10 TO 4:00 FRlDAY 10 TO 4:-- SATURDAY 9 TO 12 CLOSED SUNDAY. AII rescues receive discounted services through Jordan's Arc or Iife. Contact: Teresa 216-466-3946; Roxanne 216-252-0532, At Voices in the Dark AnimaI Rescue we dare to be a IittIe different. We are a nonprofit, nokiII animaI sheIter caring for over 100 homeIess cats and dogs at any given time. We currentIy house severaI cats and around nine dogs that are searching for their forever homes. Recommended Pets. $13 ADOPTIONS Let's make 13 a LUCKY NUMBER for our shelter pets! Finding pets for you Chico. Come visit us today and find a forever friend! Thank you! Needs speciaI food. whose support makes our life-saving work possible. The Sponsor a Pet program is handled by The Petfinder Foundation, a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, to ensure that shelters and rescue groups receive donations in the easiest way possible. Additional Comments for the Shelter/Rescue, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. WiIIing to traveI if needed.Birds are kept in my home and are out everyday. We rescue the stray, negIected an/or abused animaIs for rehabiIitation. Please check back in the future for any potential expansion. Contact: 740-969-2540- Kristine1-614-639-3727-Sherry, Gracie is shy and wiII need sociaIized but super sweet, she does not hunt, We take in unwanted, negIected, pIuckers,sick exotic birds the sociaIize them, take to vet and find a forever home. We are dedicated to the sheltering, fostering, and rehoming of homeless and unwanted animals. Since 2002, our organization has faciIitated spay/neuter of nearIy 9,000 cats and dogs, and pIaced more than 6,500 pets in homes. This is Misty. Today she walked with 3 other dogs, keeping a safe distance. You can collect donations and bring them to an adoption event,buyitems online and have them shipped to us or you can make a cash donation. Dog adoption and cat adoption saves lives. FeeI free to caII and scheduIe a visit if you're considering adopting, Contact: CarIa HiII-CIark 423-9300 ceII; micheIIe pIessinger 670-4567 ceII; randy cIark 417-9326 ceII caII in evening; CaroIyn Conner 477-9009 ceII. Cleveland Ohio Dog Advocates (Shelter #1110348), Cuyahoga County Brooklyn, OH 44144 MAP IT, The Euclid Beach Cat Project (Shelter #1159518), Cleveland Pet Rehoming Network (Shelter #1164632), Euclid Beach Feral Cat Project (Shelter #1152503), Cuyahoga County Cleveland, OH 44110 MAP IT, Cuyahoga County Cleveland, OH 44111 MAP IT, Spelko Pal Chow Rescue Group (Shelter #1110730), Cuyahoga County Cleveland, OH 44144 MAP IT, Cuyahoga County Cleveland, OH 44105 MAP IT, Voices in the Dark Animal Rescue (Shelter #1135718), Cuyahoga County 5709 Smith Rd Suite c, Cleveland, OH 44142 MAP IT, The Ruby Slipper - A Cat Rescue (Shelter #1157568), Stay-A-While Cat Shelter (Shelter #1110611), Cuyahoga County 8800 Akins Road, North Royalton, OH 44133 MAP IT, Cuyahoga County Oakwood Village, OH 44146 MAP IT, Lucky's Angels Cat Rescue (Shelter #1129802), Cuyahoga County Seven Hills, OH 44131 MAP IT, Cuyahoga County Strongsville, OH 44136 MAP IT, Forget Me Not Animal Rescue (Shelter #1167192), Cuyahoga County 13338 Boston Road, Strongsville, OH 44136 MAP IT, Forever Friends Foundation (Shelter #1146861), Darke County 2181 state route 502, greenville, OH 45331 MAP IT, humane society of erie county (Shelter #1113074), Erie County 1911 superior st, Sandusky, OH 44870 MAP IT, New Beginnings Animal Shelter (Shelter #1130028), Fairfield County Pickerington, OH 43147 MAP IT, Blue's Urgent Animal Posts (Shelter #1151565), Franklin County 2740 Festival Center Lane, Columbus, OH 43017 MAP IT, Franklin County 2740 Festival Lane, Columbus, OH 43017 MAP IT, Jo Ann's Foster Animals (Shelter #1111057), Franklin County 1391 East Deshler Ave., Columbus, OH 43206 MAP IT, Franklin County Columbus, OH 43204 MAP IT, Willison Family Animal Rescue (Shelter #1136291), Geauga County 15463 Chillicothe Rd., Novelty, OH 44072 MAP IT, Blue's Mews Siamese Cat Rescue (Shelter #1117331), Wishful Thinking Endeavors, FuzzBucket Farm (Shelter #1112204), Forget-Me-Not Barn Cats (Shelter #1170405), Advocates 4 Animals, Inc. (Shelter #1138314), Francis Kennels Rescue (Shelter #1131696), Greene County 1984 Lower Bellbrook Rd., Xenia, OH 45385 MAP IT, Helping Animals Lost and Orphaned - HALO (Shelter #1164437), Helping Animals Lost and Orphaned-Halo (Shelter #1164570), Greene County 3346 Jasper Road, Xenia, OH 45385 MAP IT, Crazy Cats Animal Rescue (Shelter #1169471), Pampered Pets Animal Rescue (Shelter #1110855), Hamilton County Cincinnati, OH 45201 MAP IT, Findlay Veterinary Associates (Shelter #1121266), Humane Society & SPCA of Hancock County (Shelter #1118942), Hancock County 4550 Fostoria Ave., Findlay, OH 45840 MAP IT, Operation Warm- Harrison County, Ohio (Shelter #1133965), Henry County Humane Society (Shelter #1114977), Cares About Life Rescue, Inc. (Shelter #1119246), Highland County Hillsboro, OH 45133 MAP IT, Humane Society of Highlands County (Shelter #1137324), Highlands County 7421 Haywood Taylor Blvd., Sebring, FL 33876 MAP IT, Birds of a Feather Rescue Inc (Shelter #1144645), Jefferson County 8401 Roseborough Rd, Louisville, KY 40228 MAP IT, Jefferson County Humane Society (Shelter #1138804), Jefferson County 200 Airpark Drive, Wintersville , OH 43953 MAP IT, Caroline's Kids Pet Rescue (Shelter #1110253), CLOSE TO HOME ANIMAL RESCUE (Shelter #1110205), Lake County 7564 Tyler Blvd., Mentor, OH 44060 MAP IT, Lawrence County Humane Society (Shelter #1115681), Licking County Granville, OH 43023 MAP IT, Second Chance Humane Society (Shelter #1155393), Licking County 12591 WORTHINGTON RD, PATASKALA, OH 43062 MAP IT, Erie Shores Humane Society (Shelter #1111949), Best Friends Forever Rescue (Shelter #1135079), The Good Shepherd Animal Sanctuary (Shelter #1174234), MAUMEE VALLEY SAVE A PET (Shelter #1111247), Lucas County 5250 HILL AVENUE, Toledo, OH 43615 MAP IT, Paws and Whiskers Cat Shelter (Shelter #1138862), Lucas County 32 Hillwyck Dr., Toledo, OH 43615 MAP IT, Lucas County 640 Wyman Street, Toledo, OH 43609 MAP IT, Humane Society of Madison County (Shelter #1112330), Madison County 1357 State Route 38 SE, London, OH 43140 MAP IT, Mahoning County 6520 Mahoning Ave, Austintown, OH 44515 MAP IT, Mahoning County 4750 West South Range Rd, Canfield, OH 44406 MAP IT, Mahoning County 2217 Mahoning Ave, Youngstown, OH 44509 MAP IT, RRescue+Rehome of Miami County (Shelter #1147935), Miami County 1027 Clark Ave., Piqua, OH 45356 MAP IT, Crossed Paws Animal Shelter (Shelter #1134754), Monroe County 41383 Stonehouse Road, Woodsfield, OH 43946 MAP IT, LiFeline Cat Rescue and Network Inc (Shelter #1169339), Montgomery County 130 N. 1st St., Miamisburg, OH 45342 MAP IT, Saving Pets One at a Time, Inc. (Shelter #1117361), Savin'em All Animal Rescue (Shelter #1121090), Animal Shelter Society, Inc. (Shelter #1131819), Muskingum County 1430 Newark Rd, Zanesv, OH MAP IT, Rescue Road Trips, Inc. (Shelter #1160689), Muskingum County Zanesville, OH 43701 MAP IT, Animal Shelter Society, Inc. (Shelter #1131820), For the Love of Animals (Shelter #1132393), Noble County Sarahsville, OH 43779 MAP IT, Humane Society of Ottawa County (Shelter #1114198), Ottawa County 2424 Sand Road, Port Clinton, OH 43452 MAP IT, Circle Area Humane Society (Shelter #1152607), Pickaway County 185 Island Road, Circleville, OH 43113 MAP IT, Pike County Humane Society (Shelter #1143227), Pike County 6152 Camp Creek, Pike County, OH 4566 MAP IT, Portage County Streetsboro, OH 44241 MAP IT, Caring K9's Canine Rescue (Shelter #1120281), Pulaski Co Animal Shelter (Shelter #1116758), Pulaski County 235 Adopt Me Lane, Somerset, KY 42503 MAP IT, All About the Paw Pet Rescue (Shelter #1134931), Dee-Dee's Feline Angels and Friends (Shelter #1163655), Sandusky County 4107 Napoleon Rd, Fremont, OH 43420-8549 MAP IT, Humane Society of Sandusky County (Shelter #1110487), Sandusky County 2520 Port Clinton RD, Fremont, OH 43420 MAP IT, lost and found pets of scioto county (Shelter #1143989), Scioto County 1628 6th street, portsmouth, OH 45663 MAP IT, Humane Society of Seneca County (Shelter #1142862), Seneca County 2811 South State Route 100 , Tiffin, OH 44883 MAP IT, Shelby County Animal Shelter (Shelter #1150519), Shelby County 1100 Clem Rd, Sidney, OH 45365 MAP IT, Shelby County Animal Shelter (Shelter #1152773), Shelby County Animal Shelter (Shelter #1153321), Jades Rescue No Kill Shelter (Shelter #1122309), Stark County 1113 Cleveland Ave SW, Canton, OH 44707 MAP IT, Cripple Creek Ferals and Friends (Shelter #1120710), Summit County Animal Control (Shelter #1129761), Summit County Animal Control (Shelter #1129762), Uno's Happy Endings Rescue (Shelter #1156642), Pinealope Animal Rescue (Shelter #1171203), Paws and Prayers Pet Rescue (Shelter #1145042), The Weiner Brigade Inc. (Shelter #1111124), Trumbull County N. Bloomfield, OH 44450 MAP IT, Animal Welfare League of Trumbull County (Shelter #1117672), Trumbull County 545 Brunstetter Dr SW, Warren, OH 44481 MAP IT, Tuscarawas County 828 N Walnut Street, Dover, OH 44622 MAP IT, Union County Humane Society (Shelter #1171459), Union County 16540 County Home Road, Marysville, OH 43040 MAP IT, Shelter Pets of Van Wert (Shelter #1118721), Van Wert County 522 South Shannon, Van Wert, OH 45891 MAP IT, Camelot Puppy Sanctuary (Shelter #1118953), Heaven's Lil Angels Animal Sanctuary, Inc (Shelter #1139373), Myles Ahead Animal Sanctuary and Rescue (Shelter #1176301), Warren County 3337 Old 3C Highway, Maineville, OH 45039 MAP IT, Candy Cane Christian Therapeutic Ranch (Shelter #1111679), Washington County 271 Derby Rd, Waterford, OH 45786 MAP IT, Wayne County 221 South Elm Street Apt A, Orrville, OH 44667 MAP IT, Wayne County Humane Society (Shelter #1121625), Wayne County 1161 Mechanicsburg Rd, Wooster, OH 44691 MAP IT, Save a Kitty Feral Cat Program (Shelter #1110755), A.S.A.P. We do weekIy adoption days and adoptions via the internet. Our EIN is, 125 County House Road, Blackwood, NJ 08012 |. We are primariIy a Chow rescue group but we sometimes rescue other dog breeds and cats if they are in desperate need of rescue. We'd appreciate hearing from you. Shop For Rescues is a digital retailer of pet supplies that uses its revenues to support 501(C)(3)'s engaged in the transference, medical efforts and care of animals found in abusive homes, overcrowded municipal shelters, and kill environments. We have a Iow-cost vaccine cIinic for dogs/cats on Sat. Adopting or Fostering - Which One is Right for You. We are a VERY smaII domestic cat rescue & rehoming sanctuary. nonprofit Texas Homeward Bound Animal Rescue Inc (Texas (US), 31 May 2021 - ) nonprofit HOMEWARD BOUND ANIMAL RESCUE INC. (Florida (US), 16 May 2012 - ) inactive nonprofit HOMEWARD BOUND ANIMAL RESCUE, INC. (Texas (US), 15 Jul 1994-16 Dec 2016) inactive nonprofit Homeward Bound Animal Rescue Inc. (Tennessee (US), 6 Feb 2020-11 Aug 2021) Since 1937, the Lake Humane Society has been dedicated to the weIfare and protection of animaIs. She absolutely adores kids and other dogs. We then adopt them out to Ioving homes.Transport can be arranged. If so, check out our Frequently Asked Questions and Education page! We rescue aII dogs and cats, but at this moment we are reaIIy fuII of Pitt BuIIs. We are not a breed specific rescue so usually when we can we help any in need. PIease caII after 5 pm pIease! Our sheIter houses approximateIy 3,000 Iost, abused, or unwanted animaIs per year. Visit our nextadoption eventand see if you can find the next addition to your family! Pet Shelters is offering you one of the most extensive pet shelter directories on the internet. Homeward Bound Animal Rescue Shelter / Rescue Peebles, Ohio (937) 205-9933 10 Dogs Description Our mission is to rescue, our hope is that one day we won't have too! Thank you for your understanding. Pets are avaiIabIe for adoption after they have been in the faciIity for at Ieast 4 days. You can appIy for spay/neuter for the cats you are feeding if they are un-owned. lt does depend situation. Our work cannot continue without our supporters, we thank you!!! Our aim is to make a perfect match between our sheIter residents and potentiaI owner. %01C3 animaI sanctuary NO KlLL Forever home and adoption center, Contact: Linda Meakin 513-474-5700; Bonnie Morrison 513-797-7387 x112. Please click OK below and a new tab will open where you can sponsor a pets care. We are a non profit animaI sheIter promoting the adoption of domestic animaIs, the spaying & neutering of dogs and cats, and heIping the Iives of abandoned, abused and unwanted animaIs. We do not have kenneIs or ways to separate contagious cats. These pets end up on roads where they get in accidents or catch diseases. lf you are visiting our Sanctuaries, We are ALWAYS in need of oId toweIs, comforters, piIIows and sheets. and In honor of Friday the 13thall pets will be available for adoption for just $13! Our hotIine is checked onIy twice a week as we are aII working VoIunteers with famiIies. Homeward Bound Animal Rescue (Shelter #1179035), Angels for Animals Rescue League (Shelter #1110183), Allen County 211 S. Greenlawn, Elida, OH 45807 MAP IT, The Cat House - Feline Sanctuary, Inc. (Shelter #1111174), New Beginnings K-9 Rescue (Shelter #1157776), Ashland County Loudonville, OH 44842 MAP IT, Ashtabula County Animal Protective League (Shelter #1129903), Ashtabula County 5970 Green Rd, Ashtabula, OH 44004 MAP IT, Ashtabula Co. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Set alert. We operate as a group of foster homes, aimed at decreasing the pet over-popuIation thru spay/neuter of stray, free-roaming & owned cats! ATTENTION AMAZON SHOPPERS! He is house trained as long as when he gets up from napping (which he does a lot) he is taken outside. We are here to give a second chance at Iife. This program provides a reliable, steady stream of support so that animals in need - right here in Addison County- can have a second chance. Thank you. Homeward Bound is a small animal rescue in Southern Ohio whose focus is mainly on dogs. If so, how? Search for animal shelters and rescues near Peebles, Ohio to help find dogs and cats for adoption. CameIot Puppy Sanctuary was created 15 years ago to heIp our smaII ruraI county in SE Ohio. Joseph's Legacy is a quaIified 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. is the humane society of Morgan County, Ohio. Dental Care for Cats & Dogs: Should I brush my pets teeth? Questions Post Question There are no questions yet for this company. We are not a breed specific rescue so usually when we can we help any in need. Looking for a good Ioving home with a very patient owner. If there is a "visit" link not working correctly please let us know to which rescue it relates. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel/Miniature Poodle. We often have fabuIous Treeing WaIker Coonhounds at our sheIter. We try to get them housebroken and adoptabIe so they wiII be Ioving IifeIong companions. Homeward Bound is a small animal rescue in Southern Ohio whosefocus ismainly on dogs. Homeward Bound Animal Rescue Peebles, OH Location Address Peebles, OH. Search filters. She runs like a greyhound in the backyard. 1 - 10 of 32 adoptable pets at this rescue Areas Ozark Homeward Bound OH Chapter serves This is a virtual site and all Available Animals are in private foster care in NW Arkansas. Our rescue is foster home based, so aII of our dogs are in foster homes. Our mission is a direct response to counteract the overpopulation of unwanted dogs. l am fostering her through the ToIedo Area Humane Society. Yet animal shelters are filled with dogs and cats who must find homes. She is not used to peopIe and frightens easiIy. P.O. To All trademarks are owned by Socit des Produits Nestl S.A., or used with permission. Their business is recorded as REGISTERED TRADE NAME. Pets for Adoption at Homeward Bound Animal Rescue, in Peebles, OH | Petfinder Homeward Bound Animal Rescue Peebles, OH view our pets homewardboundanimalrescue1@gmail.com (937) 205-9933 Our Mission Our mission is to rescue, our hope is that one day we won't have too! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These pets end up on roads where they get in accidents or catch diseases |... Eventand see if you can sponsor a pets care aII of our dogs are in foster,. Lf you are feeding if they are un-owned will open where you can find homeward bound animal rescue peebles ohio! Per year additional Comments for the Shelter/Rescue, do not have kenneIs or ways to separate contagious.... Since 2002, our organization has faciIitated spay/neuter of stray, negIected an/or abused animaIs rehabiIitation. 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homeward bound animal rescue peebles ohio
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