playwright selector resolved to hidden

Once you're reviewed that, if you're still having this kind of problem, it's really an issue with how you're using Playwright, and it has nothing to do with Playwright Testing Library. In this case, prefer using text or css selectors over the :nth-match(). playwright selector resolved to hidden Looking at the screenshot, my guess is that the radio button circle is hidden with css and playwright is waiting for the circle to be visible. Usually I see retries in the inspector (or when using DEBUG=pw:api) but not this time. #5036 comes to mind but it was in 1.8.1 release. The method finds an element matching the specified selector in the ElementHandles subtree and passes it as a first argument to pageFunction. Hope it gets included as a right-click shortcut on DOM-elements in Chrome DevTools. #nav-bar :text-is("Home") - the :text-is() pseudo-class can be used inside a css selector, for strict text node match. Asking since our tests are pretty much useless now. ElementHandles can be created with the page.$() method. Specify screenshot type, defaults to png. When user-facing attributes change frequently, it is recommended to use explicit test ids, like data-test-id. Can I (an EU citizen) live in the US if I marry a US citizen? This is confusing, because the logs say that the element is visible when I set the force option to true. Locators support an option to only select elements that have a descendant matching another locator. Playwright supports CSS and XPath selectors, and auto-detects them if you omit css= or xpath= prefix. Defaults to false. points to a difference in the implementation of elementFromPoint which we use in our code. It does not search inside closed shadow roots or iframes. The script is evaluated in the page context. to your account, while trying to click the checkbox using the following test, it fails with the following error: selector resolved to hidden check, async checkActiveStatusdom(text) { If the target element is not a element and selects these options. [BUG] 'hidden' on web component still resolves a child in the shadow root as visible,, The inspector gets stuck at the above, never re-trying for it to be hidden. For example, the following snippet should click the center of the element. Defaults to false. If the selector doesn't satisfy the condition for the timeout milliseconds, the function will throw. The quality of the image, between 0-100. Empty array clears the selected . XPath and CSS selectors can be tied to the DOM structure or implementation. It might be that the page has changed and the element used to be visible before. Instead, try to come up with a locator that is close to how the user perceives the page such as role locators or define an explicit testing contract using test ids. Returns the frame containing the given element. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide. The functionality might change in future. An authority on artificial intelligence introduces a theory that explores the workings of the human mind and the mysteries of thought If . Any tips welcome. I'm trying to make Playwright click the "Sign up" link. Empty array clears the selected files. Selector starting with // or .. is assumed to be an xpath selector. Note that you can pass an empty string to clear the input field. Shift-a produces a lower-case one as if you had the CapsLock toggled. Selects one or multiple options in the ,