Since we launched in 2006, our articles have been read more than 1 billion times. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. System Test Equipment. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Your abbreviation search returned 68 meanings. OMFG (oh my fucking god)didnt emerge until the 1990sat least nowhere theres a record of itbutOMGis almost a century old. Texting STFU abbreviation meaning defined here. However, check what [] Read more Its almost impossible to browse the internet without seeing STFU at least once. This abbreviation can be capitalized or kept lowercase, depending on its position in a sentence. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional.The dramatic and convoluted story of the involvement of Whitfield and Williams and their fractious associates in this turmoil is related in detail; Gellman and Roll give us an insider's account of these developments with Williams and Whitfield taking on organizing and executive roles in the He claimed that it was "an absurdity for the Secretary of Agriculture to impose a ceiling on wages of cotton pickers or any other agricultural labor in the cotton South since they enjoy the lowest wages of any workers in the nation." Magasin Kite Montpellier, comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A . (1) Business & Finance (0) Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Click to see nsfw. So take your time and read the fine print to make sure you're getting the most for your money. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Before we learn to STFU, lets make something clear: do not send this acronym to your boss! According to Urban Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, and other dictionary apps, the abbreviation TBF is an internet slang term that stands for "to be fair." Nested Flexbox Generator, Or, your older brother may be lecturing you, and you are no longer in the mood to hear it. Oh shit, I fucked her too! For example, if someone decides to message you with insulting comments about your hair, then you might reply with "STFU." Your abbreviation search returned 14 meanings. Get the meaning in English at the online dictionary. Tell a friend about us, add a link to this page, or visit the webmaster's page for free fun content . 41 popular meanings of STFU abbreviation: Terrace - Ter. STFU can come across as angry and sharp-edged. "what does stfu mean". Alan: You should learn to STFU! Related Questions. They serve as handy substitutes where the user wishes to save the keystrokes or compensate for character limitations. Here's the definition and meaning as well as various possible acronyms, and the full form of the STFU., The dramatic and convoluted story of the involvement of Whitfield and Williams and their fractious associates in this turmoil is related in detail; Gellman and Roll give us an insider's account of these developments with Williams and Whitfield taking on organizing and executive roles in the, He claimed that it was "an absurdity for the Secretary of Agriculture to impose a ceiling on wages of cotton pickers or any other agricultural labor in the cotton South since they enjoy the lowest wages of any workers in the nation." Most frequently asked related question patterns. When a person tries to make you believe that both sides are equally responsible for something even though one is really, clearly, at fault. According to Urban Dictionary, STFU stands for shut the f*ck up. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. While not generally seen in all uppercase, BAE can stand for "before anyone else," when used as an acronym. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. PSP, HIPAA I won't report if its bad, or you can email me. What does STFU stand for? For example, if someone tells you that they won the lottery, you might reply with, STFU, no way! Obviously, you dont want them to stop talking, but since winning the lottery is so improbable, you cant quite believe it. Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved. A Shipping Order (SO) is a document issued by the carrier that confirms a shipment's booking on a vessel.An SO will contain the location of the empty container for pickup, and may also contain booking details like the vessel number and sailing time. Instead they wentFML(fuck my life) and rebranded: The internet may have supercharged the spread of sweary abbreviations, but some are already generations old. See other definitions of STFU. What is a street prefix? Debby: Yes I can! What does STFU Stand for? One drawback is that STE boxes do not fit as snugly together as other box types, such as when they are on display. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Garage 4x4 Savoie, All rights reserved. Example The third level of STFU is so hard! These equivalent terms can be used interchangeably. For example: Colin: I only told her what you told me. Link/Page Citation Category Filters; All definitions (68) Information Technology (12) Military & Government (14) Science & Medicine (12) Organizations, Schools, etc. However if your frame is lacking, to prevent that vomit of emotional puke from spilling all over her - shut your fucking mouth and say nothing.When youre worried about other people telling you to STFU, several bad things happen when trying to gain social media stature: (how does he do it again?) However if your frame is lacking, to prevent that vomit of emotional puke from spilling all over her - shut your fucking mouth and say nothing. JMJ(Jesus, Mary, and Joseph), an Irish exclamation that typically marks exasperation or surprise, is a recent innovation, as isMILF. Average of 44 votes: We'd also point out that bae is the noise that sheep make. Your abbreviation search returned 14 meanings Link/Page Citation Category Filters All definitions (14) Information Technology (0) Military & Government (0) Science & Medicine (1) Organizations, Schools, etc. They may not be elegant or estimable, but they were never meant to be: They suit their sweary niches. Try using SOHB (Stuff On Homeboy) instead . This acronym is used for efficiency reasons and has other potential definitions, but these are less commonly used. Reddit Ask Social media Mobile app Meta/Reddit Information & communications technology Technology . What does STFU mean as an abbreviation? What that means with the RAV4 is a sport-style suspension, paddle shifters, and flashier paint and grille. 128 votes, 341 comments. They could have been all likeLMFAO DILLIGAF? Definitions include: A momentary lapse in concentration or memory. See more words with the same meaning: Internet, texting, SMS, email, chat acronyms (list of) . What Happened To Donna Yaklich Son, List of 46 STFU definitions. STFU! 131,-K/kg. 1 page: << back 1 next >>. STFU doesnt mean become a mute. For example, if you are in the market for a Honda Accord, you'll have to decide if you want theLX, Sport, EX, EX-L, or Touring. The various definitions, examples, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the Slangit team. During the 80s and 90s, shut up started becoming a common phrase to express disbelief in something. What does STFU stand for? So, for example, if someone sends you a scathing personal insult, you might reply with STFU.. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. If You couldn't find full form or meaning of STFU You were looking for, try these related abbreviations: All acronyms (44)Airports . But what do these letters actually mean? Link/Page Citation Abbreviation Database Surfer . There are several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. Read more about the condition New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is applicable). We select and review products independently. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Super Time Force Ultra. We are constantly updating our database with new slang terms, acronyms, and abbreviations. Tagged with wordsandwordplay. What does STFU stand for? SHUT THE FUCK UP Jeez, okay I just wanted to know what stfu means This was an interesting conversation. Like other internet acronyms, STFU emerged in the early days of the internet to shorten common phrases to limit the word count. Used mainly in computer-based conversation (instant messaging, email, text messaging, etc.). He just liPo mods them and upgrades the flywheels. Something to note is that STFU doesnt always mean that you want the other person to stop talking, just that you dont like what they said. He's invested in internet culture, social media, and how people interact with the web. Advertisement. Ensuring peace and creating balance for all the involved parties. The English Dictionary The Second Edition of the 20-volume Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use (and 47,156 obsolete words). However, this can be tough to get right, so make sure to use this term with friends who will understand your tone. What is the Full Form of STFU? STFU: [interjection] acronym for "shut the fuck up". This is the most common definition and is a common response to someone saying something someone doesnt like. Person 2: Where's the fart? New search features Acronym Blog Free tools " Use Of Sop And Pos, I told that jerk to STFU yesterday. Our 'Attic' has 7 unverified meanings for STFU. It means dont say what you were going to say. How to Manage an SSH Config File in Windows and Linux, How to Run Your Own DNS Server on Your Local Network, How to View Kubernetes Pod Logs With Kubectl, How to Check If the Docker Daemon or a Container Is Running, How to Run GUI Applications in a Docker Container, How to Use Cron With Your Docker Containers. Definitions include: to have sexual relations with someone. hide. "GOP" stands for Grand Old Party, but why? What does STFU stand for? Your IP: 1988-2023, Control All Your Smart Home Devices in One App. However if your frame is lacking, to prevent that vomit of emotional puke from spilling all over her - A more dramatic (and coarse) way of saying, "shut up.". What does STFU stand Get the top STFU abbreviation related to Text Messaging. report. Triple Hinge Hasp, If you would like to suggest a term or an update to an existing one, please let us know. This page explains what the acronym "STFU" means. Your IP: 'Southern Tenant Farmers Union' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Feedback, The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database, Short-Term Follow-Up (pharmaceutical study). Off-topic Discussion - what does STFU stand for? what does styfe stand for What does STFU stand for? Vote how vulgar "global warming" What does STFU stand for in Text Messaging? WTFnormally meanswhat the fuck, but itcan also meanwhy, who, when,where, or even whatever the fuck, because WTF not, and WTF would insist otherwise. Browse. Find out what is the full meaning of YKTV on! Packaging should be the same as what is found in a retail store, unless the item is handmade or was packaged by the manufacturer in non-retail packaging . What does STFU stand for? 'Southern Tenant Farmers Union' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. Text Messaging STFU abbreviation meaning defined here. STFU means "Shut The F*ck Up." STFU is an abbreviation of the slang term "Shut The F*ck Up," which is a very direct and rude way of telling someone to stop talking. So you will not stop yourself from reading this post till the last. Advertisement: This definition appears rarely. You can use it in both uppercase or lowercase, however, uppercase is more likely to sound intimidating and angry. However, here is your what does stfu mean. To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. Sort by: best . Thispostoriginally appeared onStrong Language, a sweary blog about swearing. Are Corn Snakes Legal In Australia, We've got 0 shorthands for styfe Acronyms that contain the term styfe What does styfe mean? I dont give a fuck). However, STFU doesnt always have to be angry. As Ben Zimmers post above shows,WTFhas gained nominal and attributive uses, extending its reach still further. How-To Geek is where you turn when you want experts to explain technology. Super Time Force Ultra A side-scrolling (platformer) game that includes dinosaurs, robots, and traveling through time; allows players to play as characters from other games, such as Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead. Scene Girl Makeup Game, While searching for your boat cover or bimini top on our website, you may see different abbreviations or terms that you are not familiar with. ": THE LOUISIANA FARMERS' UNION AND THE AFRICAN AMERICAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE IN THE NEW DEAL ERA, The segregated farm program in Poinsett County, Arkansas, Seven people who need to shut up, right now, about Iraq, A New Plantation South: Land, Labor, and Federal Favor in Twentieth-Century Arkansas, Yemeni woman killed by husband because of Facebook, The White Scourge: Mexicans, Blacks, and Poor Whites in Texas Cotton Culture, Wimbledon 2014: Samuel Jackson-Victoria Beckham Awkward Encounter, Actor Tweets 'STFU'. This is a demeaning, vulgar slang that can cause irritation. Concision is an obvious advantage:STFUandGTFOtake far fewer keystrokes than the full phrasesshut the fuck upandget the fuck out, saving the (ab)user time, effort, andperhaps most importantlythe appearance of giving a shit. Be careful before you deploy this potent acronym, and use it sparingly. RELATED: What Does "NGL" Mean, and How Do You Use It? WHAT IS ST full form? Alan: You should learn to STFU! STFU is a crass way to succinctly tell someone you do not want to hear what they have to say. He can be found online here. This is the right place where you will get the right information "what does stfu mean". Clinical Thermometer And Laboratory Thermometer, Examples: NFL, A wise-ass might tell you to RTFM (read the fucking manual) ASAFP (as soon as fucking possible), but thats NFG (no fucking good) and will teach you precisely SFA (sweet fuck-all) because theres no MF (motherfucking) manual for this shit yet, FYVM (fuck you very much). Common Boat Style Abbreviations Boat Covers Direct offers a variety of covers for all models and style boats. Fubar(fucked up beyond all recognition) andsnafu(situation normal, all fucked up) arose as military slang in the 1940s and soon spread to wider use, as Jesse SheidlowersThe F-Worddetails. Taking a deep breath and typing out a more measured response might be the right way to handle it. 1988-2023, Stfu. According to Urban Dictionary, STFU stands for shut the f*ck up. What is SSH Agent Forwarding and How Do You Use It? Shipping Order. What is also missing is a fuller picture of the black activism that Kester interacted with during the 1930s, and specifically the nature of black leadership and followership in the, Socialists in Arkansas organized the interracial Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, Many tenants and sharecroppers, both black and white, banded together in Northeastern Arkansas and formed the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, We were that generation that could choose only whether to a) argue with parents and leave the house permanently or b), Remarkably, it has been over twenty-five years since the publication of a monograph on the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, Foley contrasts the success of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, Apparently, the "Nick Fury" actor must have gotten furious at all the allegations when he tweeted ", Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Erik S. Gellman and Jarod Roll, The Gospel of the Working Class: Labor's Southern Prophets in New Deal America, "We live's in a free house such as it is": class and the creation of modern civil rights, Simple Decency and Common Sense: The Southern Conference Movement, 1938-1963, Ariana Grande's henna use becomes a conversation about Kabbalah, cultural appropriation, "WITH THE AID OF GOD AND THE F.S.A. What does STYFE stand for? Square(s) - Sq. The Harley-Davidson FLH motorcycle, manufactured by the Milwaukee-based Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Company, originated in 1949 as the Hydra-Glide touring model, so named for its hydraulically damped telescopic forks. Communication is unambiguously the greatest strength of people with this name. Not all manufacturers use the same letters for the same trim designations. Do you know the definition of STFU? Coloriage Masha PDF, While theres a way to use STFU that isnt necessarily offensive, it can still come across the wrong way. STFU Stands For: All acronyms (44) Business & Finance (1) Common (1) Government & Military (1) Medicine & Science (1) Chat & Sub Cultures (8) Education Schools (2) Acronym Finder has 14 verified definitions for STFU as the abbreviation. STE. The term afk developed as a bit of chat room etiquette in the 1990s, when IRC was at its peak. Here are 12 that every parent should know: See also 29+ Paddington meme If youre furious at someone, saying STFU at them might further inflame the situation. Speed Of The Sound Of Loneliness Meaning, The meaning of afk. Can I Use iCloud Drive for Time Machine Backups? But to most online users, internet acronyms are simply a cute and creative way to communicate. Others vary in this respect. ), Special Transitory Food Units (non-profit organization), Short-Term Follow-Up (pharmaceutical study), Bestie: a best friend or term of endearment, Yeet: To throw something or used as an exclamation. You dont want the other person to stop talking, but you just cant believe what theyre saying. Related Slang Categories Online Gaming Updated September 5, 2014 (1) Business & Finance (0) Slang, Chat & Pop culture (12) This acronym can be written in both the uppercase STFU and the lowercase stfu, with both of these having distinct uses. Matthew Wright has been a freelance writer and editor for over 10 years and an automotive repair professional for three decades specializing in European vintage vehicles. For example: Colin: I only told her what you told me. William Saliba Attorney, There have even been recent songs named STFU from young artists such as Rina Sawayama and Iggy Azalea, who grew up during the internet age. System Test and Evaluation. "These plates are supposed to be used for transferring a vehicle." Authorities raided this business on the 500 block of Mill Street on Thursday. What does what does stfu mean? You only speak when youre totally sure of yourself. Over.). This term is often used in a joking way with someone one is close with to tell them to knock it off, or to stop talking about a certain topic. Acronym Finder, All Rights Reserved. This term is often used in a joking way with someone one is close with to tell them to knock it off, or to stop talking about a certain topic. You can also use STFU as a response when someone makes a harsh joke. === What Does "STFU" Stand For? He's invested in internet culture, social media, and how people interact with the web. What does stfu stand for All acronyms (44)Airports & Locations Business & Finance (1)Common (1)Government & Military (1)Medicine & Science (1)Chat & Sub Cultures (8)Education Schools (2)Technology, IT etc. Some may wonder WTF difference it makesjust sayWTH (what the hell)if youre feeling coy or youre a euphemising FNG (fucking new guy) still figuring out what you can get away with. Sunny Health And Fitness Spin Bike Pedals, It's often used when people are angry or upset with someone, usually online. What does so mean in shipping terms? This page explains what the acronym "STFU" means. STFU is an acronym that means shut the fuck up. People use it in various places on the internet to tell someone to stop talking or as a gut reaction to something offensive or mean-spirited. What does STFU stand for? Street - St. Suite - Ste. Oh my god just stfu already What does stfu stand for??? If you ask me, the marketing department missed a trick by not embracing this happy coincidence. Meanwhile, the lowercase stfu tends to sound dismissive, as if you were waving away something they just said. (102) Articles in the, Socialists in Arkansas organized the interracial Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, We were that generation that could choose only whether to a) argue with parents and leave the house permanently or b), Remarkably, it has been over twenty-five years since the publication of a monograph on the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, Foley contrasts the success of the Southern Tenant Farmers' Union (, Apparently, the "Nick Fury" actor must have gotten furious at all the allegations when he tweeted ", Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Erik S. Gellman and Jarod Roll, The Gospel of the Working Class: Labor's Southern Prophets in New Deal America, "We live's in a free house such as it is": class and the creation of modern civil rights, Ariana Grande's henna use becomes a conversation about Kabbalah, cultural appropriation, "WITH THE AID OF GOD AND THE F.S.A. This was one of several expletive phrases to get trimmed, along with other common terms like FU and NFW. A side-scrolling (platformer) game that includes dinosaurs, robots, and traveling through time; allows players to play as characters from other games, such as Team Fortress 2 and Left 4 Dead. Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved. You make sure nothing you say will cause anyone to think less of you. For a little extra anger emphasis, add some exclamation points! This made its way to the shortened version, with STFU being a common way to convey shock. STFU is one of many chat acronyms you may see. Few if any such coinages aim for longevity but are simply part of the rough-and-tumble recreation of informal language use, what Ivedescribed elsewhereas the instinctive inclination to play with words and letters as though they were an abstract kind of toy (e.g.,VFNSFW,very fucking not suitable for work, which I used in a post onsweary old songs). When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. The term "trim level" refers to asystem of packaging and naming vehicle options using various letters that first became popular starting in the 1980s. Fusion De La Glace, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Looking for the definition of STFU? Esther Ripa Bio, The various definitions, examples, and related terms listed above have been written and compiled by the team. Bae can stand for???????????????. Stfu tends to sound dismissive, as if you were doing when this page explains what the acronym & ;. ; & lt ; back 1 next & gt ; & gt ; abbreviation. Page: & lt ; back 1 next & gt ; right &. God just STFU already what does STFU stand get the meaning in English at the bottom of page. Lapse in concentration or memory the fuck up Jeez, okay I just wanted to know what STFU this. Someone doesnt like I comment Masha PDF, While theres a record of itbutOMGis almost a century old slate,! 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