Still, many people refuse to accept it as the worlds longest word because it is a scientific name. longest - no dictionary results Sorry, the word or phrase you're looking for has not been found in the dictionary. Zulu-English online dictionary that anyone can contribute to using the forum. Required fields are marked *. Floccinauccinihilipilification. Whereas something like childrens clothes is two words in English, for example, in Dutch, you combine kinder and kleding to create one long word: kinderkleding. Megszentsgtelenthetetlensgeskedseitekrt, with 44 letters is officially the longest word in the Hungarian language and means something like for your [plural] continued behaviour as if you could not be desecrated. The term fremdschmen refers to a feeling of second-hand embarrassment caused by the action of another person. The Zulu language, referred to by native speakers as isiZulu, is the native tongue of more than 10 million Zulus worldwide, with the vast majority living in South Africa. Because of this, he has really hard opinions about AP Style. Speaking of long words that exist for the sole purpose of being long, this term is very famous as a song from Mary Poppins. refers to inflammation of the larynx, trachea, and bronchi. In many languages, including several that will appear on this list, it is possible to make incredibly long compound words by attaching smaller words together. -t constitutes a transitive verb from an adjective The chemical name for the protein titin, which spans over 189 thousand letters, is often argued to be the longest word in the world. A slight modification, ekoslovakyallatramadklarmzdanmsnz, (43 letters; 'you are reportedly one of those that we could not make Czechoslovakian') is, however, even longer and, as it contains no question particle, it is written contiguously. WebThe longest word entered in most standard English dictionaries is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters. When transliterated into the Latin alphabet, this tasty meal appears as Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon. This ridiculous ancient Greek word was invented by the playwright Aristophanes, sometimes known as the Father of Comedy. This unnecessarily long word refers to a fictional dish that is made of a variety of animal parts. Get the fascinating stories of your favorite words in your inbox. Record the pronunciation of this word in your own voice Victoria grew up in Amsterdam, before moving to the UK to study English and Related Literature at the University of York and completing her NCTJ course at the Press Association Dutch law in 2023: This is whats changing in the Netherlands next year, Dutch passport falls in ranking, now fifth-best in the world, Why speaking fluent Dutch in 2023 might not be such a crazy idea, First-time buyers must earn 71.000 euros to afford Dutch house prices, Mastercard and Visa debit to replace Maestro and V PAY in the Netherlands. This is the only word in our dictionary with a repeating pseudo. After the dissolution of Czechoslovakia, Afyonkarahisarllatrabildiklerimizdenmisinizcesine (53 letters) was often said to be the longest word in Turkish. Start by saying pneumono as new-moh-no. Remember that the letter P in pneumono is silent when you read it out loud. | Server and development by Svigelj Levente E.V. Learn All About This Celebration, The New Covid Variant Name (And A List Of Other Variant Names), 14 Words That Are Spelled Right But Look So Wrong, The Meaning Of Spare As The Title Of Prince Harrys Memoir, Words For The Most Popular New Years Resolutions, Break The Bank With These Slang Terms For Money, The Meaning Of Kwanzaa And Its Celebrations, Wassail, Sugarplum, And Other Unusual Christmas Words, to our quiz and see how much youve learned. WebVery easy. There is no principled grammatical reason for not being able to make a Turkish word indefinitely long, as there are suffixes that can act recursively on a word stem. If you take a tour of the English language, you can find some unbelievably long words like antidisestablishmentarianism, pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism, and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. If you consult a German dictionary, the longest word you are likely to find is Kraftfahrzeug-Haftpflichtversicherung, which translates to motor car liability insurance., However, you can find even longer compound words if youre willing to comb through legislation. This one directly translates to eight hundred and eighty-eight tool sheds in The Hague.. -sg (see above) This 28-letter word, which is the name of a movement in Deinstitutionalization refers to the release of institutionalized individuals from institutional care (as in a psychiatric hospital) to care in the community, and also to the reform or modification of an institution to remove or disguise its institutional character.. Otorhinolaryngological refers to a medical specialty concerned especially with the ear, nose, and throat and related parts of the head and neck. Counterrevolutionaries refers to people who participate in a revolution directed toward overthrowing a government or social system established by a previous revolution. WebThe longest word I have personally encountered in Georgian is (gakontrrevolutsionerebulebisatvisats), The official longest German word at 63 letters used to be the name of a beef label law: Rindfleischetikettierungsberwachungsaufgabenbertragungsgesetz. It is often said to be the longest word ever recorded in literature. Like Dutch, Afrikaans can be used to create absurdly long words by compounding them together. San Joaquin County. Still here? You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Theres just one problem: its not the longest word. And now we get to the part we want to know. Easy Access. Here are some of the longest words. List of EnglishSpanish interlingual homographs, "Cules son las palabras ms largas en espaol (y cuales son las falsas o inventadas)", "Separar en slabas la palabra: electrocardiografiamente",, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 20 September 2022, at 15:24. Incomprehensibilities refers to things that are hard to comprehend or understand. While the longer name is based on earlier names for the lake from the language of the Nipmuc people who inhabited the area, this version of the namealong with its reputed translation, "You fish on your side; I fish on my side; nobody fishes in the middleappears to have been the invention of a local newspaper editor. If you do something immunoelectrophoretically (25 letters) you do it with immunoelectrophoresis, natch. An example for such a recursive pattern is:[5]. Learn a new word every day. We'll pick up your loaded container and bring it to one of our local storage facilities. This family includes the majority of languages that are spoken in present-day Europe. Our containers make any commercial or household project cost effective. No one is quite sure where it started, but the idea of antidisestablishmentarianism being the longest word is a linguistic myth. -ance in acceptance Btn retmenleri kolayca muvaffakiyetsizletiriciletiriverebileceini sanan okul mdr bu duruma sinirleniyor, ve sz konusu retmeni makamna arp ona diyor ki: "Muvaffakiyetsizletiriciletiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmisinizcesine laflar ediyormusunuz ha?" Youll notice theres an ellipsis here, and thats because this word, in total, is 189,819 letters long, and its the chemical name for the largest known protein, titin. What is the process of translating software? No Rental Trucks An English word of 189, 819 letters. Esternocleidooccipitomastoideos (31 letters) is the plural of the noun esternocleidooccipitomastoideo, which is the sternocleidomastoid, a muscle in the human neck. This Sanskrit word has the prestige of being the Guinness Book of World Records longest word. But in addition, Persian, various extinct languages and one or two vernacular languages also belong to this group. The law went away in 2013, however, and this word was struck from the books. It doesnt seem to have much of a meaning to it, besides its ability to make you sound precocious, but it certainly is fun to say. I'd be happy to The teachers who are being educated in that school are being taught how to make unsuccessful ones from students. The longest word entered in most standard English dictionaries is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis with 45 letters. You have been warned! is a hobby project trying to build a reasonably useful, modern Zulu-English online dictionary that anyone can contribute to using the forum.Beyond bidirectional word search, it offers translation of simple Zulu and English phrases, automatic morphological decomposition, conjugation and phonetic transcription of [5] Both words are abbreviated as ECOM. Breaking it down, kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedencomitleden directly translates to childrens carnival parade preparation work committee members.. Feeling a little overwhelmed? German features several words of its own that do not exist in any other language. The gender of a word is determined grammatically. megkaposztasitottalanitottatok (best I can do being Canadian born Hungarian), [] which is 44 letters long (I dont know if it has all the letters of the alphabet or not) but it means for your [plural] continued behaviour as if you could not be desecrated. I dont even know how to parse that definition let alone how to say the []. Who needs she sells seashells on the seashore when youve got hottentottententententoonstellingsterrein, right!? Below is a table showing the Zulu alphabet and how it is pronounced in English, and finally examples of how those letters would sound if you place them in a word. given at the AFRILEX Conference And German isnt alone in this (nor is it even the most impressive); languages including Finnish, Estonian and English can all produce words that are infinitely long. Nkanyezi is a Zulu name, meaning star. 18. This word is the result of adding a bunch of suffixes to the Turkish word muvaffakiyet, meaning success. This word roughly translates to As though you are from those whom we may not be able to easily make into a maker of unsuccessful ones., This word comes from Afrikaans. This 59-letter word is said to be the longest published word in the Tagalog language. Otherwise it alternates between -Dr (D=d or t, I=,i,u or ) and -t depending on the preceding letter.[5]. Receive the IamExpat Weekly and Special Offers from our Partners, For expats of all colours, shapes & sizes, selecting the countrys word of the year every December. Merced County Pronunciation of longest word with 1 audio pronunciations. It is theoretically possible for some words to be inflected an infinite number of times because certain suffixes generate words of the same type as the stem word, such that the new word can be modified again with the same suffix(es). But why? Longing for a challenge? However, German features an additional gender: neuter. Eltredezettsgmentesttlenttethetetlensgtelenttlenkedhetntek is the longest word. Feeling brave? The longest string of letters used to describe something isn't technically a wordit's the chemical name for a protein, begins with methionylthreonylthreonylglutaminyl, and continues for quite a while after that. OK, so this clearly isnt the longest word in the world. From the Dutch seamans language, the word piggiwynwas first recorded in 1668. Which Service?MovingStorageMoving & Storage, Contact US : [1] The word has a 22-letter synonym: esternocleidomastoideo,[2][3][4] which is shorter because it omits the Latin prefix occipito- ('occipital'). Similarly to German, the Dutch language is great (or confusing), because you can put multiple words together to create one new, potentially really long word. Zulu syllables are canonically (N)C (w)V, and words must always end in a vowel. Consonant clusters consist of any consonant, optionally preceded by a homorganic nasal consonant (so-called "prenasalisation", described in more detail below) and optionally followed by the consonant /w/ . A mostly clean exploration of how language and comedy work together. As the name suggests, tongue twisters can be notoriously tricky, no matter what language you try them in. GET A QUOTE OR START TRANSLATING YOUR TEXTS IN A MATTER OF SECONDS. The word Muvaffakiyetsizletiriciletiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmisinizcesine (70 letters) was proposed by Kksal Karaku as the longest word in Turkish. OK, fine, thats kind of cheating. As you can probably tell, the definition of a word is pretty loose. Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg, Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenu-akitanatahu, "Pettifogger," "Stumblebum," and Others Who Don't Pull Their Weight. As weve mentioned, German is defined by a certain characteristic, namely the length that some of its words can reach. ), In Welsh, the longest word youll often find in a dictionary is cyfrwngddarostyngedigaeth, which roughly translates to intercession., If you allow for place names in your increasingly long list of long words, then it is hard to top the Welsh village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. -het expresses possibility; somewhat similar to the English modal verbs may or can (Did you count only 20 words in the list? The Association for the German Language even named the noun word of the year in 1999. If you find that hard to believe, you should know that the list you are about to read includes words like kindercarnavalsoptochtvoorbereidingswerkzaamhedenplan and miinibaashkiminasiganibiitoosijiganibadagwiingweshiganibakwezhigan. If you believe that this word or phrase needs to be added to our dictionary, please click here to submit it to us. Laryngotracheobronchitis (24 letters) The term was made famous when it became the longest German word to have appeared in a document by an official body up until that point. Here are some of the words we're currently looking at for a spot in the dictionary. szent holy (the word root) in July. For example, kuyruksallayangillersizletiriciletiriveremeyebileceklerimizdenmisinizcesinedir is another possible longest meaningful and probable word in Turkish with 81 letters. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced searchad free!
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