Proudly powered by Newspack by Automattic. For The Ones That Died 14. <>/Metadata 146 0 R/ViewerPreferences 147 0 R>> Breezen N Maxin 03. "#b0b0b0":"#6b758a",g=new t("Appointment Only",h,null);r.push(g),3===r.length&&r.shift()}}if(e.listing.specialFeatures.contingent){var d=new t("Contingent","#fac332",null);r.push(d)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.shortSale){var f=new t("Short Sale","#f71200",null);r.push(f)}else if({var y=new t("Auction","#f71200",null);r.push(y)}else if(e.listing.specialFeatures.foreclosure){var b=new t("Foreclosure","#f71200",null);r.push(b)}}else if(e&&e.propertyID){var v="Off-Market";if(e.attributes&&e.attributes.mlsStatus)switch(!0){case e.attributes.mlsStatus.expired:v="Expired";break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.canceled:v="Canceled";break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.withdrawn:v="Withdrawn";break;case e.attributes.mlsStatus.hold:v="Hold"}var w=new t(v,"#006DC7",null);r.push(w)}return r},getOwnershipTypeAttributeDescription:function(e,t){switch(e){case 1:return"Absentee - In state";case 2:return"Absentee - Out of state";case 4:return"Corporate";case 8:return"Owner Occupied";default:return null}},getDistressedAttributeDescription:function(e,t){switch(e){case 1:return"Lis Pendens";case 2:return"Notice Of Default";case 4:return"Notice Of Foreclosure Sale";case 8:return"Notice Of Trustee Sale";case 32:return"Affidavit Notice of Sale Published or Mailed";case 64:return"Cancelled";case 128:return"Certificate of Purchase / Certificate of Foreclosure Recorded";case 256:return"Order Rescheduling Foreclosure Sale Date";case 512:return"Foreclosure Judgment Entered";case 2048:return"Newly Filed Complaint";case 4096:return"Order of Dismissal/Cancellation/Release of Lis Pendens";case 8192:return"Power of Attorney to Foreclose Mortgage";case 16384:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Default";case 32768:return"Re-Recorded Final Judgment of Foreclosure";case 65536:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Lis Pendens";case 131072:return"Re-Recorded Order of Dismissal";case 524288:return"NFNS Updated with Sale Information Rescheduled";case 1048576:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Trustees Sale";case 2097152:return"Sold";case 4194304:return"Re-Recorded Notice of Sale";case 8388608:return"Standalone Mortgage";case 1073741824:return"Other";default:return null}}},a.js={dedupeHashTables:function(e,t,r){var n={add:[],keep:[],remove:[]};return e&&0!=e.length?t&&0!=t.length?(e.each(function(e,a){t.hasItem(e)?r&&!r(a,t.getItem(e))? [e]:Array.isArray(e)?e:[e],s=null!==(a=window.Homesnap.rewVersionNumber)&&void 0!==a?a:window.Homesnap.versionNumber;i.forEach(function(e){var a;if(-1==e.indexOf("https://")&&0!=e.indexOf("//")){var i=e.toLowerCase();e=t.cssAppHashes&&!t.cssAppHashes["".concat(i)]? There are many reputable dealerships from which a used car may be purchased, but when that which you bargained for is not what you received in automobile performance, expectations, or financing, you should investigate your legal options. "now":n<60?n.toString()+"s":a<60?a.toString()+"m":o<24?o.toString()+"h":i<7?i.toString()+"d":s<5?s.toString()+"w":l.toString()+"mo"}},getAgoFriendly:function(e){var;if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),n=Math.round(r/1e3),a=Math.round(n/60),o=Math.round(a/60),i=Math.round(o/24);return n<0?"Today":n<60?"Today":a<60?"Today":o<24?"Today":o>=24&&o<48?"Yesterday":i<7? Larry Jenkins in New Jersey We found 15 records for Larry Jenkins in Hawthorne, Ewing and 12 other cities in New Jersey. (this instanceof g))return new g(e,t,n);var r,o,i,u,a,s=typeof e;if("base64"===t&&"string"==s)for(e=(r=e).trim?r.trim():r.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"");e.length%4!=0;)e+="=";if("number"==s)o=x(e);else if("string"==s)o=g.byteLength(e,t);else{if("object"!=s)throw new Error("First argument needs to be a number, array or string. View FREE Public Profile & Reputation for Larry Jenkins in Rosedale, NY - See Court Records | Photos | Address, Check all background information that MyLife has gathered. Search instead in Creative? This section can be locked, requiring permission to He had worked with Bishop Charles E. Blake and participated in many church activities, including church basketball team games. (n.fill="#6F459B",n.stroke="#5B2E91"):(n.fill="#71bf44",n.stroke="#538c32"))),n},getSingleEntityTypeAndID:function(e){if(e){var t,r;return e.listing?(t=7, They resided in the Hancock Park section of Los Angeles, California. The funeral mass was on Monday, January 23rd at Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church in Boca Grace, Florida. Jenkins founded his own production companies in October 2005, Flashworks Productions and Gold Coast Productions LLC, in Los Angeles, California. He was born on August 17, 1938, the first of 6 children to Benjamin Joseph and Ruth deButts Jenkins in Washington, D.C. Larrys family moved to Southern Maryland when he was six years old. After an initial assignment as a sheet-metal smith, he was accepted into the Aviation Cadet Program and learned to fly the B-17 "Flying Fortress", one of the United States' primary bombers of that era. Submit. Lj also answers to L J Jenkins, and perhaps a couple of other names. Previous His military awards and decorations include the Distinguished Flying Cross , the Air Medal (with 1 Oak "+t.substr(6,4);return r.length>0&&(o+=" x"+r),{raw:e,digits:t,withParentheses:n,withDashes:a,withExtension:o,withDots:i}}return null},getPercentChange:function(e,t){if(e&&t){var r=(e-t)/t*100;return this.getPercent(r)}},firstLetterToUpper:function(e){if(e)return e.toLowerCase().charAt(0).toUpperCase()+e.toLowerCase().slice(1)}},{getDateInfo:function(e){if(e){var t=new Date(e),r={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric"},n={weekday:"long",year:"numeric",month:"long",day:"numeric",hour:"numeric",minute:"numeric",second:"numeric"},o=["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],i=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],s=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"];return{raw:t.getTime(),date:t,month:t.getMonth()+1,day:t.getDate(),year:t.getFullYear(),monthDayYear:t.getMonth()+1+"/"+t.getDate()+"/"+t.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2),formattedDate:t.toLocaleString("en-us",r),formattedDateTime:t.toLocaleString("en-us",n),shortMonth:i[t.getMonth()],longMonth:s[t.getMonth()],formattedTime:t.toLocaleTimeString("en-us",{hour:"2-digit",minute:"2-digit"}),,,shortDay:o[t.getDay()]}}return null},getAgo:function(e){var;if(e){var r=t-e.getTime(),n=Math.round(r/1e3),a=Math.round(n/60),o=Math.round(a/60),i=Math.round(o/24),s=Math.round(i/7),l=Math.round(i/30);return n<0? (t.length&&(t+=" "),t+="["+e.propertyAddress.address.fullStreetAddress+", "+e.propertyAddress.address.cityStateZip+" ]"):e.image? He served as executive producer for the hit DVD film When Thugs Cry. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. "/".concat(l).concat(r):r}return r},getDomain:function(e){var t=e.split(". He was 63. This may contain information such as company name, job title, address, and time period of service. {raw:t,string:"#"+t}:null,city:r,state:n,zip:a,cityState:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":""),cityStateZip:(r?r+", ":"")+(n?n+" ":"")+(a||"")}},getFullStreetAddressWithoutUnit:function(e,t){return t&&t.toString().length>0?e.split(" #")[0]:e},getBeds:function(e){return e?{raw:e,string:e.toString(),label:1==e? Born on Long Island, NY, in 1955, Jenkins appeared frequently as.a student on the TV show The White Shadow. booking, discounts on exclusive merchandise, private tours and more. Showing Editorial results for larry jenkins. (!window||null===(t=document)||void 0===t||!t.documentElement)&&window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(e)}},a.application={parseQueryString:function(e){for(var t,r,n=/(? Get Latrina Jenkins's email, phone, and more We provide email, phone, address, along with clients info for thousands of "homesnap.users":"homesnap.noimage",o="//"+n+"/",i=e>0?o+a.string.reverse(e.toString())+"_":o+"user_",s="";return t&&(s="? 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Jenkins was born on Long Island, New York. He graduated from Fenger High School in Chicago, Illinois, where he was on the baseball and bowling teams. (Object.keys(e).forEach(function(e){var t=this[e];t&&"object"==typeof t? endobj WebLarry Jenkins Jr. Larry serves as actor and Executive Producer for Into The Sunset Productions., LLC. Sacramento, CA. A Mass of Christian burial will be held on Saturday, January 28, 2017 in St. Ignatius Catholic Church with Father Thomas Clifford officiating. to see possibly who they are and full class lists found from school records and public sources. The complete real estate transactions for Summit, Portage, Stark, Medina and Wayne counties can be found below. Email me for a free consultation. Survivors include his son, Jeffrey. {raw:e,string:e.toLocaleString()}:null},getLotSize:function(e){return e? A Professional Commitment You Can Rely On, Contact information: (707) 410-7685, Click Here To Schedule A Free Consultation. Plan your wedding wherever and whenever you want on the WeddingWire App. "/".concat(l).concat(r):r}return r},getDomain:function(e){var t=e.split(". 306 N Wall St. Carbondale, IL 62901. "This Year":"All Time"}},getTicks:function(e){if(e)return parseFloat(e.toString().replace(/\D/g,""))},getDuration:function(){var e=arguments.length>0&&void 0!==arguments[0]?arguments[0]:0,t=new Date(null);t.setSeconds(e);var r=t.toISOString().substr(11,8),n=r.split(":");return{raw:e,hours:+n[0],minutes:+n[1],seconds:+n[2],formatted:r,formattedTrimmed:r.replace(/^0(?:0:0? WebLj J Jenkins: Address 605 E Lincoln Ave, Mount Vernon, NY, Phone (518)794-xxxx. Taking into account various assets, Lj's net worth is greater than $100,000 - $249,999; and makes between $100 - 149,999 a year. Life Az A Real Playa 11. Ste 170 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Contact D: 757.477.2706 O: 757.575.0458 Larry Jenkins Im a real estate agent with EXP Realty LLC in Virginia Beach, VA and the nearby area, providing home-buyers and sellers with professional, responsive and attentive real estate services. (t.instagram=!0,"Instagram",t.color={text:"#c93a9b",background:"#c9399b",rgb:"201,57,155",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #7D3CAF 0%, #B33393 100%)"},t.icon={color:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-grey-70px-2x.png")}):3===e? "Last 90 Days":i>=90&&i<365? 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(t.instagram=!0,"Instagram",t.color={text:"#c93a9b",background:"#c9399b",rgb:"201,57,155",gradient:"radial-gradient(at bottom right, #7D3CAF 0%, #B33393 100%)"},t.icon={color:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-256px.png"),colorSM:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-colored-70px-2x.png"),white:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-white-70px-2x.png"),grey:a.path.getImageUrl("/listing-promos/ig-grey-70px-2x.png")}):3===e? WebDebt Defense Predatory Lending Predatory Lending Credit cards can make it convenient to purchase everyday items. WebThere are 30 other people named Larry Jenkins on AllPeople. Among his most memorable roles was a parking garage attendant who goes joyriding in the vintage Ferrari owned by Camerons dad in the 1980s classic Ferris Buellers Day Off, Mark Medoff Dies: Oscar-Nominated 'Children Of A Lesser God' Writer Was 79. Browse Band prices, photos and 1 Nov 10, 2021 Larry Dean Jenkins, 77, of Oxford, passed away Nov. 7, 2021. WebLarry Bassen Entertainment - Band - East Meadow, NY - WeddingWire. 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