New Hampshires successful hunting seasons are a reminder that hunting activities, made possible by science-based wildlife management, contribute significantly to New Hampshires economy. Black oil sunflower seeds are simply too high a quality of food (high in fat and protein) for bears to ignore. [FULL] 2 BED 1-Full BATH 0.34 AC LOT. 6 The Rheinhardt family has participated in New Hampshires youth deer hunt weekend for the past five years. Local wildlife and aquatic . In addition to traditional camp activities, topics will include search and rescue, crime scene investigation, firearms safety, tracking, surveillance, night vision technology, wildlife laws, arrest procedures, K-9 techniques, and much more. Fish and Game relies on citizen participation to get as much turkey brood data as possible through this important survey. "The broodstock fishery was never meant to be an end unto itself," explained Carpenter. feet, Boating Allowed: "This year's preliminary youth hunt total is up 14% from 2012 and is also above the final 2012 total youth hunt weekend harvest of 388. UNH Cooperative Extension is offering a GPS workshop at NH Fish and Game Headquarters in Concord on Tuesday May 6, 2014. More than half of hunting and fishing licenses sold in N.H. (53%) are currently purchased online or at stores that use an automated system. Naturalist's Notebook features that fun-to-catch fish, the yellow perch. This special weekend gives young people age 15 and younger the opportunity to go deer hunting with an adult mentor, without the pressure of competing with thousands of adult hunters. This year, more than 10,000 people entered the moose hunt lottery for a chance to win one of the 124 permits drawn for the New Hampshire moose hunt. CONCORD, N.H. About a third of New Hampshires moose hunters were successful during the first two days of the nine-day season, achieving a 32% success rate on the opening weekend of the hunt. The Foundation will continue to support the multi-year building and renovation of signs, kiosks and informational panels in all Wildlife Management Areas around the state. Mortgage Overview. Contact Dale Riley, Tuesday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at (603) 673-2987 or evenings at (603) 673-4036. Both can be purchased online at or from Fish and Game license agents statewide. Additional information and their official portraits may be found in The Guide of Likenesses of New Hampshire Officials and Governor's published by the NH Division of Historical Resources. Foundation Chair Steve White states that the Foundation must begin soliciting funds now for the 2015 grant program. Cost: $485 A larger number of turkeys are taken during the May spring gobbler season; hunters took 4,522 turkeys in New Hampshire in May of 2013. Watch out for thin, clear or honeycombed ice. A list of New Hampshire's chief executives from 1680 to the present. The statewide estimated deer kill to date of 5,102 is the fifth highest in the last nine years, exceeded by 2007, 2013, 2012 and 2006 respectively. He and Mark had a long, difficult drag bringing the moose out from a remote location. Sold - 3 Norrie, Raymond, NH - $675,000. Also in this issue, walk the trapline with a hardy outdoorsman who traps beaver under the ice, mostly to help landowners control flooding and loss of timber. Polish up your ice fishing skills by taking advantage of two free ice fishing seminars being offered in Concord this January by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Bait and Tackle. North America. If you have already completed the online course, please sign up for the required field day now. Home | Governors Lake is the second largest lake in Raymond at 61 Acres. Classifieds ***************************** Rockingham, Size: Cyanobacteria (Microcystis, Woronichinia, and Dolichospermum) were observed in concentrations up to 2 million cells/ml. Peregrine Falcon Cam on nest in Manchester Cell concentrations were 1.975 million cells per milliliter of lake water at the boat launch beach and were more concentrated along the main beach (too numerous to count). For more information on hunting in New Hampshire, visit The 2013 bear harvest consisted of 340 males and 229 females, resulting in an overall harvest sex ratio of 1.5 males per female. Data last updated 01/18/2023. Separate bowhunter education courses will continue to be offered for a limited time -- only for the 2014 calendar year -- so anyone currently holding a Hunter Education certificate who wants to add the bowhunter certification without taking the combined course needs to do it in 2014. This information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed. . Seen any Wild Turkey Broods? N.H. This week will focus on building your woodscraft skills. This has helped increase deer survival and reproduction and, as a result, the statewide kill has increased for the third year in a row, said Bergeron. Winter is closing in, and snowmobile education classes are underway across the state. * N.H. This will allow for photo-manipulation and egg procurement to increase the survival rate of brook and brown trout eggs which are supplied to other state hatcheries from New Hampton. This year's hunt runs from October 18-26, 2014. A great gift idea! OBITUARIES OPINIONS Previously, there was quite a bit of duplication between hunter education and bowhunter education classes. This free annual event draws over 1,000 visitors each year and showcases services and products related to hunting, fishing, trapping, and conservation accomplishments. Hunters and other outdoor enthusiasts are encouraged to put on a bright orange article of clothing when they head afield this fall. This lake is located in northern Raymond and is a comparatively shallow body of water with an average depth of about 6 feet. Hunters under age 16 do not need a license, but must be accompanied by a licensed adult at least 18 years of age. These two common food attractants accounted for half of the total bear-human conflicts in that year and could have been easily avoided by removing or securing common food attractants around the yard, said Timmins. Previous shooting sports experience is preferred, but not essential. Moore spends much of his ice fishing time on Lake Winnipesaukee. Description for Onway Lake, Rockingham County, New Hampshire. Hunter Education activities in New Hampshire are funded by the federal Wildlife Restoration Program, supported by an excise tax on firearms, ammunition and archery supplies. The New Hampshire Snowmobile Association (NHSA) and its member clubs have actively promoted safe and responsible riding since 1969. Find more fishing reports in New Hampshire. Participants MUST be present by 8:15 a.m.; late arrivals will be denied certification. You can help teach them about the sights and sounds of the forest, how to interpret wildlife sign, and how to use this knowledge to track and harvest a white-tailed deer. Get into the spirit of the New Hampshire moose hunt with a limited-edition 2014 New Hampshire moose hunt commemorative shirt; order at Login to Leave a Review. Governors Lake is a source of pleasant waterfront property not far from major cities and beautiful nature. The famous Derryfield Country Club is also located on the west side of the city. 4-H on the Wild Side I: July 12-17, 2015. Buy. Check out a video of Wild Cheff Denny Corriveau demonstrating a moose cheese steak sandwich recipe at The breakdown for the harvest this year was 57 bulls (63%) and 34 cows (37%). Saturday, April 19, will be the 25th annual Discover WILD New Hampshire Day, an Earth Day celebration the whole family will enjoy. CONCORD, N.H. -- Spring is a great time to get out and learn about wildlife and nature. During the 2014 Internet Winter Flock Survey, wild turkeys were observed with pox lesions at 26 sites in 18 towns, out of a total of 1,400 observations logged. No pre-registration is necessary, but come early for a good seat! them back to the field to get it, Rines said. Final numbers from all the year's hunting seasons will be summarized in the 2013 New Hampshire Wildlife Harvest Summary, which will be issued in March 2014. New Hampshires regular firearms deer hunting is going well, as hunters look forward to time afield during the Thanksgiving holiday week. The Apprentice License is expected to be a big hit this year as well. Entering the lottery costs $15 for New Hampshire residents and $25 for nonresidents. Fish and Game Department Hunter Education staff, volunteer instructors and camp counselors to learn and practice safe, responsible and ethical hunting. For example, last year resident applicants who had a total of 10 points had a 1 in 16 chance of being drawn, and a nonresident with 10 points had a 1 in 58 chance. 72% OF HUNTERS SUCCESSFUL IN 2014 N.H. MOOSE HUNT - 11-08-14 Tips for staying safe on the ice include: 01/04/2023. All other New Hampshire laws and rules regarding the operation of snowmobiles must be adhered to, such as speed limits, youth operation standards, etc. Parking Spaces: * Amoskeag Fishways, Manchester Two-part class on Friday, February 14, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturday, February 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Average Depth: * Lebanon Recreation Department Three-part course on Tuesdays, January 14 and 21 from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.; and Saturday, January 25 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Visit, or call (603) 448-5121 to sign up or for more information. hbbd```b``:&A$K$NAy&yAn%dksA". Beginning with the 2014 license year, regular hunting and fishing licenses will be computer-generated and printed by the agent on regular paper, just as licenses purchased online or at Wal-Mart are done now. There is no charge for the one-day class, but pre-registration is required. If you'd like to learn how to help send a youngster to camp, visit call603-788-4961. * "The Best of Wardens Watch" An entertaining collection of real-life stories by N.H. Surface water classifications establish designated uses for a waterbody. Mortgage Calculator. Winners will be selected through a computerized random drawing on June 20 in Concord. "Accompanied" means maintaining physical direction and control (keeping the apprentice within sight and hearing at all times, without the use of electronic devices). There are a limited number of field days left available at the beginning of October. Once youve moved your bobhouse to the shoreline, take care to move the structure to your own property. Since spring weather is highly variable, survival of the annual hatch of wild turkeys is also highly variable. Last year (2013), summer brood survey participants reported seeing 1,676 broods, up from 1,085 sightings in 2012. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department works to conserve, manage and protect the state's fish and wildlife and their habitats, as well as providing the public with opportunities to use and appreciate these resources. Whatever season of the year you are cruising the trails, ride responsibly and have a great time.". New Hampshires bear hunting season has ended in most of the state, with the exception of the White Mountains region (Units C1, D2, E and F), where it closes November 26. To find an application for the training to become a Wonders of Wildlife docent, as well as a new training schedule for June 2014, please visit the Fish and Game website at Following are the waterfowl seasons for ducks, Canada geese, mergansers and coots: Advertising The Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire is the official non-profit partner of the NH Fish and Game Department. During the winter months, Lavoie targets lake trout and white perch by jigging and tip-up fishing. * Gift subscription to New Hampshire Wildlife Journal -- Fish and Game's bi-monthly full-color magazine explores New Hampshires wildlife and outdoor recreation. As a result, birdseed is high on the menu! The 2013 numbers remain preliminary because all registrations have not yet been reported and verified. * An exclusive line of N.H. Fish and Wildlife Service will send a certificate with information about the bird. Fish and Wildlife Service., Carpenter assures that the Atlantic salmon available for stocking this spring will not disappoint. On Wednesday, January 22, Tim Moore, a licensed NH fishing guide and owner of Tim Moore Outdoors, will talk about the tools, tactics, and techniques that he uses to pull hundreds of fish through the ice every winter. NH Coverts Project Seeks Volunteers on Behalf of New Hampshire's Wildlife and Forests. It has helped provide a significant financial boost for North Country businesses, including lodging, restaurants, rental agents, convenience stores and other area businesses," said Captain John Wimsatt, who oversees the N.H. Ice-fishing isn't the only game in town this time of year for determined Granite State anglers. "Don't let the cold temperatures fool you some areas that have traditionally been safe for ice anglers and other outdoor recreationists are not safe this year. Duration: Perpetual . This plan seeks to meet regional moose Manchester is an exciting city that offers great entertainment with concerts, theatre acts, and big-name events. Ages 8-12. For a comparison of harvest results by county at this same point in the season in recent years, visit CALENDAR In its premiere year, the Apprentice License proved quite popular. Sponsor a camper: Although Barry Conservation Camp is competitively priced, many families find it challenging to finance a week at camp. Governor's Lake, Raymond, NH, 03077, USA . ***************************** It contains 2 bedrooms and 1 bathroom. For more information on deer hunting in New Hampshire, visit The new digest is a joint publication of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and the N.H. Bureau of Trails. * Greenland Recreation Department One-day workshop on Sunday, January 26, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Visit http://www.greenlandrec.comto sign up and to get more information. all news, law enforcement. It is still the fourth highest total for this point of the season in the past 9 years, exceeded only in 2012, 2013, and 2007. . Burning a bobhouse on the ice is illegal and will result in a fine and one year loss of your fishing license. "This should be a positive change for everyone, because it will allow Fish and Game to operate more efficiently and effectively, using technology that has been adopted nationwide with positive results," said Perry. hb``d``f P#HYL[KZ1/Az}_RD$a`ezrj] vm Governors Lake is assigned a surface water classification of B by . Contact the NH Food Bank at (603) 669-9725 for more information. Hunting season dates and information for all game species can be found in the 2014-2015 N.H. Concord, N.H. - 11-8-13. Novice anglers will learn the basic skills and equipment needed to get started fishing while campers with more experience will work on improving their fishing skills and exploring the finer details of the angling world. A large sample of turkey brood observations collected throughout the summer can provide turkey managers with insight into the size of the graduating class of turkeys that will become adults. This unofficial total does not include information from all registration stations. The Zestimate for this house is $225,100, which has decreased by $1,447 in the last 30 days. A bonus point system improves the chances for unsuccessful applicants who apply each consecutive year. Local wildlife and aquatic plants can be found around its lightly-populated, 1.5-mile shoreline. Unknown, Fish Species: 03077. The WCO training class includes presentations on the capture and handling of wildlife, humane and ethical concerns, relevant New Hampshire state laws and rules, federal rules covering certain species, wildlife diseases, best management practices and proper trapping techniques. This year, New Hampshire is once again offering the Apprentice Hunting License, an opportunity for sharing or participating in the hunting experience. Discover WILD New Hampshire day is a place to find new ways to get outside and enjoy New Hampshire's great outdoors. Volunteers Needed to Become Wonders of Wildlife Docents 5-14-14. Black bear hunters took a total of 569 bears in New Hampshire during the 2013 season. A set of ice picks can help you pull yourself out if you do fall through the ice; wear them around your neck or put them in an easily accessible pocket. New Hampshire's nine-day moose hunt starts the third Saturday in October. A recent aerial survey of Lake Winnipesaukee by the N.H. Civil Air Patrol revealed treacherous ice conditions on some parts of the big lake, including an area of open water near Welch Island. CONCORD, N.H. 11-05-13. Many factors can affect turkey productivity in any given year. * The Coastal Zone waterfowl season opens on October 3 and runs through October 13 (Columbus Day); then reopens November 16 through January 3, 2015. . New Hampshire Snowmobile and OHRV (Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle) trail riders have a new resource available, the 2013-2014 N.H. OHRV & Snowmobile Digest of Regulations. Governors Lake . Campers will also hike, swim, canoe, create campfire skits and enjoy a host of other great activities. Since 1993, Fish and Game has stocked Atlantic salmon into the Merrimack and Pemigewasset rivers to provide a fishing experience that would normally require travelling to Canada. February 14, 2022. The course is presented by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department, the New Hampshire Trappers Association, and U.S. Department of Agriculture-Wildlife Services. Fish and Game Departments moose biologist for 28 years. Order by mail or online at To select camp programs and register, visit, email or call 603-788-4961. The season is off to a strong start and hunters have been reporting seeing lots of deer. . This year, turkey watchers are also being asked to report any observations of avian pox on turkeys. Hunters are asked to report all banded birds by calling toll-free to 1-800-327-BAND. These ongoing initiatives will help to keep the state's snowmobile trails safe for all outdoor enthusiasts during the upcoming season. All Lakes in Rockingham County NH listed on this page. HIP permit numbers can be obtained by calling 1-800-207-6183, or go to the "Buy Your License Online" section of the Fish and Game website to receive a permit number (there is no charge). The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department has set final season dates and bag limits for the 2014-2015 waterfowl hunting season, after considering comments from sportsmen at the recent public meeting. Please note that public access points only are shown; town access sites may be restricted and generally are not shown (but you can get this information from town offices). Grafton, Rockingham, and Hillsborough counties are showing the highest registrations to date. CONCORD, N.H. 10-31-13. Last Chance to Catch the King 5-15-14 Youll find general trail maps and learn where to find more detailed trail guides. Governors Lake Fishing Reports Recently shared catches and fishing spots . Following are the ground rules for the weekend: Try your hand at archery, casting, fly-tying and B-B gun shooting. Parents are encouraged to attend along with their children. Fish and Game Department at The data relating to real estate displayed on this site comes in part from the IDX Program of NEREN. Retail Stores Get into the spirit of the adventure by getting your own limited-edition 2014 New Hampshire moose hunt commemorative shirt at Read sample articles and find a print-and-mail subscription form at Do not wait for a bear to get the birdfeeder and then respond. TotalMaximumDailyLoadfor GovernorsLake,Raymond,NH PreparedBy PreparedbyAECOM,171DanielWebsterHwy,Suite11,Belmont,NH03220 July2009DocumentNumber:09090-107-6 The whole purpose of the mortality study now underway is to determine whether there is something in addition to the ticks that is impacting the states moose population.. Cost:$485 Contact Us. Spring is here. The New Hampshire Fish and Game Department owns or has hunting rights to nearly 30,000 acres distributed over nearly 100 tracts, most of which are called Wildlife Management Areas. If a camper wishes to be eligible for hunter education certification at the end of the week, then some homework must be completed prior to coming to camp. The average number of hunting-related incidents per year has gone down each decade since mandatory hunter education classes became required in the 1970s. * Region 1 Fish and Game Office, Lancaster, NH - Saturday February 15, 2014, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Two-hour classroom session and the remainder of the day will be spent on a local pond. To enter the N.H. moose hunt lottery, visit, where you can enter online or print out a mail-in application, or buy one in person from any Fish and Game license agent or at Fish and Game headquarters in Concord. 7 0 obj <> endobj USA. The weekend presents a great opportunity to introduce your son or daughter, grandchild, or even a young friend to the joys, excitement, and rewards of deer hunting; all under the careful guidance of an experienced adult said Bergeron. Apprentice licenses can be purchased only at Fish and Game headquarters, 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, or by mail (visit an application.). David O'Hearn is a licensed New Hampshire trapper carrying on a tradition that transcends the centuries. . If you need fishing tackle, or are looking for a fishing guide or fishing charter please visit Tackle, Guides, Charters. All youth hunters under age 16 must be accompanied by a licensed adult 18 years or older while hunting. Teaching a young person how to hunt and seeing their excitement can help even the most avid hunter remember why they love the sport so much. A week centered on the NH 4‐H Shooting Sports program. Free Ice Fishing Seminars At Fish And Game In January - 12-12-13. After that, you have to take a Hunter Education class in order to buy a hunting license. Get Pre-Qualified. Home; Hunting. Fisheries Biologist Don Miller notes, "Even though the winter of 2013-2014 has been cold so far, ice conditions on Lake Winnipesaukee are highly variable. It is possible for ice to be thick, but not strong, because of varying weather conditions. * Clean up any spilled birdseed and dispose of it in the trash. Hunting licenses can be purchased online anytime at, from license agents statewide or at Fish and Game headquarters in Concord. Deer breeding activity is picking up, so the next few weeks should provide prime hunting opportunities, says Fish and Game Deer Project Leader Dan Bergeron. N.H. has had an annual moose hunt since 1988, when 75 permits were issued for a three-day hunt in the North Country. Now that the hustle and bustle of the holiday season is over, why not get outside and enjoy the New Hampshire winter by taking an ice fishing class? Soliciting funds now for the past five years to be thick, not.? list=UUVqyvPVbcq9dm96OZpNL8dg the bird p.m. at ( 603 ) 669-9725 for more information on deer hunting in Hampshire. 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