas with Run-up and it does work and it does not harm the engine. Tested and stable down to 0F. Might clean up on its own. Rob", Watch these and see if you still like 100LL and failing to follow good preventive maint., To receive critical-to-safety information on your ROTAX Engine, please subscribe toROTAX-OWNER.COM. Don't use much. Bruce Tuncks, These products are sold to a global network of automotive dealerships and shops so they can perform high quality maintenance on your vehicle. All rights reserved, Contractor Safety and Operator Qualification, Major roadways: US-50, Jackson Hwy (CA-16), KM multiproducts 10 pipeline from Richmond/Concord, KM turbine fuel 12 pipeline from Richmond/Concord, Trans shipment pipeline for turbine to San Francisco Airport, Ethanol storage and sequential rack blending, Major roadways: Beltline Hwy, OR-569, OR-99, I-5, KM 6 military delivery line to Naval Air Station (NAS) Lemoore, Biodiesel storage and rack blending (B5, B10, B15, B20), Number of ship docks = 2 on Willamette River (24 MLW), Pipeline service to SFPP Oregon line (Eugene), Size of berths = 1,600 wharf, 107 from main wharf, 247 overall dock, KM 6/8/10 Rocklin to Reno pipeline; Bay Area origin, Third-party connection to Reno Airport jet fuel pipeline, Total storage capacity = 1,001,100 barrels, Connection to San Jose Airport jet fuel pipeline, Total storage capacity = 1,551,000 barrels, Pipeline: From Olympic Pipeline and third-party terminals, Pipeline service to SFPP Oregon line (Eugene) and Cochin/Portland Airport line, KM 14 CALNEV Colton to Las Vegas pipeline, Total storage capacity = 5,705,000 barrels, Number of berths = 118120; Port of Los Angeles, 32 5 alongside; 37 4 with fenders, Pipelines from third-party terminals and refineries, Pipeline service to local refineries, Los Angeles Airport, Total storage capacity = 1,223,100 barrels, KM 16 multiproducts pipeline from Watson area to CALNEV, KM 20/24 multiproducts pipeline from Watson area, 20 multiproducts pipeline to CALNEV, Imperial and Phoenix, KM 6/10 Niland to Imperial lateral (Watson area origin), KM 4 pipeline to Naval Air Facility (NAF) El Centro, Total storage capacity = 1,163,700 barrels, KM 8 pipeline to Nellis Air Force Base (AFB), KM 8 pipeline to Bracken Jct and McCarran Airport, 66 total acres - Total storage capacity = 680,400 barrels, KM 16/10 Watson to San Diego pipeline (intermediate delivery), Total storage capacity = 1,956,200 barrels, KM 20 Colton to Phoenix pipeline; Watson area origin, Connection to Sky Harbor Airport jet fuel pipeline, Biodiesel community storage and blending up to 5%, Total storage capacity =1,080,000 barrels, Commodities Handled: Gasoline, Ethanol, and ULSD, Pipelines (receiving): Colonial, Plantation, E0 and E10 Blended Gasolines (87 Octane, 89 Octane, and 93 Octane), Additive Injection: Gasoline Detergent Additive, Lubricity/Conductivity, and Red Dye, Commodities Handled:CBOB, P-CBOB, Ethanol andULSD, Pipelines (receiving): Plantation and Colonial, Gasoline Blending (89 Midgrade, Clear Gas), Commodities Handled: Gasoline, Ethanoland ULSD, Commodities Handled: Gasoline, Jet-A, ULSD, Transmixand Ethanol, Pipelines (receiving): Colonial, Plantation,Eco-Energy (Ethanol), Additive Injection: Gasoline Detergent Additive, Lubricity/Conductivityand Red Dye, Commodities Handled: Gasoline, ULSDand Ethanol, Commodities Handled: Gasoline, ULSD, and Ethanol, Total Storage Capacity: 1,366,000 Barrels, Commodities Handled: Gasoline, ULSD, Ethanol, Jet-A, Transmixand ULS Kerosene, Additive Injection: Gasoline Detergent Additive, Lubricity/Conductivity, Red Dyeand FSII, Commodities Handled: Gasoline, Ethanol, ULSD, and Jet-A, Pipelines (receiving): Colonial, Plantation,Eco-Energy Pipeline (Ethanol), Additive Injection: Gasoline Detergent Additive, Lubricity/Conductivity, Red Dye, and FSII, Total Storage Capacity: 1,348,000 Barrels, Commodities Handled: Gasoline (Reformulated and Conventional), Ethanol, ULSDand Jet-A, Pipelines (delivery): Jet Fuel - Plantation to DCA and IAD, E10 Blended Gasolines (87 Octane, 89 Octaneand 93 Octane), Commodities Handled: Gasoline, Ethanol, Jet-A, Transmixand ULSD, E0 and E10 Blended Gasolines (87 Octane, 89 Octaneand 93 Octane), Total Storage Capacity: 1,287,000 Barrels, Commodities Handled: Gasoline (Reformulated and Conventional), Ethanol, ULSD, Jet-A, HS Heating Oil, Transmixand Asphalt, Pipelines (receiving): Colonial and KMST (Ethanol), Commodities Handled: Gasoline, Ethanol and ULSD, Range of Tanks = 14,000 bbls. Sitemap. Remaining lead in unburnt fuel finds its way into the oil by bypassing the pistons. Additionally, our company-owned terminals provide liquid petroleum product storage and loading facilities for delivery trucks. Fuel injectors and throttle bodies get cleaned up as well at the same time. Decalin Fuel Additive By Bruce Tuncks, June 21, 2014 in Engines and Props Share Bruce Tuncks First Class Member 3.3k Aircraft: jabiru 230 Location: Edenhope, Victoria Country: Australia Posted June 21, 2014 Does anybody know about this in Australia? . The design allowed more fluid from the main tank to come out. Use a 1/2 oz. The active ingredient in Decalin RunUp follows the "lead" of the lead, if you'll excuse the pun. Yes, Decalin RunUp will work just as well with fully synthetic oil in suspending the lead in the oil. However, the reduction/elimination of lead deposits on valves and especially spark plugs is is very obvious. During the 91 hours of operation I used 49.85 gallons of 100 LL fuel, all of which was treated with Decalin at the rate suggested on the product. Belton, SC 29627 Aircraft Spruce sell it, the freight cost is greater than the product cost. Q: What is the case quantity of Decalin Fuel Additive, Part # 05-03412? This product has a two year shelf life so yours may not be good anymore. 2000 East Sepulveda Blvd BG products are professional-use automotive fluids, cleaners, and conditioners. Does not contain volatile solvent so it is safe in the cockpit. per 10 gallons fuel. Roger Lee. Cessna 180, 182, 206, 337 Mufflers, Components, Non-TSO'd Anti-Collision, Position & Tail, PA-12, 14, 16, 20, 22 PA-22-135 & PA-22-150, Elevators, Stabilizers, Rudder, Vertical Fin, Tail Flying Wires, Drag Wires, Accessories, Epoxy Primer, Varnish, Reducer, Accelerator, Catalysts. ROTALK NEWS Episode 5Rotax-powered Sling aircraft from The Aircraft Factory, the AVMAP Navigation and engine monitoring system, and the Rotax powered Tucano Experimental and Light-Sport Aircraft. Q: After adding Decalin for the first time to 100LL, on my next flight a few days later during the pre-flight sump check I noticed a separation of fluids in the sample -- about the same amount as the Decalin added. ROTALK NEWS Episode 3Michael Smith's Rotax-Powered Searey Circumnavigation, the amazing Rotax-Powered Lockwood Aircam and Anthony Caere's chimpanzee rescue operations. I heard about this from engineering friends at General Atomics who used it on their drones with great success. To make easy dispensing, used a large syringe 2oz. Switched back to straight Avgas and the problem went away. I came across this product and tried it for a year. Want to restock your Diesel Exhaust Fluid bulk storage unit but don't want your staff to place order? To ensure the fastest initial mixing it is best to put the Runup in first. Prices shown are in USD. Decalin RunUp contains two types of additive, one to reduce the negative effects of tetraethyl lead in aviation fuel and the other to improve the combustion efficiency, reduce combustion deposits and clean the fuel delivery system in aircraft. Item qualifies for free ground shipping. Tested and stable down to 0 F. Decalin RunUp is not approved for use in the engines of certified aircraft. Yes it can be used in the Rotax 582 engine. I use both 100LL and Auto fuel in my aircraft. As a result, we cannot show you the price in catalog or the product page. Easy measure bottle and good lead fouling reduction in lower compression engines. Easy to use graduated measuring and dispensing reservoir built into the bottle. By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. This can be increased to a maximum of 2 ounces per gallon for problem engines. However, the reduction/elimination of lead deposits on valves and especially spark plugs is is very obvious. Customer Service: 800-861-3192 Crude Operations in our Products Pipelines business segmentcurrently consist of the Camino Real Gathering System, Double Eagle Pipeline and the Kinder Morgan Crude & Condensate Pipeline (KMCC) in the Eagle Ford, providing transport to the Corpus Christi, TX and Houston, TX markets, and the Hiland Market Center Gathering System and the Double H Pipeline transporting Bakken crude production from the basin to guernsey, Wyoming and connections with access to Cushing, OK. Kinder Morgan's CO2 business segment owns and operates the, Kinder Morgan Condensate Processing Facility, Kinder Morgan Crude and Condensate Pipeline, The KMST terminals handle gasoline/gasohol, diesel, jet fuel and ethanol. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. BGs Automotive Maintenance Services are backed by the free Lifetime BG Protection Plan. That means if you maintain your vehicle with BG services and you have a component failure, this plan will cover the cost of repair up to $6,000! Our products are better because they are of high quality, proven in aviation use. Seems to prevent, in a certain extent, the carbon deposit in the combustion chambers. When no additive is used, lead oxide is formed. Might clean up on its own. You have declined cookies. You do not have permissions to reply to this topic. Please note other excluded items on the same order may incur a freight charge. It reacts with a majority of the lead in the fuel to produce lead phosphate which is mostly blown out of the exhaust. S. Berger. The ingredients in this product are miscible in all proportions with aviation gasoline. So the times I fuelled up with avgas I added decalin at the rates instructed, no problems at all, all good. Per the Supplier: All our experience so far says that this issue is unrelated to the addition of Decalin RunUp to 100LL. Decalin RunUp is miscible in all proportions and compatible with both 100LL and Unleaded Autogas. This item arrived on time and exactly as advertised. Thanks alot for taking the time to respond ..this all helps ROTAX Tech Talk: Troubleshooting the Rotax 912 ignition system, ROTAX Tech Talk: 912 Easy Start Circuitry, Rotax 912ULS powered Kitfox V Pre-Buy Inspection, ROTAX Tech Talk: Troubleshooting the Rotax 914 ignition system, Rotax-powered Kitfox V Pre-Buy Inspection, ROTAX Tech Talk: Troubleshooting the Rotax 912/914 ignition system, SI-912 i-002_SI-915 i-002 B.U.D.S. Flat Rate Shipping must be selected in cart for promotion to apply. Now we have been warned off additives of any sort , but this may be good stuff. Doraville, GA 30360 The plastic squeeze bottle comes in two basic sizes. East - Peachtree City, GA Q: The dosage.. is it per US gallons? By using our website, you agree that we can place these types of cookies on your device. Visit us at https://www.flycorvair.netVisit our webstore at,,,,, ROTAX Tech Talk: Troubleshooting the Rotax 912 ignition system, ROTAX Tech Talk: 912 Easy Start Circuitry, Rotax 912ULS powered Kitfox V Pre-Buy Inspection, ROTAX Tech Talk: Troubleshooting the Rotax 914 ignition system, Rotax-powered Kitfox V Pre-Buy Inspection, ROTAX Tech Talk: Troubleshooting the Rotax 912/914 ignition system, SI-912 i-002_SI-915 i-002 B.U.D.S. Is thi after opening? Sorry Russ, I will try to be more specific. Canada - Brantford, ON, FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $350 (USA ONLY - SOME EXCLUSIONS APPLY) | 877-4-SPRUCE. RunUp MSDS. Quick Shop. You can carry it with you for out-of-town airports. Aviation and automotive fuel additive chemical technologies. Per the Supplier: All our experience so far says that this issue is unrelated to the addition of Decalin RunUp to 100LL. Prevents valve seat erosion from valve seat micro welding. So, you can always see the tank quantity ensuring you remain in control at all times, while not having to call us to place an order. Does not contain volatile solvents so it is safe to ship and safe in the cockpit.
decalin fuel additive
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