The line is called Lipstick Revolution, in honor of women around the world who are fighting for their freedom. Visit our corporate site. Note 2 - This article shall not be . Amnesty International has also recorded at least four amputations carried out for robberies in Iran, including cross amputations of several fingers and toes on opposite sides of the victims body. There's a memory that has defined my life: I'm standing in line in a long, dark hallway, handcuffed to a friend, while listening to the horrifying sound of two other friends screaming out in pain. We had no idea what would happen to us, or how long we would have to remain there. Who was Ukrainian minister Denys Monastyrsky? Brief apologies and general promises of accountability are far from enough to address Irans crisis of systemic impunity, said Heba Morayef. Senior Iranian officials have confirmed the veracity of footage. Iran Threatens 74 Lashes As Punishment For Owning A Dog. This is what we should be protesting about., Another added: Where are all the women marchers and celebrities right now? A WOMAN has laid bare the brutal punishment she reportedly received at the hands of authorities after she was caught attending a party with boys and drinking alcohol. With the impact of the first lash, I jumped out of my [seat] uncontrollably. As a girl, I watched my mother, an interior designer, sew beautiful pillows and curtains for our home. The most severe lashing assigned by a modern Saudi Arabian judge took place in 2007, when two men received 7,000 strokes each as punishment for sodomy. -- Serbia: Unofficial paddling at a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre. Irans penal code calls for 74 lashes each for publishing falsehoods and insulting agents carrying out their duties.. Manufactured supply-chain breakdowns along with food, fertilizer and fuel shortages, which will all lead to famine. All rights reserved. Two expressionless, middle-aged female guards, each dressed in a chador, or long black robe, remove our cuffs, then instruct us to lie facedown on a pair of bare mattresses. He hurled it at my face and asked if I knew what the Koran meant. The woman collapses in a heap after the masked man delivers his fifth blow across her back, Paramedics, who rushed to the woman, carry her from the stage and she appears to be out cold. Our parents were there, too, and they managed to slip some money to the guards to lessen the severity of our lashes. In another dated 21 December 2020, two prison officials are seen pushing, shoving, hitting and kicking a handcuffed prisoner on his head and back in the presence of multiple other officials, and then dragging him on the ground. T.J. Holmes, 45, files for divorce from his wife of 12 years after affair with Good Morning America co-host Amy Robach, 49, - as the new lovers prepare for an intimate NYE break in Georgia, U.S. Virgin Islands sues JPMorgan Chase - accusing the bank of helping Jeffrey Epstein sex-traffic minors at his villa by'knowingly providing and pulling the levers through which recruiters and victims were paid', Princeton student, 20, found dead on campus died from suicide after overdosing on mixture of antidepressants and antihistamine, It's all gravy! Video not currently available -- South Africa: Unofficial whippings by vigilantes. class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. I looked around and saw a pregnant woman and a woman with a baby, along with several other sullen young women. . 'Crucified' for smuggling cigarettes: Two men are publicly Brought to tears by Sharia justice: Woman is forced to Royal Family will find it 'impossible' to compromise with Sussexes, Rapidly growing cemetery filled with Vladimir Putin's 'prisoner army', Russian pro-war fanatic warns Britain could be 'wiped off the map', BBC Breakfast celebrates forty years of hilarious bloopers, Ken Bruce will be joining the Greatest Hits Radio family in April, As it happened: UK Government blocks Scotland's new gender law, Bungling helicopter pilot blows over stadium roof injuring eight. In addition to floggings, Amnesty International also recorded an incident in November 2016 when a man was forcibly blinded in both eyes in Tehran in retribution for blinding a four-year-old girl in an acid attack in June 2009. Coles worker fights a woman allegedly trying to steal groceries, Man ordered to take off a Jesus Saves t-shirt at Mall of America, Man knocked out by a pool cue in violent pub brawl, Locals desperately smash windows of overturned double-decker bus, Tarek Fatah on Twitter: "This is isn't #SaudiArabia or #Iran. So I started from scratch. We were immediately driven to a small concrete jailhouse near the courtroom, where the guards lined us up in the hallway, boys on one side, girls on the other. The latest flogging of a journalist raises alarms that the authorities intend to continue the spree of cruel punishments we have witnessed over the past year into 2017., Iran's prolific use of corporal punishment, including flogging, amputation and blinding, throughout 2016 highlights the inhumanity of a justice system that legalizes brutality. According to an official of the US Committee for Refugees, lashes are corporal punishment designated for particular offences, which are enumerated in Iran's Islamic penal code (25 Jan. 1994). I was so shocked that even my tears would not drop. Finally, it's my turn. I kept to myself, and I barely left the house except to go to school. Indian American CEOs exemplify countries shared ambitions. This disturbing footage offers a rare glimpse of the cruelty regularly meted out to prisoners in Iran. Here, MC debunks common abortion myths you may be increasingly hearing since Texas' near-total abortion ban went into effect. Do you have a story for The Sun Online news team? Three people, who appear to be paramedics dressed in green and one in white, rush to the woman. Flogging/legal concern. Published: 05:35 EST, 10 February 2017 | Updated: 20:11 EST, 10 February 2017. The views expressed in the contents above are those of our users and do not necessarily reflect the views of MailOnline. Yet, with the impact of the first lash, I jumped out of my place uncontrollably. Usually, the lashes are applied to the back, but they can also land on the legs and buttocks, according to firsthand reports. Each of the three men who were charged with stealing received 74 lashes in the main square of the city. I'm a good student; I come from a great family. Marie Claire is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Masih . My friend and I, still cuffed, enter the torture room together. (The more varied the blows, the less likely they are to cause serious damage; hitting the same spot over and over increases the likelihood of breaking skin and causing infection.). Six Iranians arrested for appearing in a video dancing to Pharrell Williams' song Happy have been sentenced to up to one year in prison and 91 lashes, their lawyer says. The officers followed us, shouting. ISLAMABAD (AP) The Taliban lashed three women and nine men in front of hundreds of spectators in a provincial sports stadium Wednesday, signaling the religious extremist groups resumption of a. class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. She brought my favorite meal: rice and kebabs. For example, doctors inspect the medical condition of a prisoner ahead of time to determine whether he or she is fit to be lashed. Because to me, fashion equaled freedom. One policeman found my Koran, which I always carried with me; it made me feel safe. Read about our approach to external linking. Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. The beating lasted for what felt like an eternity. 38 Years Prison and 148 Lashes for Iranian Human Rights Defender 12,597 views Mar 18, 2019 231 Dislike Share Save The Real News Network 514K subscribers Nasrin Sotoudeh defended political. Two days turned into three, then four. The sentences were carried out immediately. Emily Cain, executive director of EMILY's List and and former Minority Leader in Maine, says that to stop the assault on reproductive rights, we need to start demanding more from our state legislatures. chrtv16. A few, Two well-known Iranian actresses have been arrested by, Since its widespread popularity, differing theories have spread about the origin of the name "Black Friday.". Saudi blogger receives first 50 of 1,000 lashes Saudi . A masked man, whose identity is kept completely hidden, plays to the crowd by wiggling the cane provocatively near the woman's back. I don't see how the beating could've been any worse. Play it now! This video clip is not currently available. In the most recent flogging case recorded by Amnesty International, a journalist was lashed 40 times in Najaf Abad, Esfahan Province, on 5 January after a court found him guilty of inaccurately reporting the number of motorcycles confiscated by police in the city. The Sun website is regulated by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO), Our journalists strive for accuracy but on occasion we make mistakes. Shouldnt the MPs be condemning this on Twitter?, Another wrote online: No womens rights demonstrations outside the Indonesian embassy? (In his mind, it wasn't possible to wear fashionable clothing and also have faith.) This particular case really was barbaric, U.S. Department of State deputy spokesman Robert Palladino said when asked about Sotoudehs sentence. The death penalty is legal in 58 countries. I was wearing what any traditional young Iranian woman would wear: a scarf over my hair, a black coat, and pants underneath my skirt. To inquire about a licence to reproduce material, visit our Syndication site. -2022. All six bridesmaids dresses had to be fixed, and we did it., William and I have talked about it once or twice, and he has made it very clear to me that his kids are not my responsibility.. Both Sudan and Iran employ the practice but usually stick to the more moderate 40 to 80 strokes prescribed in the Quran. I wondered what she had done "wrong.". In reality, it was over in 10 minutes. Is it time Harry & Meghan accept Clarkson's apology and move on? In one video dated 31 March 2021, a prison official is seen hitting and punching a prisoner in his face in the presence of a group of prisoners, apparently causing the victims nose to bleed. I started thinking about doing something that would somehow celebrate women. of Islamic law given by a qualified legal scholar known as a mufti) barring physical and verbal violence in the home and school.Corporal punishment is a form of torture regardless of . But she goes on to say she hadnt realised the depth of the horror she was about to experience until a middle-aged woman accompanied by a younger one entered the room and asked me what my crime was. . Iran's Muslims are forbidden from drinking alcohol, an offense that is punishable by 80 lashes. But not only do women remove their hijabs at such parties but they also remove their modest clothing a strict part of the Islamic dress code. A month later 35 young women and men arrested in Qazvin Province for dancing, mingling and consuming alcohol at a party were sentenced to 99 lashes each. The guards grab two black leather whips and dip them in water, to make the lashes sting. Interaction between men and woman is strictly forbidden in Iran and is punishable by lashings and prison. My friend and I fled out into the street; we knocked on neighbors' doors, looking for a place to hide. The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. The punisher told her it was for having a relationship before telling her to strip down to just one layer of clothing. By. Torture and other ill-treatment are far too widespread and systemic in Irans prisons and detention centres to be presented as the work of a few bad apples. Royal Tailor Breaks Silence on the Infamous Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle Bridesmaids Dress Drama, Prince William Totally Ignored Reporter Who Asked If Hed Read Spare, Prince Harry Worries About Prince Williams Kids: At Least One Will End Up Like Me, the Spare, EMILY's List President Laphonza Butler Has Big Plans for the Organization, Want to Fight for Abortion Rights in Texas? Flogging is considered a lenient punishment for crimes like adultery, where death by stoning is a possible sentence, or theft, which can lead to the amputation of limbs. Finally, I started designing my own line, with some fun, funky, off-the-shoulder tops. Journalists and bloggers have also been sentenced to flogging in relation to their work. US to require all travelers from China to test negative for COVID before being allowed into country starting Jan 5 - but won't that be TOO LATE? After graduation, my parents felt that it would be good for me to get out of Iran for a while, so I went to Dubai and stayed with friends. I panicked and ran out the back door with a friend, which is the worst possible thing we could have done. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider I dont remember how many lashes I had received, but I reached a stage where I was just moaning and had become numb with pain. I hated that my family had to hear my lashing; the police wanted our parents there to teach us all a lesson. After waiting more than two years for her verdict and punishment, she was whipped. The sentence simply came down from the judge: 50 lashes for the boys, 40 lashes for the girls. Iran criminalises same-sex sexual activity between men and between women. Iran: International community must not be deceived by dubious claims of disbanding morality police, Iran: Horrifying execution of young protester exposes authorities cruelty and risk of further bloodshed, Iran: Authorities covering up their crimes of child killings by coercing families into silence, Iran: Public execution of Majidreza Rahnavard exposes authorities revenge killings, Zimbabwe: Arrest of members of opposition shows an escalating crackdown against freedom of association and assembly, Algeria: Jailed journalist must be freed, and his media outlets allowed to re-open, Davos World Economic Forum: The stakes are too high for more empty gestures, Greece: Humanitarians ordeal must now end, Afghanistan: UN Security Council meeting must focus on reversing the Talibans mistreatment of women and girls. Some of the parents tried to negotiate on our behalf, even offering to trade their businesses for our sentences, but they were denied. How many lashes can one man stand? The lashing sentences are in addition to her prison sentence of 33 years for peacefully defending women convicted of removing their headscarves in public. Hundreds are routinely flogged in Iran each year, sometimes in public. It's #Indonesia's Sharia-ruled #Aceh province. I don't think the guards upheld their end of the deal, though. Find Corporal, class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. I visited clothing factories, fabric distributors, and showrooms to learn everything I could about the industry. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. On 24 August, the head of Irans judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei, also issued a written instruction to Irans chief prosecutor asking that the treatment of prisoners by prison officials and/or other prisoners [in Evin prison] are promptly and carefully examined. Members of the group behind the video were subsequently arrested by Iranian police for violating Islamic laws of the country, which prohibit dancing with members of the opposite sex and women from appearing without a headscarf. The popular Iranian Facebook page Azadihayeh Yavashaki (My Stealthy Freedom), administered by the journalist and womens rights activist Masih Alinejad, has posted detailed accounts from several women who received lashes for consuming alcohol and attending mixed-gender parties which were raided by Irans morality police. Former Iranian Deputy Defense Minister Ali Reza Akbari (1997-2005) has been hanged after being found guilty of spying for the British government, it was reported in Tehran Saturday by the Mizan . Six Iranians arrested for appearing in a video dancing to Pharrell Williams' song Happy have been sentenced to up to one year in prison and 91 lashes, their lawyer says. My Sweet Sixteen began as it should have: sweetly. Part of the Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday & Metro Media Group, Terrifying new storm pummels West Coast leaving 200,000 homes without power as National Guard prepares to go door-to-door in freezing Buffalo to collect more bodies as death toll rises to 34, Terrifying moment illegal migrants try to smash their way into Texas ranch house 50 MILES over the border - as homeowner spends $13k upgrading security and locals teach kids to use TASERS for 'self defense', Dietitian: The five foods you need to add to your diet for a flat stomach in 2023 - and the ones you should remove today, These are the controversial style trends that need to be left in 2022 - and it's a shame for anyone whose forked out $450 on Yeezy slides or rocked low rise denim, Weight loss 'magic bullet' Wegovy approved by FDA for children as young as 12, What a difference a day makes! Check out, class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. It is shocking to see what goes on inside the walls of Evin prison, but sadly the abuse depicted in these leaked video clips is just the tip of the iceberg of Irans torture epidemic, said Heba Morayef, Middle East and North Africa Regional Director at Amnesty International. The most severe lashing assigned by a modern Saudi Arabian judge took. Several other prisoners remain at risk of being forcibly blinded. Do not sell or share my personal information. The unidentified, caught on camera at university Policemen catch child falling from, the fundamentalist authorities. If you are talented and passionate about human rights then Amnesty International wants to hear from you. Hollie McKay has a been a Fox News Digital staff reporter since 2007. Dozens of civilians can be seen gathering around an elevated stage and film the events on their smartphones. Methods of torture in Iran documented by Amnesty International over the past years include floggings, electric shocks, mock executions, waterboarding, sexual violence, suspension, force-feeding of chemical substances, and deliberate deprivation of medical care. 3:08. Limb amputations, caning, castrations and other forms of . Amnesty International also reviewed two clips depicting self-harm, dated 4 January 2020 and 23 July 2016, and three clips showing incidents of assault against inmates by other inmates. 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Five years later, I was at a friend's party one night, when a guy complimented me on my top a black cotton tee with a silver pocket and studs along the bottom. We will be lashed on our backs. Ask the Explainer. IRAN islamic lashing punishment in public - YouTube 0:00 / 1:04 Sign in to confirm your age This video may be inappropriate for some users. And according to Islamic law, a flogger is supposed to hold a copy of the Quran under his arm to curb his range of motion and ensure that the strokes are not too powerful. But it wasn't exactly a happy feast. Players having the freedom, dancing to Pharrell Williams' "Happy" and the. class="algoSlug_icon" data-priority="2">Web. Explainer thanks Ali AlAhmed of the Gulf Institute, Dr. Vincent Iacopino of Physicians for Human Rights, and Christoph Wilcke of Human Rights Watch. A video has emerged of a woman being lashed in public with a cane in footage showing Indonesia's brutal Sharia law punishment. Such activities are protected under the rights to freedom of belief, religion, expression and association and must never be criminalized. The video shows three men and three unveiled women dancing on the streets and rooftops of Tehran. rule as they strike for power in Afghanistan. They were forced to spend three nights in jail before being sentenced to 74 lashes each. Caught on camera at a public swimming pool in present-day Iran, punishment is administered with a flipper by the swim coach. Aceh is the only part of Indonesia that applies Sharia in full. I also sell my clothes directly through my Website, (opens in new tab). It wasnt exactly clear when the punishment was carried out or how severe her injuries were. I remember seeing the glimpse of the thick hands of the woman who was about to lash me, the post continues. My friends emerge from a room down the hall, tears streaming down their faces and blood staining. Iran: Justice denied to man who died after flogging. worried her sentence could signal increased was posted on a Facebook page which shows brave Iranian, Technology Jio Outage: Jio's calling, SMS services back after outage, was sent to the Urmian enforcement officials to carry out, world of college football in 2022. I can barely breathe as I wait for the guards to call my name. The Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province's prosecutor told the state-run FARS news agency that each victim . While that was brutal enough, the woman goes on to say what was most shocking was she was being punished simply for celebrating a friends birthday and was treated like a complete criminal. Saudi Arabia does have some safeguards to protect the health of the person being lashed. Two films. I'm still very proud to be Muslim and Persian. Then I researched things like pattern making and manufacturing. Crimes punishable by death include murder; rape; child molestation; homosexuality; pedophilia; drug trafficking; armed robbery; kidnapping; terrorism; burglary; incestuous relationships; fornication; prohibited sexual relations; sodomy; sexual misconduct; prostitution; plotting to overthrow the Islamic regime; political dissidence; sabotage; arson . Video: ISIS executes eight Dutch members for desertionbringing the total number of people executed in Syria alone by the group to 3,967 Footage uploaded to YouTube shows two men being punished. The masked man plays to the gathered crowd by shaking and wiggling his cane on stage, Dozens of civilians gather around the stage to film the woman being lashed on their phones, The masked man holds the cane across the woman's shoulder blades before whipping her. Farm Heroes Saga, the #4 Game on iTunes. I wanted to scream, but I could not even control my voice. The BBC's Rana Rahimpour reported on the Iranians' release on bail. We pay for your stories! An Indonesian teen was publicly flogged by a member of the Sharia police after . Amnesty concedes that his death may not have been caused by the flogging. With the situation rapidly evolving, organizations are desperate for help. I named my line Dar Be Dar, which means "door to door" in Persian. Other forms of are no longer accepting comments on this article in water to! Group and leading digital publisher of a woman being lashed in public publishing falsehoods insulting... ' release on bail forms of ; i come from a great family convicted removing... Looking for a place to hide from, the fundamentalist authorities for help also have faith. public swimming in. Line, with some fun, funky, off-the-shoulder tops tab ) two years for her verdict punishment..., looking for a place to hide desperate for help alcohol, an interior designer, beautiful. 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iran lashes punishment video
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