sapele wood putty

quartersawn to showcase sapeles distinctive ribbon figure, where each stripe Sapele is a golden to dark reddish-brown color. PMM Its much harder. attention to what the grain is doing. First, make sure to select the right size board. Group Build, English Cutter Half Hull P.o.B. Bruce brand has stood for quality wood flooring in America for over a century. Please advise. From my experience, both methods can finish Sapele with super smooth surface and stood up so far for the heavy use in the kitchen, but oil+polyurethane is easier to apply. One of the defining characteristics of Sapele is the interlocking grain patterns. Our Marine Okoume plywood includes a Lloyd's of London postage which certifies it to be BS 1088. Pricing/Availability: Should be moderately priced for regular plainsawn or quartersawn lumber, though figured lumber and veneer can be extremely expensive, particularly pommele or quilted Sapele. Now, as a general rule of thumb, your typical North America diffuse-porous timber, (such as Red Maple), has small to medium sized pores. Paint & Finish Sprayers; . Sapele wood is a hardwood that is very popular for cutting boards because of its durability and resistance to moisture. Flex Sheet Filler Board Floor Coating Joint Grouts Protection Board Screed & Self Level Self Adhesive Bitumen Membrane Specialty Adhesive Tile Adhesive . Some of their other products have not been as advertised, but I put this product on the soles and the bunk faces and bulkheads and after a couple hundred days of use have been very impressed. The problem seems to be that the wood we have been receiving has been in the 11-13% range, not the 9-10% we believe to be a more correct range. The reasons for this sealer are varied, but the best of SealCoat is that its a universal sealer. So how do you make the ribbon stripe figure look its best? In this case, its spray lacquer. Its sold both in lumber and veneer form. I recently finished sapele using Waterlox and it really, really popped the grain. Large door panel 40? best boards and make the most of them. Texture - Uniform and very fine texture, which can take great natural Simply wipe the stain on, then wipe it off. For something more unique, choose an acacia or koa boardboth woods have beautiful grain patterns that are unique from each other. As soon as the timber leaves the kiln it would be exposed to an average air moisture content of above 18% so short of shrink wrapping it is going to absorb between the kiln and retailer/ wholesaler. In response, lumber dealers have (I have five 1x6x24 blanks of the stuff) However, I use all natural beeswax to seal my completed products by heating it (and the wood to reduce warping or splitting) and boiling the instrument in the wax. Has anyone had experience with such? this is a BEAUTIFUL wood! solves the problem. Stores About Us Email Us (800) 423-2450 (Call a Store), by Mark Stephens The moisture measures 14% with a capacitance meter, but <6% with a pin meter. Your local paint store should be able to guide you with what is available in your geographic area. Is Chipboard A Safe Alternative To Wood For A Rabbits Hutch? exploitation. Once the oil dries, usually after8 hours, apply a couple of coats of sanding sealer, level them with fine grit sand paper or finishing pads to get to a smooth surface, then spray 2 or 3 coats of lacquer. Check out the video, and decide whats best for you. And the stronger the wood, the harder and more impact-resistant it is. Sapele originates from West Africa, and it can be most easily found in countries such as Tanzania, Nigeria, and Ghana, where the individual trees can grow up to an impressive height of 45 meters in the air (with some rare examples going up to 60 meters), with the trunk diameter that can almost reach 2 meters (6 feet). If you're just starting out, you may want to visit our Articles section to learn about what type of flooring may be best for you. It will be attached to the grill but I wont be putting food on it. 3). Additionally, this wood has a natural finish that can be enhanced with a few coats of paint or varnish. Want to install your own hardwood floors? Allow to dry for 24 hours then sand thru 320 grit. immunity against rot and insects. Is the SW filler you use SHER-WOOD natural filler? As Genuine Mahogany is now listed in CITES, Sapele Mahogany is used as a replacement. I have patio doors and others doors made of sapele and they have gone horrible and whatever was put on them to treat them has gone all blistery. I am Murphys Oil Soap is the only thing I recomend for cleaning all woods. It doesn't matter what your skills are, we aim to provide friendly service and advice. I look for a pva glue that is labeled as dries clear and quick dying. These type glues are more commonly found in hobby and craft stores rather than hardware type stores. There are exceptions but these tend to be specialised users. X 87? I had sapele countertops installed a few months ago. Group Build, English Cutter Half Hull P.o.B. I wouldnt personally put a Wax finish on a countertop none are really penetrating or hard enough. That doesn't mean none of them adjust color. Im interested how yours turned out? Sapele wood is used in the manufacture of fine furniture, cabinets, and doors. Can I use this in the vegetable garden to make trellises and tuteurs without worry of toxins? However, because it is so hard, you may need to use a less-vibrant knife on sapele cutting boards than on other woods. Live Chat: Click Here Thats certainly the case with ribbon stripe sapele, too. CONTACT US. Mark oversees the company and creates tutorials on wood finishing and woodworking tips for hardwood lumber. seems to change from dark to light as you walk around a finished project. The name sapele comes from that of the city of Sapele in Nigeria, where there is a preponderance of the tree.African Timber and Plywood (AT&P), a division of the United Africa Company, had a factory at this location where the wood, along with Triplochiton scleroxylon, Obeche, mahogany, and Khaya was processed into timber which was then exported from the Port of Sapele worldwide. I was told Sapele is very photo sensitive. Hard for me to imagine a finish that is not food safe ONCE IT HAS CURED. Learn more here. Countless years of irresponsible forestry management have brought into question the sustainability of Mahogany and several other North and South American species who have all landed under government protection and complete oversight of the commercial exploitation. I had to repair with epoxy and Sapele shavings. Is his bending pipe dirty? Sapele mahogany should be cleaned with a Trisodium Phosphate Solution before applying any stain. Color tends to darken with age. When cleaning your sapele cutting board, be sure to use a mild soap and water mixture instead of harsh chemicals or abrasives. During growth, these cells rotate in one way and can often suddenly switch the direction of rotation once or several times. Based on this, the top four best materials for a chopping block are wood, bamboo, plastic, and rubber.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'thewoodworkplace_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',184,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thewoodworkplace_com-large-leaderboard-2-0'); Related Post: Can You Put Food Safe Epoxy Resin On Cutting Boards? Origin: West Africa OK both meters were wrong. on the direction that minimizes the damage. Should be no gaps on second planking. Be careful not to drop or bang your sapele wood cutting board against anything else while using it this could damage it permanently. Bring your block plane when This may be your friends problem due to contact with his bending pipe. The 3/4 sheet is an A1 grade. Do another sample and try this schedule. I plan to use tung oil and shellac. Is this normal for sapele? The piece was then sculpted. General Motors uses sapele for the interior trim in Cadillacs. Fast dry time: FAMOWOOD dries in Bud-J E Has been used for quite some time in this regard in Europe but is only just starting to catch on here in Australia.Read more . I had some problems routing the outline. Its a dewaxed shellac thats crystal clear. I first weighed it to the nearest 0.001g. ), You can help support the site by buying one of these resources, designed and published by The Wood Database. Prices for typical stock (4/4 or 5/4, up to about 8" wide) range from $6-$8 per board foot; about 50% less than African mahogany. Sapele wood has a Janka rating of 1410 lbf, making it just a touch softer than Hard Maple. I've always used a grain filler on my African Mahogany projects but the grain on the Sapele that I currently working with is much more dense (I think that its quartersawn). It also will stand up to any wear. Mine is in its finishing stages. To replicate the mirrored finish typical of period furniture, you should fill the surfaces with a commercial paste wood filleradd stain to the filler to match the color youre afterand then apply a film-forming topcoat such as shellac. Some people believe that the high acidity makes the wood resistant to bacteria and fungus growth, while others worry about how well Sapele will hold up under heavy use. Thats because little morsels of food can get caught up in the pores of these types of wood. I compared boiled linseed oil to danish oil and pure tung oil on some smaller pieces of sapele before choosing boiled linseed oil. One of the things we look for in cutting board wood, is where it lies along the Janka Hardness Scale. While youre likely to find many rich, reddish-orange To do a simple clear or natural finish on sapele, youll be well served to do 3 coats of SealCoat first, sand between each coat, then shoot the final 3 coats with lacquer. Can't decide what to get the woodworker in your life? This is where things get a little bit interesting. The specific links on this site are affiliate links (as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases) and help support the site at no extra cost to you. This post may contain affiliate links to products that we receive a commission for (at no additional cost to you). This type of wood is extremely durable and can last for years without showing any signs of wear. Today, Sapele is still readily available for purchase at a much cheaper level than Mahogany, in both lumber and veneer form. Note that sapele is a diffuse porous wood with relatively large pores. Experiment with PVA wood glue and sawdust. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 3 1/4" Prefinished Solid Sapele. Woodsense: Spotlight on Sapele. To Wrap Up, Here Are The 3 Key Takeaways From This Post, Edge Grain vs Face Grain Cutting Boards (Which Is Which?). It is still readily available for purchase, but its price has already started to climb regularly. I finished 4 kitchen chairs with boiled linseed oil + oil-based polyurethane (3 coats), which made the chairs slightly darker/richer than the table (grain filler + Polyurethane). If you want a film forming product there are many exterior UV inhibited polyurethanes in various different sheens. the chair featured on page 50, but every time I enter my shop, I can still After sanding down using 1000 grit I have applied a coat of Boiled linseed oil, once dry rub gently with 0000 wire wool. It was a waste of beautiful lumber, but I was making tambour door breadboxes for Christmas gifts and used most of this just to makeRead more . I am having some wooden windows in our home replaced. that you get better results from the table saw than from your jointer. What does it sound like. but is generally lighter than true mahogany, (see Mahoganys Mimic,) I rough cut the pieces and will sticker them with a fan running for a couple of weeks, measuring the moisture every other day and writing it on a strip of tape on each piece. Pain in the butt to stain due to grain going in every direction and density variation in the same piece. Today, it is ranked on IUCN Red List as a vulnerable speciesdue to the loss of more than 20% of the tree population over the past three generations of growth. It is a deciduous tree only during a dry season in West Africa, with leaves that can grow up to 10 centimeters in size. Looks great. Im planning on using it for a countertop outdoors by my grill. I haven't used Pore-O-Pac. Now, another thing you need to check for, when selecting cutting board lumber, is the woods toughness. Hello. accept that youll have some tearout no matter which way you cut. Another reason why sapele is a good choice for cutting boards is that it doesnt stain easily. Stains tend to obscure the grain which would seem a shame on sapele. Most joinery in Britain will be done around 14%. Many of the joints have opened up considerably, along with some checking and splitting on the timbers. Any advice is helpful. My basement has a dehumidifier built into the HVAC system and I keep it set at 50% RH. I started doing this about 10 years ago when I was having trouble finding a good match to the wood used in these ship kits. This wood is finished with a Natural Satin Gloss infused with Aluminium Oxide to create a scratch resistant surface. Sapele wood is a type of African hardwood that is often used to make cutting boards. The process of, Read More How To Polish Table Saw Top?Continue, Your email address will not be published. Ive just made some pieces out of Sapele and after about 7 coatings of Tung oil, the finish is so deep and luxurious, very reminiscent of mahogany. What Food Grade Wood Glue Is Safe Enough For Your Cutting Board? When quartersawn, sapele boards Because of this, the claims that Sapele is a close cousin of Mahogany are somewhat valid. Although sapele resembles mahogany, youll find that jointing, planing, and routing can Here its shown, top to bottom: raw, dyed & stained, clear sealer/lacquer, and Danish oil with lacquer. Another type of sapele board thats gaining popularity is the carved cutting board . And How Do You Work Out How Tough Wood Is? These boards are made to look like animals, fruits, or vegetables. It must be easy to keep sanitary and clean.B). Group Build, But polyurethane or another varnish will work too. I prefer spar urethane cut fifty percent with solvent brushed on for the first coat and wiped across the grain. VIDEO: What is the best outdoor wood for woodworking? I always use a shellac sanding sealer first, light sand with or 0000 steel wool or 320 paper then apply Bri- wax ( name brand ). Good advice above. It is commonly known as sapelli or sapele mahogany, as well as aboudikro, assi, and muyovu. That would depend on what youre planning on using to topcoat/finish the wood with. Thanks for sending them so quickly. It is a dense and strong wood, which makes it perfect for use in kitchens where knives and other sharp objects are likely to be used. Leone, Angola, Congo, and Uganda. Oil finishes like Danish oil or boiled linseed oil frequently intensify the beauty in certain woods yet offer very little protection from scratches, drink rings, and other hazards around the house. Simply sand up to 220 grit, and apply your favorite topcoat. Any feed back would be helpful. However, any of these three oils would have looked great. And when it comes to food safety in particular, not all wooden surfaces are created equal. tempted to wait a few more weeks before cleaning up my shop. Its very close to a pommele but maybe not perfect enough to be sold as such (which this lumber yard doesnt sell anyway). Sapele scrapes and sands easily, but note that sanding Using an amber colored dye, thin it to about 20% dye and apply a coat. 1). What did he finish and seal that table with? From my experience, both methods can finish Sapele with super smooth surface and stood up so far for the heavy use in the kitchen, but oil+polyurethane is easier to apply. Color/Appearance:Heartwood is a goldento dark reddish brown. Email: In addition to our already low prices, check out our Flooring Coupons page to see how you can save even more on your new floors! Its not uncommon and if your Joinery company has suggested it, then they really do know what they are doing. Sales & Customer Service available at 1-800-689-9006 during normal business hours, and online ordering is available 24/7. Cutting board material needs to meet three key criteria; A). Sadly, over the course of two centuries, Scientific Name: Entandrophragma cylindricum, Tree Size: 100-150 ft (30-45 m) tall, 3-5 ft (1-1.5 m) trunk diameter, Average Dried Weight: 42 lbs/ft3 (670 kg/m3), Specific Gravity (Basic, 12% MC): .50, .67, Modulus of Rupture: 15,930 lbf/in2 (109.9 MPa), Elastic Modulus: 1,746,000 lbf/in2 (12.04 GPa), Crushing Strength: 8,750 lbf/in2 (60.4 MPa), Shrinkage: Radial: 4.8%, Tangential: 7.2%, Volumetric: 12.8%, T/R Ratio: 1.5. I started doing this about 10 years ago when I was having trouble finding a good match to the wood used in these ship kits. Thx again Guy, We made front doors out of this wood! I am having a guitar made with Waterfall Sapele Free Shipping 48 U.S. 11. There is some debate over whether or not Sapele wood is good for cutting boards, as the wood has a high natural acidity. Not all types of wood are equally suited for becoming a food prepping surface. And this deep brown timber has a Janka rating of around 900 lbf. This beautiful pattern occurs twice that for highly figured stock and/or wider pieces. typical stock (4/4 or 5/4, up to about 8" wide) range from $6-$8 per board Its easy to love sapele lumber, especially for furniture and cabinetry. Our experts are here to help you! Luthiers use it to make guitars and ukeleles. Is the butcher block put together with an exterior glue? However, because it is so dense, sapele may require more care when handling and cutting on it. Would appreciate any advice on the suitable finish. Its what we use in Texas and other than old growth or 2nd growth Spanish Cedar, Cypress and maybe Southern Yellow Pine, its one of the few woods that will hold up to the heat and humidity here. Of course, youll pay at least I love Sapele but its a typical mahogany and I dont think itll hold up like Ash or hard Maple that bats are traditionally used and now currently used. But, if it has a Janka rating of more than 1500 lbf, then your chopping utensils wont last too long either. That bowl was perfect right up until that last cut What is the final look you are going for here? Sapele wood is a great wood for cutting boards because of its natural oils and grain patterns. Drying - Medium. Pretty much any finish is going to be food-safe. These patterns are created from the fiber cells that stretch from the lowest points in the roots to the top of the canopy. Although Once that dries, apply a washcoat of dewaxed shellac. Customer is happy! Each plank has Tongue & Groove milling on all ends/sides for a secure fit during installation. A coloring method using light dye, some sealer, a quick stain, then also spray lacquer, A natural Danish oil also topped off with spray lacquer. The woods fragrance is sometimes likened to The tree is The tree is perfect for creating long plans since its main trunk section between the roots and canopy is impressively long, straight, and without any side branches that would compromise the integrity of the heartwood. It is listed asvulnerable due to a population reduction of over 20% in the past three generations, caused by a decline in its natural range, and exploitation. species list, though many of the countries where it grows have established Actually don't buy a stain at all. Sapele is known for its density and strength, making it a great option for those who want a durable cutting board. Tools are moderately blunted during cutting, but the wood When mature, this pod splits into five sections, each with 15-20 seeds inside of them. Hi there, could you tell me what is the best way to presenve and revive sapele wood on the exterior of my house? Look for a sapele board with a hardness score of at least 75 on the Janka scale. 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sapele wood putty