2023. ; Magniez, K.; Miao, M. Prestressed Natural Fibre Spun Yarn Reinforced Polymer-Matrix Composites. Wires are supplied in coils, where the reel diameter shall not be less than 250 times the Element Minimum percentage Maximum percentage . We also thank the technical staff and aegis of the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Terahertz Functional Devices and Intelligent Sensing @ Fuzhou University. 1.2.2 Advantages of Prestressing case of 2- or 3-wire strands, and 32.5.b in the case of 7-wire strands. Changes on characteristic parameters of the ceramic and in the coupling. When experimental results are not available, a modulus of elasticity of 190 kN/mm may be taken. Cable:A group of tendons form a prestressing cable. An Affiliate Member of ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers. The residual elongation to failure may be evaluated in two ways. This section covers the following topics. A Mechanical/Thermal Analysis of Prestressed Composite Laminates. Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. No.03CH37417), Electrical tree growth has been investigated in free-from fibre and mechanically pre-stressed fibre-reinforced Araldite 5052 epoxy resin samples as a function of material age (defined as the time, 2003 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena, In recent years, the accumulated research evidence in our group has demonstrated that the addition of mechanically prestressed fibers in epoxy resin will strengthen the microstructure and therefore, Electrical Insulation Breakdown and Its Theory, Process, and Prevention, Silicone rubber (SiR) is widely used as the main insulating material in cable accessories and faces high temperature challenges during operation. and S.Z. 4, the prestressing device (, With reference to FIG. Hassan, A.K. The EFP mechanisms were then proposed and discussed to reveal the in-plane stress evolution within the composite. Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. d) Concentrated residual strain at failure (eu). The prestressing of concrete has several advantages as compared to traditional reinforced concrete (RC) without prestressing. When the prestressing tendons are parallel to one axis, it is called Uniaxial Prestressing. through bonding, it is essential to know the anchorage lengths and the force transmission characteristics between Therefore, the internal stress level within an EPPMC. Whenever it is possible to choose between various strands of differing wire diameters, under the same ; methodology, B.W. Hydraulic Prestressing Here, we established a theoretical model in order to decouple the EFP principle, aiming to better analyse the underlying mechanics. The stricture, expressed as a percentage, is defined as: where Ai and Au, are, respectively, the straight, initial and failure sections. The objective is to determine Electrical Prestressing The following figure shows linearly prestressed railway sleepers. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. Morozov, V.N. The main features of the system are as follows: (1)the prestressing forces are applied manually without using hydraulic jacks, (2)the prestressing level of the CFRP sheets can be controlled by using an electronic load cell, (3)the system is light weight and can be installed without using heavy lifting equipment, (4)the CFRP sheets are extended to the ends of the member where high shear stresses occur, and (5)releasing of the prestressing CFRP sheets is accomplished under a slow strain rate. Because the elastic recovery of the fibre is usually instant, the elastic strain locked inside an EPPMC, i.e.. E-mail: Professor, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai Univ., No. We design and build bespoke stressing solutions for new and existing precast factories producing . The tensile modulus and glassy temperature are found to be negatively proportional to the prestress level, indicating that the interface strength may be influenced by fibre prestressing. interesting to readers, or important in the respective research area. but also by the values corresponding to each of the tested bars. Suitable for repetitive construction For those structures that should support dynamic or fatigue actions, where reinforcements are anchored 3,000cr Project. Bonded tendon: When there is adequate bond between the prestressing tendon and concrete, it is called a bonded tendon. To prevent the risk of oxidation or corrosion, the reinforcement shall be stored in equal to 70% of the guaranteed maximum unit load, as determined by UNE The skewed tensile test consists of subjecting a specific length of strand, which is skewed at the centre by According to the elastic fibre prestressing principle in. The helical structure of commonly used seven-wire strands allowed estimation of the mechanical properties of the strand based on those of the central wire. Stage-I is the fibre prestressing stage, where constant tensile stress. To ensure stable and reliable fibre prestressing, the lower surface of the fixing clamp, the upper surface of the thermal plate and the upper surface of the roller, are kept on the same plane. Thermomechanical testing was performed at a heating rate of 5 C/min until 200 C, with an amplitude of 2 m and frequency of 1 Hz. The experimental results showed the applicability and facility of using this manual mechanical system to perform the post-tension forces of thin curved slabs. Polymers. Ultimate strength and stress-strain relationship of prestressing steel strand (wire) are of primary importance in evaluating the fire response of PC structures. This can prevent the mechanical component from being bent or deformed when a large force is applied to the mechanical component. When this information is not available, the relaxation values may be Limited Prestressing greater than 3%. Here, we established a theoretical model to decouple the EFP principle, aiming to better analyse the underlying mechanics. Suitable for use in pressure vessels, liquid retaining structures. Two advantages achieved in the system; pulling the steel wires at all positions simultaneously and application of the Expand Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Circularly prestressed containment structure, Kaiga Atomic Power means of a mandrel, to a growing tensile stress, until at least one of the wires breaks. requirements. Availability of standard shapes. of railway sleepers, (diameters between 7 and 10 mm), the relaxation value shall be agreed between the producer The objective of this study is to investigate and provide the mechanical properties of the new strand, as these properties are essential in the design and construction of prestressed concrete structures. Zhifan, C.; Chou, T.W. Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena - (CEIDP'94), It is generally accepted that mechanical strains and stresses have a significant influence on the electrical performance of polymeric materials. tolerance of 7%. A manual mechanical prestressing system was manufactured which used to apply a post-tension force to the high-stress steel wires in the curved slab member. Table 32.3.a The EFP mechanisms are then proposed based on these observations to reveal the in-plane stress evolutions within a polymeric composite. Mechanical prestressing improves electrical strength Abstract: There is a strong mechanical influence on the growth of electrical trees in electrical insulation resins. Effect of Tensile . One of these beams was used as a control beam, whereas the others were strengthened with prestressed CFRP sheets. Abstract. residual elongation. Instruction, in order to justify the fact that the steel complies with the requirements laid down in The nominal wire diameters , in millimetres, shall conform to the following series: The geometric and weight properties of prestressing wires and their corresponding diameter of the wire, and when left on a flat, horizontal surface they shall show a deflection of - The elongation at maximum load, measured over a base of length equal to, or Applications of Polymeric Composites in Bone Tissue Engineering and Jawbone Regeneration. The tension is applied to the tendons (located in a duct) after hardening of the concrete. Bars:A tendon can be made up of a single steel bar. and S.Z. production control tests corresponding to the material delivered. value may vary between 180 and 195 kN/mm depending on the production process. Presently I am working with Indian Railway. on dimensions and qualities of bars, since this should be obtained from the actual producers themselves. It is obviously an electrically driven process; no volts, no trees. The cracking and yielding loads increased with an increase in the prestressing level. The pre-compression is transmitted from steel to concrete by the anchorage device (at the end blocks). The effects of EFP were then investigated by carrying out both static and dynamic mechanical testing, as well as the viscoelastic creep performance. greater than 28 for strands with a nominal diameter equal to, or greater than, 13 mm. The wires used in the strands shall be capable of withstanding the number of reverse [. 70% of the guaranteed maximum unit load (tensile strength), as determined by UNE 36422:85, The creep stress was set as 3 MPa, which is restricted by the DMA, and both creep and recovery were monitored for 30 min. External or internal prestressing VICTOR TAICHUNG MACHINERY WORKS, CO., LTD., TAIWAN, Free format text: Knowledge of the mechanical properties of prestressing steel at elevated temperatures and after cooling is essential to the fire resistance design and post-fire evaluation of the residual load-carrying capacity of prestressed concrete structures. Cure-Induced Residual Stresses for Warpage Reduction in Thermoset Laminates. Pre-tensioning or post-tensioning mm). Seven-wire strands are supplied in coils or on reels or spools which, unless established The cracking and yielding loads increased with an increase in the prestressing level. Non-prestressed slab 28:1 properties, performed by one of the CCER-issuing bodies mentioned in Article 1 of this Mechanical Prestressing System for Strengthening Reinforced Concrete Members with Prestressed Carbon-Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Sheets Suhaib S. Abdulhameed; Erjun Wu; and Bohai Ji Full text PDF Tools Share Abstract A new, practical mechanical prestressing system was developed to prestress carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Strands:Two, three or seven wires are wound to form a prestressing strand. 2 is a perspective view of a moving base of a mechanical finishing device with a prestressing device in accordance with the present invention; FIG. The following text broadly mentions the advantages of a prestressed concrete member with an equivalent RC member. ; Daneshvar, A.; Akbari, S. Reduction of Thermal Residual Stresses of Laminated Polymer Composites by Addition of Carbon Nanotubes. A prestressing device for a mechanical component of a mechanical finishing device has at least one rigid prestressing unit mounted in the mechanical component. Sect. A series of unbonded post-tensioned concrete rocking walls with varied initial prestressing levels and cross-sectional areas of PT strands were established. Ser. This is not to argue that electrical treeing is exclusively a mechanical phenomenon directly analogous to mechanical cracking. Hadi, A.S.; Ashton, J.N. For the purposes of this Instruction, strands are those elements that meet the technical The real Now the internal stress level within the cured composite. The useful life of the mechanical finishing device is prolonged. In all See further details. 4 is a perspective view of a column of a mechanical finishing device with a prestressing device in accordance with the present invention; FIG. (Courtesy: The Concrete Products and Construction Company, COPCO, Chennai). [. Candidate, College of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Hohai Univ., No. C 0.58 0.88 . Prestressing. ; Arzamastsev, S. V Effect of Carbon Nanotube Functionalization on the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Modified Fiber-Reinforced Composites Based on an Epoxy Resin. All necessary precautions ventilated areas protected from dampness from the floor and walls. - The elongation at maximum load, measured over a base of length equal to, or 36422:85, shall not be greater than 2%. - The 1000 hour relaxation level at a temperature of 20 1C, for an initial stress treatment). As the names suggest, the classification is based on the directions of prestressing a member. Experiments were carried out using an accurate testing system for the development of . after heating and cooling to room temperature). The mechanical properties of the wires are obtained, in general, by means of a patented heat treatment, 1.2.4 Types of Prestressing. Shokrieh, M.M. methods, instructions or products referred to in the content. Over shrinking rods can distort the frame and cause considerable damage to the press. 36094-2:97. Standard Specification for Seamless Stainless Steel Mechanical Tubing . Now we consider the in-plane stress level (i.e.. The following figure shows a post-tensioned box girder of a bridge. A bespoke fibre prestressing rig was then developed to apply tension on a unidirectional carbon-fibre-reinforced epoxy prepreg to produce EPPMC samples with various EFP levels. Publisher: American Society of Civil Engineers. Force Measurement from Viscoelastically Recovering Nylon 6, 6 Fibres. Experimental Evaluation of the Effect of Prestressing the Fibers in Two Directions on Certain Elastic Characteristic of Woven-Glass Reinforced Plastics. Uniaxial Prestressing A Bistable Morphing Composite Using Viscoelastically Generated Prestress. Prestressing device for a mechanical finishing device, Application filed by Victor Taichung Machinery Works Co Ltd. on the diagram refer to the initial section (unit load) and not the real (stress). For information purposes, the producer may provide relaxation values corresponding to an initial stress of deviate at the anchorage are often subjected to this stress. adjacent to the one which is subject to the relaxation test. Act relating to police records 38 first paragraph second sentence. This SAE Information Report covers applications of mechanical prestressing, improving fatigue resistance, theory of surface rolling for fatigue improvement, calculations for the surface rolling process, tooling for surface rolling, control and inspection, effect of surface rolling on properties ot Viscoelastically Prestressed Polymeric Matrix Composites: An Overview. No special ; resources, H.C., B.W. Shcherbakov, A.S.; Mostovoy, A.S.; Yakovlev, N.A. withstanding,in accordance with UNE 36461:80, shall not be less than: - For wires intended for hydraulic works, or. circumstances, it is recommended that the one with largest diameter be employed in order to reduce the significance External Prestressing Knowledge of the mechanical properties of prestressing steel at elevated temperatures and after cooling is essential to the fire resistance design and post-fire evaluation of the residual load-carrying capacity of prestressed concrete structures. otherwise should contain a single produced length of strand. This plastic failure envelope is used to provide a detailed design solution for the ultimate capacity of a ribbed pile.. Jevons, M.P. Corrosion of reinforcing and prestressing steel due to chloride contamination is one of the primary causes of deterioration of concrete structures. transmission, geared transmission in conjunction with pulley blocks, screw jacks with or without gear drives and wire-winding machines. 60%, 70% and 80% of the maximum guaranteed unit load or the real. with Essential Requirements (CCER) as explained above, each delivery shall be accompanied - The modulus of elasticity should be guaranteed by the producer within a The heating module is composed of a temperature controller and a thermal plate with an accuracy of 1 C. of 7%. The fibre fixing module is composed of both upper and lower semi-cylindrical blocks where the lower half block is fixed on the base and the upper half is movable for better clamping and uniform prestressing. Effects of Tensile Prestress Level on Impact Value of 50 Vol% Continuous Unidirectional 0 Degree Oriented Carbon Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Polymer (CFRP). A bespoke EFP rig was then used to apply EFP on a unidirectional (UD) carbon-fibre-reinforced epoxy prepreg to produce EPPMC samples with various fibre prestressing levels. The terms are placed in groups as per usage. Hammering is undoubtedly the oldest form of mechanical prestressing in the sense of stressing a metal beyond its yield strength. Studies have been made of the retardation of electrical tree growth in epoxy resin specimens using experimental pre-stressed reinforcing fibers. The elastic fibre pressing mechanisms thus can be proposed and discussed. Results show that the system is efficient and practical for prestressing CFRP sheets to strengthen reinforced concrete beams. Maximum unit load test carried out according to UNE 7474:92, should meet the following requirements. When experimental results are not available, a modulus of elasticity of 200 kN/mm may be taken. of grease, oil, paint, dust, soil or any other material detrimental to its conservation or subsequent An improved laboratory technique for the measurement of tree initiation voltages in polymeric insulation is described, which allows a closer approach to the conditions in extruded cable insulation. Shrinkage/inch* 0.0006" 0.00063" 0.00066" 0.0007". Ashraf A. Alfeehan1, Suhaib S. Abdulhameed1 and Rana H. Alkerwei1, Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd ; formal analysis, B.W. Citation Ashraf A. Alfeehan et al 2021 J. Motahhari, S.; Cameron, J. * This value is the one required by the article. Even though numerous characteristics and advantages of the present invention have been set forth in the foregoing description, together with details of the structure and function of the invention, the disclosure is illustrative only, and changes may be made in detail, especially in matters of shape, size, and arrangement of parts within the principles of the invention to the full extent indicated by the broad general meaning of the terms in which the appended claims are expressed. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering March 2020 . This number is an index of the ability of A new prestressing strand was recently developed. * This value is the one required by the article. In order to be human-readable, please install an RSS reader. Find a library where document is available. With reference to FIG. The useful life of the mechanical finishing device is prolonged. Therefore, the internal stress level of a composite can be regulated by adjusting the elastic fibre prestressing level. Element Minimum percentage Maximum percentage. A mechanical device was invented for prestressing of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Firstly, by measuring over a base which, More economical sections. The hydraulic jack used for the tensioning of tendons, comprises of calibrated pressure gauges which directly indicate the magnitude of force developed during the tensioning. To evaluate the effects of fibre prestressing level on the tensile properties of the composite, tensile tests were first applied on the uncured UD prepreg, and, Further details are presented by plotting out the effects of prestress level on the flexure modulus at 30 C (glassy region), see. 6 is a perspective view of a conventional mechanical finishing device composed of multiple mechanical components in accordance with the prior art. Before storage, it shall be verified that the reinforcement is clean and without any spots Types of Prestressing Unbonded tendon: When there is no bond between the prestressing tendon and concrete, it is called unbonded tendon. AbstractA new, practical mechanical prestressing system was developed to prestress carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. Wagner, H.D. ; supervision, B.W. A simplified stress-strain model is developed for prestressing steel in residual conditions (i.e. Papers are submitted upon individual invitation or recommendation by the scientific editors and undergo peer review Therefore, the EFP technique has been expanded and successfully applied to the CFRP prepreg materials, which is effective to improve the overall static and dynamic mechanical properties without increasing structural weights and dimensions. In this type of prestressing, the steel wires are electrically heated and anchored before placing concrete in the moulds. Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Terahertz Functional Devices and Intelligent Sensing, School of Mechanical Engineering and Automation, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350108, China. Most of the applications of prestressing are internal prestressing. When the prestressed members are straight or flat, in the direction of prestressing, theprestressing is called linear prestressing. This classification is based on the location of the prestressing tendon with respect to the concrete section. Source of prestressing force articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without "Elastic Fibre Prestressing Mechanics within a Polymeric Matrix Composite" Polymers 15, no. b) At transfer of prestress to concrete. This type of The minimum number of reverse bends that the wire should be capable of 2) High span-to-depth ratios Volume 1973, series, in mm. For the purposes of this Instruction, the esential properties used to define the quality of (Courtesy: VSL India Pvt. load (tensile strength) fmax. The following figure shows the common types of precast sections. 1 Xikang Rd., Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 210098, China (corresponding author). To benefit from elastic fibre prestressing, the carbon prepregs need to be prestressed within the elastic region. %PDF-1.2 % Typical values of span-to-depth ratios in slabs are given below. Visit our dedicated information section to learn more about MDPI. Uniaxial, Biaxial or Multiaxial Prestressing The mechanism of the breakdown occurring when a dc ramp voltage is applied to low-density polyethylene (LDPE) and silane cross-linked PE at high temperatures is discussed, using experimental results, By clicking accept or continuing to use the site, you agree to the terms outlined in our. Internal Prestressing The bending and the deformation of the mechanical component can be prevented. This classification is based on the method by which the prestressing force is generated. Fraile-Martnez, O.; Garca-Montero, C.; Coca, A.; lvarez-Mon, M.A. Order URL: 2013 American Society of Civil Engineers. To browse Academia.edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds toupgrade your browser. The advantages of precast construction are as follows. The use of mechanical prestressing has a number of advantages compared to the use of thermally-toughened glass. Publishing. B.Tech in Civil Engineering from MIT Muzaffarpur and Diploma in Railway from IPWE as well as Civil Engineering from Govt. tested. and B.W. tolerances shall conform to the requirements given in UNE 36094-3:97. Grade 1860 strands conforming to GB/T 5224, mostly used in Mainland China, and grade 1860 strands conforming to BS 5896, used in Europe and other countries, were tested. A prestressing device for a mechanical component of a mechanical finishing device has at least one rigid prestressing unit mounted in the mechanical component. Further increases in the prestress level will lead to internal structural damages and local breakages of fibre filaments as demonstrated by the contribution percentage changes from the thermal residual stress as discussed in. If tenants have questions about their rights or are concerned that their rights may be violated, they should contact the Culver City Housing Department by email at Rent.Control@CulverCity.org, via phone (310) 253-5790 or by visiting the Department Office on the second floor of City Hall at 9770 Culver Boulevard . This site uses cookies. To check the efficiency of the prestressing system, two reactive powder concrete curved slab members were cast and tested under a uniformly distributed load. - Stricture at the yield point shall be equal to, or greater than, 25% in plain wires. recommended that the largest be employed in order to reduce the significance of any possible surface defects. performed on the steel (see Article 90) on acceptance, although test intensity will vary from one case to another. Zhigun, I.G. Nevertheless, the mechanical dimension is of sufficient importance for its effects to be exploited to advantage using the prestressing technique. HW]o:|le=IzEw"$j)*[.",rf93ns)zgO}dx87-:c:f;`qS#{o+#yc'GdwOy\%3/KY^B2*|/EUQ%B/OMw4roOOVLu]l*-; ; writingoriginal draft preparation, H.C., F.Y., B.W. Stress induced by fibre prestressing is, thus. By continuing to use this site you agree to our use of cookies. prior to publication. CHART 1 Tie Rod Shrinkage Pre-Stress Chart. Prestressing of concrete can be classified in several ways. These develop an initial compressive stress/strain in, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Properties and Applications of Dielectric Materials (Cat. Los Angeles, CA 90071. The stress interaction mechanisms are demonstrated in, Although it is demonstrated that there is a constant decrease in terms of the interface bonding strength, the mechanical performance shows that the maximum prestress benefits in terms of flexure modulus and impact strength occur at the same optimal prestress level with the tensile strength, i.e., 90 MPa of creep stress. should not be greater than 2% (pre-straightened (decoiling) wires with stress-relieving This type of prestressing is adopted for mass scale production. Designation Nominal diameter series, in. Two advantages achieved in the system; pulling the steel wires at all positions simultaneously and application of the pulling force perpendicular to the cross-section of the curved slab. The lost art of hardening copper as done by the Phoenicians is thought to be that of cold hammering. Effects of prestress level were then investigated by carrying out testing in terms of tensile, impact, creep, as well as dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) on the EPPMC samples. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym15020431, Chen, Hui, Folian Yu, Bing Wang, Chenmin Zhao, Xiayu Chen, Walter Nsengiyumva, and Shuncong Zhong. ]{n+c oE$A#n]~.\${,tKwn{q3 and C.Z. Uniaxial, biaxial or multi-axial prestressing We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. A fully prestressed concrete member is usually subjected to compression during service life. When the prestressing tendons are parallel to more than two axes, it is called Multiaxial Prestressing. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Nucl. New Methodology for Prestressing Fiber Composites. Parlevliet, P.P. 12 0 obj << /Length 13 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream 5 is a perspective view of a tool-head stand of a mechanical finishing device with a prestressing device in accordance with the present invention; and. fmax. environments that might lead to this phenomenon. In wires having a diameter equal to, or greater than, 5 mm or equivalent in section, the and S.Z. 2) Intermediate : This includes the loads during transportation of the steels , lies between the values given in Table 32.2, in order to achieve acceptable mechanical properties. without breaking or cracking. In the tensile test, an . The study aims to experiment with the use of a mechanical prestressing technique of thin curved sections to assess the prestressed force influencing the behavior of a curved slab at the initial and final loading stages. We present an energy. As a consequence of this, 1999 Annual Report Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (Cat. : Conf. Although the EFP is active in improving the static mechanical performance of a composite, its mechanics on dynamic mechanical performance and viscoelasticity of a composite is still limited. Methods Phys. ; Fancey, K.S. Motahhari, S.; Cameron, J. Fibre Prestressed Composites: Improvement of Flexural Properties through Fibre Prestressing. Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics, 2004. This value usually coincides with the flow range in those cases where it is present (Figure 32.2). Tendons form a prestressing cable between the prestressing level the location of the International!, Suhaib S. Abdulhameed1 and Rana H. Alkerwei1, Published under licence IOP! Website to ensure you get the best experience City, Jiangsu Province 210098, China corresponding. Prestressing CFRP sheets RC ) without prestressing of 2- or 3-wire strands, and in! 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Agree to our use of cookies two axes, it is called prestressing... Sense of stressing a metal beyond its yield strength you a reset link device composed of multiple mechanical components accordance. The carbon prepregs need to be exploited to advantage using the prestressing of carbon fiber reinforced polymer CFRP... Argue that electrical treeing is exclusively a mechanical component tendon with respect to the relaxation values may be evaluated two... Shcherbakov, A.S. ; Mostovoy, A.S. ; Yakovlev, N.A flat, in general, by of... The number of reverse [ an increase in the direction of prestressing when the tendon... Our products and services residual strain at failure ( eu ) of 20,. Thus can be proposed and discussed Xikang Rd., Nanjing City, Jiangsu 210098! Rd., Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province 210098, China ( corresponding author ) be classified in ways... The frame and cause considerable damage to the mechanical component heat treatment, 1.2.4 Types of sections... 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