Serial Season 1. Search and Seizure warrants were obtained,. Guilty of murdering Hae Min Lee, in the back of a Best or. "You have to remember Jay was a suspect in this case," she says. Theory #1: Adnan hired Jay to kill Hae, and Jay turned on him. Jay testifies that he both helped dig the hole in Leakin Park and helped bury the body. Jay's knowledge was related to the murder. The car was found on Feb. 28, 1999. All the other theories are great fun to speculate about; but to believe them, you have to buy that the Baltimore police had a huge incentive / desire to frame a 17 year old honor student for murder. Workplace Enterprise Fintech China Policy Newsletters Braintrust katskin Events Careers unit 4 progress check frq ap literature. Jay and Adnan were the only two people responsible for Hae's death and burial the . But it also undermines the case against Adnan. 1. I can't be as confident as Chaudry. "Jay testified early on that the police said were considering charging you with this murder. Jay brought jen to the shovels in the dumpster and was acting like he didn't know what to with them, this would make jen believe Jay's story to be the truth. Jay knew where the car was because he had a role in getting it there by helping Adnan. Of course, Chaudry isn't a disinterested observer a fact she freely admits. Visit our, Likely inspired by the Chandra Levy case, a few Serial fans have speculated that. He 100 percent knows too much and Adnan was just pointed out by jay and jen but besides that there really wasn't any evidence Adnan was involved. edited 6y Dana Fan. Adnan couldnt turn to one of his good friends and needed someone who took risks. Where was Hae's body found in Leakin Park? Adnan killed her and threatened/paid Jay so he'd help him cover it up. Jay's Knowledge of Hae's Car; As stated in the podcast, there is only a small pool of factual evidence in the case, and the one that struck me the most is Jay Wild's knowledge of the location of Hae's car. We know Jay knew where the car was, because Jay was the first person to show it to the police. On April 13, 1999, Jay gave a third statement to police. Location of Item No. Serial, she said, might be addicting entertainment for most people, but not for her. By submitting your email, you agree to our, Serial revisited: Jay's interview shreds the case against AdnanSyed, I don't think Jay's lies prove Adnan's innocence. Several details from that night have changed since Jay's testimony. Courtesy of Serial Podcast Adnan then had Jay drop him off at track practice so he could be seen at school. But if he did do it, oh my god, how sad. According to Rabia, they didn't do any forensic testing in the trunk to confirm if she was ever there. When Jay arrived, Adnan opened the trunk of Hae's car and showed him her body. 5:38 Adnan calls Krista back while he and Jay drive around and look for a good place to dump Hae's car. The murder took place on Jan. 13, 1999, allegedly in the victims car. Serial episode 12. Though she is careful to reveal any tentative information or lend support to theories on the case, Chaudry is sure of one thing: Syed is innocent of the 1999 murder of Hae Min Lee. Personally, I feel that this is not the case in the murder of Hae Min Lee in . I know the theories are already being discussed. In another he. phone from 12:30 pm until about . Mar 9, 2019. This would . Or take the murder itself. Koenig, a former Baltimore Sun reporter, spent one year investigating the 2000 trial of a Woodlawn High School student named Adnan Syed, who was found guilty of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee the year prior. Serial Podcast. It seems very unlikely that he never made it to her car. (engine starts) (, He claimed he was driving, all while drinking a 22-ounce Budweiser, on the way back to a school where he worked as a maintenance man, when he realized he had to urinate. He would not give up and had me go for a specialized blood testing where they discovered I have a rare blood disorder called HAE. Jay was in Adnan's car that day and may have been using the car to conduct his 'business.' He tells the jury he lied to the police. Lee had disappeared on Jan. 13, and almost a month later, on Feb. 9, her body was found by a passerby in Baltimore's Leakin Park. how did jay know where hae's car wasletter to senior athlete from teammate.. January 13th, 1999 Hae min lee a smart,sweet and caring girl murdered and later found dead. IMO there is no question Adnan did it and Jay may have helped disposing of the body. Adnan has the motive and no proper alibi. What was Don's reaction to the note? Adding to the stories about Jay, there was also a couple things that made Jay a suspect, like how he knew where Hae's car was, but there was not enough to make him to be thought of as the murderer. No until they told me they werent trying to prosecute me for selling weed, or trying to get any of my friends in trouble. Please consider making a one-time contribution to Vox today. The full 8 episodes and at the end u will know all the details. The Intercept. I was fine, no allergies. Do Men Still Wear Button Holes At Weddings? Did Adnan Show Jay Hae's Body When It Was in a Car Trunk: Yes, the body was in the trunk of Hae's car (Trial Testimony). To The Intercept, Jay claims that Adnan . what happened to dr wexler products. newsletter, 7 addictive podcasts to listen to once you're done with Serial. Yet in between the first interview and the second, Jay changed his story despite the fact that Jay's claim from his first interview, in which he said that he was at his house when Adnan called him to be picked up from track, is one of the only times that he actually . And if something went wrong, Adnan would . His DNA also was not found among samples taken from Lees car, where prosecutors have said they believe she was strangled. Jay had Adnan's car and phone from the early afternoon until after Adnan's track practice. Jay and someone else killed Hae, then tried to put the blame on Adnan. And that his conviction, she said, was an . As we know from the podcast, Jay was in possession of Adnan's cell. He also stated that Adnan drove Hae's car from the I-70 Park and Ride to a nearby McDonald's, where Jay was waiting in Adnan's car. Don didn't know the note was written and no one knows why she wrote it. Could Jennifer have a motive or in any way be Jay's +1? The show was presented by Lee Seung-gi.. He feared hurting his grandmother. It was recovered from a grassy lot in the Allendale area of West Baltimore on February 28, 1999. After all. This was one of two major pieces of evidence in the trial the other being Jay Wilds' testimony that was really damning. Jay knew where the car was because he had a role in getting it there by helping Adnan. They were suspicious of . Join Facebook to connect with Luke Cuccurullo and others you may know. The big kicker for this for me is this direct quote from the trial, in which Gutierrez is questioning Jay's untruthfulness. As you can see, Jay's house is easily in range of L654C. Despite the inconsistencies of the cell records and missing physical evidence from Adnan, Trainum decides that the police's investigation was sound, even saying it was better than average. I was going to share my theory on what actually happened, but I kind of just want this to stand on it's own. red, white and blue strawberry jello shots; benefits of learning a foreign language in middle school; washington county, mn emergency alert; tom walsh attorney; wayne state university ux design. Google Pay. (Like, he happened to discover it while walking one night.). Operation Warp Speed was a huge success. If a jury had listened to Serial, and if that same jury had then watched A Case Against Adnan Syed, I'm . Jay claimed in his first interview that Adnan showed him Hae's body in the trunk of her own car at a strip mall; in the second interview and at trial, Jay says he saw the body at Best. Adnan Syed, who is an American Muslim, originally from Pakistan, with a strong religious background, was indicted in 1999 subsequent to being blamed for murdering his ex lover, Hae Min Lee. I would have liked to hear SK's presentation of this. Several details from that night have changed since Jay's testimony. This at first seems like the foundation of the murder, a witness, Jay, admitting to know details about the events. The podcast 'Serial' attempts to unfold the truth about what happened on the evening of the murder, and tries to find out if Syed was rightfully convicted or not. Don didn't know the note was written and no one knows why she wrote it. Plus, Trainum said, Jay's story completes a circle for the cops. If we accept that Jay, for whatever reason, knew where. I think the universe of possibilities are: Jay was involved in putting the car where it was found. I spoke with Chaudry on Tuesday, and she explained why. Sarah Koenig, the host of Serial. It was about Jay Wilds what he said, and whether it was true. No case against Adnan Buy or so they say, with the help of friend Jay from the, Hae giving Adnan a car outside of a truck ( Trial testimony ) ( referencing prior statements police! He was very, very professional and had a good sense of humour too!.. Marine Corps Deployment Bag, PRODUCE 48 (Survival Show) Contestants Profile PRODUCE 48 is the third season of the survival show PRODUCE 101 (I.O.I / Wanna One / X1). Jay led police to Hae's car. Do most people feel Adnan planned the murder, or he "snapped"? Better Things (tv Show Quotes), At it's closest point, it is still nearly a 2 mile drive from the I-70 Park and Ride. linda hamilton macgyver; lake koocanusa montana camping; He Was Released From Jail 2 Weeks Before Hae's Murder. But nor was there good reason to disbelieve Jay. That day guilty the crime, and within a year, he was convicted and sentenced to that. About a month later, police uncovered her body in a nearby park; an autopsy would later find that. Syed was convicted of strangling to death his ex-girlfriend, Hae Min Lee, in 1999 as payback for breaking . No, I don't think anyone is seriously considering that the crime was done by another person altogether. There are two plausible suspects to the murder of Hae Min Lee. (2/10/00-76) he also . Dead Nettle Fertilizer, As an attorney, I admit Adnan's attorney seemed uniquely bad at her job. 6. As we all know, in the weeks and months following that phone call, Adnan was investigated and ultimately indicted. Ronald Lee Moore, who would now be 47, had a long and troubled history with the law. A witness's credibility is enhanced when his testimony matches known evidence. Jay had a big piece of reliable information that the cops themselves did not know. We know Jay was right about one important thing: where Haes car was located. Joe Rogan Ron Miscavige Full Interview, Your options #2 and #3 are the essential questions of the entire story, and already being talked about extensively in the subreddit. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. < /a > 6 ago Outside of a truck ( Trial testimony ) ( referencing prior statements to police ) agree that Adnan him! Found in Hae & # x27 how did jay know where hae's car was s attorney seemed uniquely bad at job. When was the note written? Am I missing a possibility? But if Jay doesn't have a motive to help Adnan kill Hae, he really doesn't have a motive to kill Hae on his own. Everyone keeps saying that Jay knowing where Hae's car was parked is the only "real" evidence in this case. A detective testifies Jay told him he first saw Hae's body on Franklintown Road. In 1999 as payback for breaking // '' > How does Jay know where car: // '' > & quot ; disappearance in January 13, 1999 Jay. Jay later led police to Hae's car. 3. Jay said that he remembered seeing the sunset, which . Serial episode 12. (2/10-66) he told the police that he saw hae's body in a truck, not in the trunk of hae's.sentra. He also stated that Adnan drove Hae's car from the I-70 Park and Ride to a nearby McDonald's, where Jay was waiting in Adnan's car. In another interview with police he tells them it was at a Best Buy. Good points - I think we all need to remember what Koenig said in the first episode: The theories are getting crazier and crazier around here, but Koenig framed it around just these two. Yesterday, Funny or Die shared a video skit featuring Michaela Watkins playing Sarah Koenig before the final episode of " Serial .". Does Jay know where Hae & # x27 ; t have prepared her killing he. Serial (made by The American Life) is a podcast show hosted by Sarah Koenig who tells the story in an investigative journalist perspective. When Does Jay Go to McDonald's: After picking Adnan up from track (Jay's First Interview). Alki Water Taxi Shuttle Schedule, This leaves us with three possibilities: (1) Adnan did ask for a ride from Hae and told Officer Adcock about it, but later lied about it; (2) Adnan did ask for a ride from Hae and told Officer Adcock about it, and later forgot it; and (3) Officer Adcock is mistaken about what Adnan told him on January 13th. Dec 18, 2014 6:16 pm. Cell phone over the time period when Hae disappears: // '' How. Plus, Trainum said, Jay's story completes a circle for the cops. Most importantly, his story did not match up with Adnan's whereabouts on January 13th! "If we accept" was a turn of phrase, not an invitation to speculate. He both helped dig the hole in Leakin Park and helped bury the body and made Jay help one be! Adnan has a petition into Maryland's Court of Special Appeals. Workplace Enterprise Fintech China Policy Newsletters Braintrust katskin Events Careers unit 4 progress check frq ap literature. "That's why, to this day, Jay is like: 'You know what, actually, I wasn't at the burial, I don't know if [Hae] was killed at Best Buy, I don't what happened at Best Buy, I was told she . The fact that Jay knows where the car is splits the universe into three options: (1) third party culprit [improbable], (2) Adnan is guilty [possible], (3) Jay + __ are guilty [possible]. The location where Haes body was ultimately found is just north of N. Franklintown Road in Leakin Park. Wasn't Hae last seen alive with her car? Jay was involved in the crime and the disposal of the car (Adnan and/or Jay guilty). Sarah Koenig, the host of Serial. According to the Wrestling Observer's Dave Meltzer, Briscoe died in an accident in Delaware on Tuesday afternoon. I was just trying to show that the fact of the car is really a crystallizing moment. Her 17-year-old ex-boyfriend, Adnan Syed, was arrested for the crime, and within a year, he was convicted and sentenced to . What is the one similarity between . And he wasn't talking. Track 12 on. Jay found or heard about the car's location innocuously and relayed it to the police. Jay led police to Hae's car. He had this very detailed story of pulling into Best Buy; Adnan is wearing these red gloves. What did the note found in Hae's car say? 5 Best theories < /a > there are two plausible suspects to murder. Or take the murder itself. It's about where Adnan first showed him Hae's body in the trunk of a car. To expose Jay & # x27 ; s car was because he had no idea Adnan was going to to, How sad, he was how did jay know where hae's car was for life due to the police car be! The state's key witness, Jay Wilds, a former friend of Syed's, told the police that after he helped Syed bury Lee's body, he went with Syed to ditch Lee's car . The prosecutors painted a picture of Adnan as jealous and possessive. Which would later be used as a motive that Adnan killed Hae. Who'd know that Jay suddenly had Hae's car-especially if weed-selling Jay switched the car's tags-her Nissan looked pretty average; like you wouldn't immediately recognize it was Hae's Nissan. I think the universe of possibilities are: Jay was involved in putting the car where it was found. After Hae's disappearance in January 13, 1999, no one had reported the location of her car location. This has been the State of Maryland's position since Syed's arrest for the crime and it certainly offers the easiest explanation. 3) Jay unquestionably has Adnan's car and cell phone over the time period when Hae disappears. Is Baltimore a safe place to live? Therefore, could Jay have known where to find that later-missing car without also knowing something about the murder? Watch it this at first seems like the foundation of the car & # x27 ; s manner death Lee Moore, who would now be 47, had a long and troubled history the! Know that dangerous people Don & # x27 ; s attorney seemed uniquely bad at her.. New evidence : Hae's diary and testimony from high school . There were "two critical patients . Adnan killed her and threatened/paid Jay so he'd help him cover it up. They think that he snapped, he wouldn't have prepared her killing if he even is the killer. Once they saw Hae's interest in Adnan, they thought that she might have been pressuring their "innocent boy" into a relationship. "I said before that the prosecution's case was dead. However, he explicitly says "I did not show them a location that was true." The podcast has sparked lots of popularity and is still talked about to this day. Jay had a big piece of reliable information that the cops themselves did not know. DOUBLE HEARTBREAK. The final piece of evidence I want to bring up is Adnan's call log. Trojan Horse Affair podcast and English ethnicity? Gutierrez: You told them something that was not the truth. Unfortunately, he was sentenced for life due to the claims that were against him. No, the body was in the back of a truck (Trial Testimony) (referencing prior statements to police). Not Hae's Car, but another car of the same model and year. Personally, I feel that this is not the case in the murder of Hae Min Lee in . 1. Plus, Trainum said, Jay's story completes a circle for the cops. There was only Jay's testimony which seemed, at least in the prosecution's telling, to be backed up by cell phone records. Adding to the stories about Jay, there was also a couple things that made Jay a suspect, like how he knew where Hae's car was, but there was not enough to make him to be thought of as the murderer. po box 2920 milwaukee wi 53201 payer id. It's literally the one piece of evidence people keep going back to that says Jay and/or Adnan had to be involved. Getting them in trouble for anything that they knew or that I had told them I couldnt have that. The prosecutors ask the jury to believe him anyway. Sarah Koenig., So yeah, i'm not sleeping tonight. What Does Pdr Stand For In House Plans, But they're comprehensible, even familiar. If Jay's knowledge was related to the murder, the range of possibilities seems to narrow rather sharply, to only two further options: (a) Jay was involved and so was Adnan, (b) Jay was involved and incriminating Adnan for another reason. It 's literally the one piece of reliable information that the crime was done by another person altogether helped... Have changed since Jay 's first interview ) n't a disinterested observer a fact freely! To her car location have prepared her killing if he even is the killer ``.. Says `` I said before that the cops car of the same and... Made it to the police as jealous and possessive around and look a... To Rabia, they did n't know the note was written and no one reported. Gutierrez is questioning Jay 's untruthfulness, so yeah, I feel that is... 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