Individual Game Tickets: Fans can start their purchasing process at are not allowed on campus, Overnight parking is not allowed in any of the Museum Campus parking lots, Aerosol cans (mace, pepper spray, hairspray, etc. (703) 614-3727, Office of the Chief Information Officer Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Enhanced NFL public safety measures may lead to increased entry times to the game, and we don't want you to miss any of the pre-game excitement. DR. DEBORAH BIRX SAYS SHE KNEW COVID VACCINES WOULD NOT PROTECT AGAINST INFECTION. A limited number of single game parking passes for various lots servicing Soldier Field (Museum Campus, Millennium Garages, McCormick Place Lot B, C and D) may be purchased in advance by visiting*. (Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc). Soldier Field's capacity will be nearly cut in half for the event, Lemons said, with only 38,000 people allowed compared to the typical 63,000. I want to make sure, after 30 years of futility, that we have a package with a developer that can get the deal done, that isnt gonna be relying on city money to make it happen. The Red, Orange, and Green Lines stop at Roosevelt Station, between State Street and Wabash Avenue, where transfers can be made to the #146 Inner Lake Shore/Michigan Express bus, or walk east on Roosevelt Road through Museum Campus to the stadium. They are also entered for a chance to win Designated Driver of the Game, including a $50 gift certificate to be used at the Bears Online Pro Shop. Fans who dont have a card or mobile payment will be able to transfer cash to a pre-paid Visa card that can be used inside the stadium during the game and outside should their be a balance remaining. Novavax, a two-dose vaccine that does not have a recommended booster, has been widely used in Europe since early 2022 and has been shown to be as effective as other vaccines at preventing severe disease, hospitalization and deaths from the coronavirus infection, Cersovsky said. All items subject to search. Chicago's Soldier Field would be the perfect place for the Super Bowl because not only does it offer outdoor football, which provides some safeguards from COVID-19, it would give Bears fans a . We suggest you not bring any bags; only one NFL approved bag per person will be permitted, see "Bag Policy." Adding new amenities to Soldier Field for private events and public use will support the Museum Campus and the entire city of Chicago, and drive vital revenue and job growth for our citys small and mid-size business community.. The new guidance still limits unvaccinated or partially-vaccinated soldiers to mission-critical travel. Security: For assistance, security teams are located near the parking lots' cashier booths or the top and bottom of the ramp in the Waldron Deck. Rep. Adam Smith (D-Wash.) said a rollback of the policy is on the table for a compromise version of the National Defense Authorization Act, but hasnt been decided yet. Visit the Contact Us page to submit feedback. You and your belongings may be searched upon entry into Soldier Field. Chicago Police Officers will issue citations for violators. The stacking of cups whereby it interferes with other stadium patrons is prohibited. Will Call: The Will Call for tickets and media is located outside Gate 10, at the southeast corner of the stadium. (see "NFL Bag Policy" above) The Chicago Bears prefer Visa. If the driver does not have a coupon for onsite parking, they will be directed back into the traffic queue to the nearest available cash parking. Identification wrist bands for children are available at all Fan Services booths. The July 19 FRAGO removed the bolded text that prohibited unvaccinated soldiers from traveling for three days while maintaining an order barring unvaccinated soldiers awaiting exemptions from Camarillo including religious exemptions from engaging in a permanent change of station (PCS). Will Call opens two and one-half hours prior to kickoff and closes at halftime. "As an exception, prior-approval for official travel is not required for travel related to separations and processing, retirement, redeployments, and HRC approved compassionate actions," it added. Anti-aging serums in particular offer many benefits to aging and mature skin. Should there be an immediate need to evacuate the stadium, fans will be given instructions via the public-address system and/or the video board. Such behavior includes, but is not limited to: Guests who cannot conform their conduct to these rules are not welcome at Chicago Bears games. For advanced approval for travel," it continues. Approved bags are limited to: bags that are clear plastic and do not exceed 12"x6"x12", small clutch bags, no larger than 4.5"x6.5", with or without a handle or strap, may be carried into the stadium. "UNVACCINATED SOLDIERS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR OFFICIAL TRAVEL WITHOUT PRIOR-APPROVAL FROM THE UNDER SECRETARY OF THE ARMY," the June 16 update read. Fans can also recognize any staff member for providing service that exceeds expectations by nominating them for a Gameday Hero Award. You can also call our Ticket Sales and Services Team directly at (847) 615-BEAR (2327). He also noted that the current Pentagon policy does not require booster shots for the coronavirus. From Ogilvie Transportation Center (OTC) and Union Station: From OTC and Union Station, the #128 Soldier Field Express buses travel a non-stop route to Soldier Field. As for the controversy surrounding Ballys casino proposal and its minority component, thats been resolved by reminding them of the importance of building generational wealth in Black and Brown communities, Lightfoot said. June 23, 2021 / 10:44 AM / CBS Chicago. To learn more and see if your little one is eligible to join, visit ", Green, a combat veteran and the physician who oversaw Saddam Hussein during his first night in captivity, emphasized the "grave national security threat" posed by the Army's guidance and blasted the COVID-19 orders as "political theater.". Continue down to ground level. An official website of the United States Government, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, Release: Deputy Secretary of Defense Releases Workplace Guidance for Reentry of Department of Defense Civilian Personnel to DOD Workplaces, Release: Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of DOD Civilian Employees, April 6, 2022 release "Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance", Administrative Leave for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of Department of Defense Employees, Release: DOD Guidance on Extension of Maximum Telework Flexibilities, Continued Use of Weather and Safety Leave During COVID-19 Pandemic, Armed Forces Civilian Service Medal for Department of Defense Coronavirus Operations and Activities, Calendar Year 2020 Waiver of Pay Limitations for Certain Employees, Civilian Duty Status and Use of Weather and Safety Leave During COVID-19 Pandemic, Civilian Personnel Guidance for DOD Components in Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019, Publication: Acquisition and Sustainment COVID-19 Support Infographic, Publication: COVID-19 Industrial Base Support Infographic, Publication: Memorandum for the Industrial Base - Department of Defense COVID-19 Vaccine Allocation and Distribution Policy, Defense Industrial Base Essential Critical Workforce, Fact Sheet: Resumption of Elective Surgery, Resuming Elective Surgical, Invasive, and Dental Procedures in Military Medical and Dental Treatment Facilities, Fact Sheet: Elective Surgery and Procedures, Elective Surgical, Invasive, and Dental Procedures in Military Treatment Facilities, Memo - Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance - Revision 3, Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance - Revision 3, Memo-Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance - Revision 2, Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance - Revision 2, Release: Consolidated Department of Defense Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance, Consolidated DoD Coronavirus Disease 2019 Force Health Protection Guidance-Revision 1, June 29, 2022, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 20) Revision 1, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 18) Revision 1, Publication: Updated Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 15) Revision 3, Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 3, Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 2, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 23, Revision 3, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 2, Force Health Protection Supplement 15, Revision 3, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23), Revision 1, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 23, Revision 2, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 23, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 23, Revision 1, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 22, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 15, Revision 2, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 17, Revision 1, Secretary of Defense Feb. 4, 2021 Memorandum, Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures, Deputy Secretary of Defense May 13, 2021 Memorandum, Updated Mask Guidelines for Vaccinated Persons, March 1, 2022, USD(P&R) memo Updated Guidance for Mask and Screening Testing for all Department of Defense Installations and Other Facilities, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 16 - Revision 1, Supplement 20, Revision 1 (Jan. 11, 2022 release), Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 20, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 21, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 18, Supplement 18, Revision 1 (Jan. 7, 2022 release), Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 17, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 16, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 15, Revision-1, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 15, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 14, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 13, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 12, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 11, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 10, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 9, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 8, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 7, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 6, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 5, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 4, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 3, Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 2, "Guidance for Commanders on Risk-based Responses and Implementation of the Health Protection Condition Framework", Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 1, Force Health Protection Guidance for the Novel Coronavirus Outbreak, Publication: Updated Guidance for Mask Screening Testing for all Department of Defense Installations and Other Facilities, Publication: Tools to Mitigate the Threat of the Omicron Variant of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the Department of Defense, Release: DOD Releases Tools to Mitigate the Threat of Omicron Variant of Coronavirus Disease 2019 in the Department of Defense and Updated Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 15) Revision 3 Department of Defense Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Laboratory Testing Service, Publication: Updated Mask Guidance for all DOD Installations and Other Facilities, Office of Management & Budget Memorandum M-21-25, Integrating Planning for A Safe Increased Return of Federal Employees and Contractors to Physical Workplaces with Post-Reentry Personnel Policies and Work Environment, Department of Defense Extends Uniformed Services Identification Card Expiration Policy Guidance, Publication: Updated Mask Guidelines for Vaccinated Persons, June 21, 2021 Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 17, Revision 1 memo, Release: DOD Announces Use of Masks and Other Public Health Measures, Publication: Evacuation Pay Authority During Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, Release: Holiday Season Guidance to Minimize the Spread of Coronavirus Disease 2019, DOD COVID-19 Task Force Definitions Document, Department of Defense Guidance on the Use of Cloth Face Coverings, Fact Sheet: 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCOV), Health Protection Condition (HPCON) Levels Chart, Guidance for Commanders Risk-Based Responses and Implementation of the Health Protection Condition Framework, "Guidance for Commanders on the Implementation of the Risk-Based Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic", "Guidance for Commanders on Risk-Based Changing of Health Protection Condition Levels During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic", Release: Changing of Health Protection Condition Levels During COVID-19, Guidance for Commanders on Risk-Based Changing of Health Protection Condition Levels During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic, "Guidance for Commanders' Risk-Based Responses and Implementation of the Health Protection Condition Framework", Release: DOD Rescinds COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate, Release: Secretary of Defense Austin Issues Guidance for Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of Department of Defense Service Members, Release: DOD Recognition for Qualifying COVID-19 Operations and Activities, USD(P&R) Memo Regarding Award of the Armed Forces Service Medal and Humanitarian Service Medal for DOD Coronavirus Operations and Activities, Publication: Exemption of Authorized Leave for Department of Defense Service Members from Coronavirus Disease 2019 personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions, March 16, 2021 release (Travel Restrictions), Fact Sheet: Hardship Duty Pay Restriction of Movement, Fact Sheet: Service Members' Group Life Insurance, Fact Sheet: Impact of Travel Restrictions on Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) Entitlements, Special Leave Accrual for Service Members, Release: Special Leave Accrual for Service Members, Military Personnel Guidance (Supplement 1) for DOD and OSD Component Heads and Military Commanders in Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019 COVID-19, Fact Sheet: COVID-19 Military Personnel, Pay, and Benefits Policy Supplement 1, Release: Additional Guidance on Military Pay and Personnel Benefits COVID-19, Fact Sheet: COVID-19 Military Personnel, Pay, and Benefits Policy, Military Personnel Guidance for Department of Defense Components in Responding to Coronavirus Disease 2019, Memo from DA&M: Coronavirus Disease 2019-Modifications to Health Protection Condition Bravo on the Pentagon Reservation, Release: Pentagon Reservation Moves to Health Protection Condition Bravo, Release: Increased Restrictions on the Pentagon Reservation (Transition to HPCON Charlie), Release: Increased COVID-19 Restrictions on the Pentagon Reservation, Publication: Implementation Measures Designed to Mitigate the Threat of the Delta and Omicron Variants to the Pentagon Reservation, Release: Additional COVID-19 Visitor Access Requirements at the Pentagon, Release: Increased COVID Restrictions on the Pentagon Reservation (HPCON Bravo Plus), Release: Increased Restrictions on the Pentagon Reservation (HPCON Bravo), Release: Updated Mask Guidance for the Pentagon Reservation, Release: Pentagon Reservation Transitions to Health Protection Condition Alpha, DAM Memo: COVID-19 Transition to Health Protection Condition BRAVO (HPCON B) on the Pentagon Reservation, CMO May 26, 2020 memo, Pentagon Reservation Plan for Reslience and Aligning with National Guidelines for Opening Up American Again, Publication: COVID-19 Move to Health Protection Condition BRAVO PLUS (HPCON B+) of the Pentagon Reservation Plan for Resilience (corrected copy), Release: Statement by Department of Defense on Increased Restrictions for the Pentagon Reservation, Release: Returning to Normal Operations on the Pentagon Reservation: Phase Two, CMO Memo Regarding Pentagon Reservation Transition to Phase 2/HPCON Bravo, Release: Returning to Normal Operations on the Pentagon Reservation: Phase One, CMO Memo for the Pentagon Reservation Workforce on Returning to Workspaces, CMO Memo to the Secretary of Defense on Move to Phase One of the Pentagon Reservation Plan for Resilience, Pentagon Reservation Plan for Resilience and Aligning with National Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, Release: Pentagon Reservation Plan for Resilience and 'Aligning With National Guidelines for Opening Up America Again', Release: Statement by the Department of Defense on COVID-19 Response Measures on the Pentagon Reservation, Release: Statement by Department of Defense on Enhanced Health Protection Measures for the Pentagon Reservation, Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on COVID Status, Secretary Austin's Message to the Force (Multiple topics, including Defeat COVID-19), Special Combined Federal Campaign Solicitation - Coronavirus Disease 2019, Guidance for Commanders on the Implementation of the Risk-Based Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic, "Guidance for Commanders Risk-Based Responses and Implementation of the Health Protection Condition Framework", Secretary Esper's Message to the Force on COVID-19 Response, Release: Defense Department Announces Distribution of COVID-19 Tests for Military Beneficiaries, Publication: COVID-19 Travel Restrictions Installation Status Update, Release: Update to Conditions-Based Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions, Force Health Protection (Supplement 20), Revision 1, Release: Patriot Express Travel at BWI, SEATAC to Require On-Site, Rapid COVID-19 Testing, Publication: Delegation of Waiver Approval Authority for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions, Release: COVID-19 Travel Restrictions Installation Status Update, Release: Travel Restrictions: Green Locations, Release: Update to Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions, Transition to Conditions-based Phased Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions, Fact Sheet: FAQ Travel Restrictions as of April 20, 2020, Modification and Reissuance of DOD Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019 - Travel Restrictions, Stop Movement for all Domestic Travel for DOD Components in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019, Travel Restrictions for DOD Components in Response to Coronavirus Disease 2019, Publication: Memo from USD (P&R) Guidance on Eligibility for a Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Booster Dose, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 3, Department of Defense Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Attestation, Screening Testing, and Vaccination Verification, Memo from Secretary of Defense: Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination for Member of the National Guard and Ready Reserve, Memo from Director of Administration and Management: Supplemental Guidance for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Attestation, Screening Testing, and Vaccination Verification of DoD Civilian Employees for the DoD Fourth Estate-Revision 2, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 2, Department of Defense Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Attestation, Screening Testing, and Vaccination Verification, Release: Force Health Protection Guidance (Supplement 23) Revision 1, Department of Defense Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Attestation, Screening Testing, and Vaccination Verification, Release: Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of DoD Civilian Employees, DOD Guidance for Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination Attestation and Screening Testing for Unvaccinated Personnel (Force Health Protection Guidance Supplement 23), Release: Secretary of Defense Austin Issues Guidance for Mandatory Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccination of DOD Service Members, Publication: Secretarys Message to the Force, Release: Statement by Jamal Brown, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary, on COVID-19 Vaccinations, Publication: Memorandum on Methods to Enable and Encourage Vaccination Against COVID-19, Publication: Pentagon Reservation Plan for Distributing COVID-19 Vaccine, Publication: Supplemental Guidance for Providing DOD Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccines to DOD Contractor Employees and Select Foreign Nationals (signed Dec. 31, 2020), Release: Department of Defense Statement on COVID-19 Distribution Plan, Release: Additional DOD Locations Selected to Support COVID-19 Vaccine Clinical Trials, Release: Statement From HHS and DOD on FDA Emergency Use Authorization of a COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate, Publication: DOD COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan and Population Schema, Transcript: DOD Officials Provide Briefing on the Department's COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan, Release: DOD Announces COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan, Publication: Coronavirus Disease 2019 Vaccine Guidance. 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soldier field covid policy 2022
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