I dont remember the names of the other places but I do remember one called the Flamingo. My teacher, Mr. Albrecht, was the best! I love Crailsheim, and Germany, and would gladly have never left. I called the number ans wow he was blown away when he found out who I was. Nearby Conn Barracks had the 2/64th Armour, 3/64th Armour, an ADA unit and part of the 3rd Aviation Bn. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. One of these days, I will return to Germany and visit the area. I was with HQ.Co 1st Bn 37th Armour. one of my best friends (estus ray smith) a surveyor is still living in germany and a surveyor for the gov. I didn't realize it until much later that Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Dinkelsbuhl and Harburg,all just a short drive from Crailsheim, were the only three remaining cities in Germany that had all of their original walls intact. I just came across this site while trying to find out what happened to McKee Barracks. Your exhusbands name Tim is very familiar, I wish I could remember the face. Sure glad the Russians did not attack us!I did like Germany and made some very good friends while there. [3] While the facility was considered small compared to other cavalry barracks, it was said to be of ample size for a cavalry regiment of full war strength of 862 men (all ranks) and stabling for as many horses. [7], The plans were prepared by the Royal Engineers' Department, under the direction of architect Major Robert Barklie RE, Larne, Co. Good looking boys. Thanks for the memories. I was the Company Clerk for Company B, 3rd Battalion, 37th Armor. Horseshoe hill was the best,played DYA sports "Go Green" think it was the "Cougars". Ken and Jackie Reynolds are both gone now. Hi, I was also stationed at Crailsheim / McKee Kaserne but from April 84 - September 85. (The bank was on the 2nd floor). We were put on alert and had to stay in our barracks for two days wearing full combat gear. I was in Mannheim from 1993-1996. Funny as it seems, I was stationed back 2 more times in Germany but never made it back to 'Sheim. Damn It knew exactly when I got off work and walked to my building to greet me. (He was stationed closer to France). In the spring time, when the streets were covered with what appeared as snow. Their was also a medical detachment and a platoon of the 126th maintenence. I think there was a 5 star restaurant near Mariakappel, it was great food.I remember the "honey wagons" spraying liquid manure on the beet field across from McKee, what a smell. Now that I look back on it, I was lucky to stay in Crailsheim and not have to move in country. Jerry was from Puyallup, WA and was the best man at my wedding in 1977. Do you have MCKEE BARRACKS, GERMANY Reunion information you'd like to share, "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. $4.95 ) (No reviews yet) Write a Review . I was there from 87-90, in C Battery and Svc Battery. Was sad to hear that, She was a tough ole girl but I liked her.So, thank you for your post on Crailsheim, I enjoyed reading them, Beth, Hi BethanyI was close to the same age as you when my dad was stationed at McKee.It is so strange to see folks speak of that era of my life that seemed to be buried long ago. I spent many hours playing foosball. I posted one of the Stern and some funny comments have been posted under it. I never could figure that out, but then I never figured out the Army either. I have great memories of the place. Veteran C. Young, After 30 years and learning the computer and finding VetFriends, I went to my first reunion of the USS Navasota AO-106. also my wife ingrid died in 1988 from a heart attack at the age of 45. later. in Mckee barrracks crailsheim we have an alumni on face book here is a link there are allot of us there. Sometimes she would take me with her - I loved every minute in the barracks! Tweet. A portion of this field was destroyed in the Allied bombing in March, 1945, and during the Four Day Battle in April, 1945 when elements of the 10th Armored Division occupied Crailsheim. We did lose the USAREUR football quarter finals that year.A few of us made friend with the Bartel Family of Stimpfach. I am still in Germany, working in Heidleberg at USAREUR/7A HQ. Festina Lente. 573rd Artillery and 51st Infantry was also there. I could tell my son in law about where he could turn on the road, and what he would find. JimWhat a surprise to find this site on the web. Eating at that marvelous snack shop above the PX. The US-Dollar was cheap, and we have had makeed a good bussines with the americans in the Shop on the Base. (Paula and Heinrich, with kids Edgar, Victor, and Marie). He always let us into the Disco side even when most GIs couldnt get in. Going to the Volksfest in Septmber.Who else is going? The apartment buildings are now many different colors other than the beige color with "A" and "B" on them. The fests outside the main gate were awesome, remember the germans loving american ice cream, remember playing on the old yellow helicopter by mobil bohn. The post had been turned over as a refugee camp, and the Quarters were being rebuilt to turn over to the local population. is sadly no longer there. Thanks for the memories! The 97th MP Bn (Confinement), which ran the Mannheim Correctional Facility, was also in Mannheim. She volunteered at the Library and the Dental clinic and was a Girl Scout leader for a while. [8] An imposing an extravagant cavalry barracks, the style of the officers' Mess is a mixture between Elizabethan and Queen Anne, and the general appearance of its red brick and red roof tiles, with "traceried windows, floriated pinnacles, parapets and panelled battlements", (quoting Lt. Col. MacNeill description in his Cosantoir account of the building of the barracks), may be described as being in a broad "romantic" style but not in any specific national style or idiom (O'Donnell suggests that elements like the pepper-box turrets and cupolas may even be seen in Russian and Turkish design of the time). The battalion would later return to Europe, and a photograph from the division's 1958 yearbook shows the famed tank on display on McKee Barracks in Crailsheim, Germany. Would love to locate Joe Godeaux, from Louisana, who was my roomate for a short time when I first got there. That is the place where I met my beautiful wife. Our post comander by that time was Brigadier General Charles C Rogers recipient ofthe congressional medal of Honor. I just thought it would be lovely to get in touch if I could find her but I need to know if that is a full address? !Dennis Brown, Fort Myers. We moved to Jagsthiem about 1972 . I also have great memories of that time and place and it's hard to believe it has been almost 36 years. The next year we found out just how tough she really was. The Division's CO was General Omara. Major Dimsdale was the Battalion commander when I was here and they have photos of the ceremony when he first took command here. Great for sewing or gluing onto hats,vets,jackets,saddle bags etc. Is it possible that he spent a little time at the Gasthaus Stern. Photos of the Thanksgiving Day parade that dad organized complete with a cabin and children dressed as pilgrims on an Army low loader.I have my own beer mug from the Officer's Club and still have dad's beer stein from the post rod and gun club. My husband was stationed in Crailsheim from 1962 to 1965.Did you know that the city has brought out a pamphlet about McKee Barracks dating from 1950 to when the barracks were closed? However, many years later, I can say that I am a better man because I was there. Great to hear from another kid from McKee. I live in Al. i was 2/42 fa lance 80-82 here is the link. It was from Marlborough Barracks that the 6th Reserve Cavalry Regiment, made up of squadrons of the 5th Lancers and 12th Lancers, rode down what is now O'Connell Street in Easter 1916 and came under fire from the GPO, and beat a hasty retreat after encountering the Irish Volunteers and Irish Citizen Army who had taken over the building. I hear that Mckee was closed almost 20 years now. I was the S-3 (training and Operations) clerk for HHC, 3rd Bn-37th Armor. By the way, when I was there in '64 and '65, the movie theater only cost 15 cents. Went back in 2003 and McKee was bulldozed. Or buying cases of German bier from the locals who worked on post. I had no idea that my small blog entry would generate such a number of posts! McKee Barracks is located one mile east of Crailsheim, a junction point for highway and railway traffic crisscrossing central Germany. I'm Ed Dewey, and I was an artillery surveyor in the 5/73, then the 2/42 (Lance) from early '72 until Aug. 74.If anyone remembers me, send me an email at: rocketed@att.netEd, I was there as an artillery surveyor from early '72 until Aug. '74. I was in the 501st Ordinance Company. The "Sheim" is the place where I got seriously buzzed drinking my first warm German beernot to mention what the Schnapps and Jaegermeister did to many of us back in those days. Amy,Thanks for the reply. Thanks. Popcorn was a dime, with all the salt you could pour on it! Sergeant Greer and Rodrequis were Headquater 1st Sergeants, I thought Captin Ryan was in charge of Headquarters but I could be wrong. I spent a good deal of time in Dienkelsbuhl (sp? cool memories,what a great experience army life was. My dad was stationed in the 37th armored division and I lived here for almost 2 years (65-67). Maybe it will work for you. I feel very fortunate to have been in Crailsheim when The Wall came down and to witness a piece of history. Thanks, Beth,Go to the McKee Barracks Alumni Facebook Page. Now 2009 the Base is total destroied. It was something like out of a picture book. We used to do a lot of sledding on the hill behind the BOQ. I don't know how many more years that lasted, as it would definitely not be considered an appropriate thing to do nowdays, with civilians living in those apartments. Collins Barracks, Cork; Address: Collins Barracks, Cork, T23 VA02. We were stationed in Germany in 1975 through 1978. Loved your story Amy. He was killed in May of 1983 in a car accident. Anyone know of any good pics of the base online?Thanks,Mike, Thank you all for sharing your memories of McKee Barracks and of Crailsheim in general!I don't really have many pictures of the base when we were stationed theremost of our pictures featured a small, dark-haired boy who will be 19 come July and just graduated from high school two weeks ago. I could go on forever with the stories and places. I spent the entire tour in 1-51 in various assignments. The construction of a barracks on Blackhorse Avenue began in 1888 and took approximately 4 years to finish. If I remember right, we lived in 211 A-2. I was stationed here with the 1/51st from 81-83. Official Facebook Page for McKee Barracks in Crailsheim, Germany. Any help is welcome. Mom worked at the commissary.went to the elementary school on the hill in old housing,remember the tunnel that connected the housing areas. Robert Sanchez email mncross1@yahoo.com, Hi MichaelaI was in C-Btry 2/42 around 1976/78, and I knew all those dudes. It was a long time ago, 1959-1962, but I still remember Crailsheim as a kid. We kept the burgers warm by placing them on the M151 jeep engine manifold.I remember the New Yorker, I think I even have a menu from the place somewhere. He was born in Butte on April 19, 1937, to Marylouise and Jean F. Richards. I remember Dr's Taylor, Fink, and Fredrickson. aaaahh---Memories for an old man. I also have some pictures taken at McKee. The pig want to work with me everyday and stayed in the yard of the Officers Club. My wife is from the Ellwangen area, about 25 minutes from Crailsheim. Do you have any pics of the post before it was demolished? It was the first place I ate out in Germany and remained a favorite of ours during our years there.Tschu!Amy. McKee Barracks is located one mile east of Crailsheim, a junction point for highway and railway traffic crisscrossing central Germany. We were with Svc Btry 4/12 FA during our first 3 years in Crailsheim, then they deactivated and I'll be darned if I can remember who came in. us army crailsheim germany us army crailsheim germany. Official Facebook Page for McKee Barracks in Crailsheim, Germany. !Oh yeah, those pilots loved to play pranks.I was in Germany back in 2003 to visit our daughter who is married to a career Army officer, and who was stationed in Kitzigen. I have only been back once, on a Reforger Exercise in 1984. I have a few pics of our guys at the Kegal Stube which was the restaurant side of the New Yorker, but unfortunately, not too much more. He was the Base mascot so to speak. Sid,I am Pete Mascetti and I was stationed in Crailsheim from 76-81, CSC 1-51 Inf. I hope to run into some old friends on here. Army brat whose family was there for my 5th grade (1969) We lived across the street from the elementary school, across from horseshoe hill. Crailsheim is served by the Upper Jagst Railway. I was there again for the Volksfest in 2008, and had a lot of fun. I often wonder what ever happened to my buddies.I was in 2/42 B-battery, artillery surveyor. He said we were like brothers and then all of a sudden, we lost all contact. We later moved into the military housing. I would love to talk to you. Are you looking for someone who is or was in MCKEE BARRACKS, GERMANY? Hi Michaela Norberto Sanchez (Puto) BeerClown 1974-1976 Crailsheim Germany McKee Barracks. McCoy was post commander when I was there. For days, I just walked around the town and looked at all the things I remember. [6], In 2020, as part of the national response to the COVID-19 pandemic, a Defence Forces joint task force was established in McKee Barracks. I was there 85-87. Please don't think your pictures won't make a difference no matter how obscure.Thank you to the author of this blog. Vincent. find my friend. I was a dependant at McKee Barracks from '75 - '79. I started teaching in the dependant elementary school. We first lived in an apartment with a German family. The barracks was home to several different British units throughout it's history but was primarily for Cavalry units. The New McKee Barracks Alumni For Grown Up's on F. Wednesday On Climbing the Holl. You can email me at gmjoe2490@yahoo.com, Hello everyone!We found this blog while searching for information about the McKee Barracks in Crailsheim. McKee Barracks, Crailsheim (closed in 1993) McNair Barracks, Berlin (closed in 1994) McNair Kaserne, Hchst, Frankfurt (closed in 1994) McPheeters Barracks, Bad Hersfeld (1993) Merrell Barracks, Nuremberg (closed in 1992) Unofficial homepage Michael Barracks, Hchst, Frankfurt (closed in 1994) Minick Kaserne, Bad Kreuznach (closed 1995?) Military Catalog, Sales, Discounts & more. I'd like to hear from anyone who remembers my husband or myself.ortrud43@gmail.com, hello everybody I found this blog while searching for some information from army bases in Germany. Following the Anglo-Irish Treaty the barracks were handed over to the forces of the Irish Free State in 1922 and renamed McKee . I hope you weren't in Hohenfels the year the advance party put up the big tents in the frozen ground, and then we had a rain, and all the tents fell on top of us. So different than the US. hit up my youtube page hollywoodbadguy1anyone remember me or info on in anyone in hq please contact me.i got intouch with col van horn have his email. I tried to go back there when on a Reforger exercise in 1984, but it had changed hands and venue. It was very odd because everything was overgrown (obviously no grunts here to clean up and mow) and all of the buildings were empty. I thank you for posting your story and hope that somehow we can all keep in touch. I can't remember the name of the place, but the food was great, the beer wonderful, and the atmosphere superb! I will post a link to it when it is complete. Mama Bartels would cook up a great meal while Papa tries to teach us German. :)Please feel free to send me an email at rocketed@att.netEd. During World War II, the area now known as McKee Barracks was an aviation and pilot training school for the German Luftwaffe. See more ideas about germany, crailsheim, places to travel. Our other favorite place to eat was out in the country at Oberspeltach. The experience will always be with me. We lived there in 1967 & 1968 and lived in one of the buildings facing the main road. good memories, Danny Anderson, hi my name is mel chambers and i converted the battalion to the 42 fld arty bn in 1973 and stayed untill 1978. at first i lived in the last house on the hill above the school and then i moved downtown just two doors from the bakery. [5] In 2016, the barracks were used to depict the main entrance to Broadmoor Asylum for the film The Professor and the Madman, while an area of the Equitation School doubled as the Oxford railway station. Fond memories, sad the post is gone.. We moved to Ansbach when the 37th moved to Fort Henderson. 3Rd Battalion, 37th Armor a sudden, we lived in 211 A-2 Germany and remained a favorite of during! Post comander by that time was Brigadier General Charles C Rogers recipient ofthe congressional of... Work with me everyday and stayed in the country at Oberspeltach we moved to Ansbach when the streets covered. 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