wonderful pets, lawn mowers and weed eaters. Many ethnic groups want a much different lamb or goat than has been marketed in the past. They have a mild Roman nose profile with a finer boned facial structure. Kingshill, St. Croix,, Virgin Islands 00850. In this area, hair sheep often sell higher than wool sheep. St. Croix - more affordable (but still expensive), poor economy, Anquilla landfill and Hovensa - not the most scenic sites on the island however the F'sted sunsets are magnificent. That is something a good monitoring plan will help with. 8. Our experienced ewes averaged 2.1 lambs/ewe born with 1.9 weaned. Sheep, however, cannot simply be parked in the shed once theyre done dining. Your email address will not be published. However, they have the same sweet faces and disposition of Saanen goats. Wondering whether to add Dorper or Katahdin sheep to your homestead? you want to do it for looks. The Meatmaster offers farmers an excellent alternative with unique characteristics to meet the International market. (Grabbing a Romanov thats been walking through cockleburs is like wrestling with a 130-pound cocklebur.). . People in the Midwest or southern states see this and make a trip to Alberta to purchase a super ram. They like large groups of lambs on each farm, prefer solid colors, registered and must be enrolled in the scrapie program. A type of hair breed, Katahdin sheep originate in the United States. - I rarely have to ST. Hi, and welcome to my website. Yes, Quality: Good tanned hides have been likened to a deer skin quality. Originally publishedin sheep! No A ewes wool will pay her winter feed bill. The St Croix (Saint 'Croy') is a breed of domestic sheep native to the U.S. Virgin Islands and named for the island of Saint Croix.They are often also called Virgin Island White because those that were imported into North America were selected for white coloration. The breed has well-documented parasite resistance, far superior to that found in most other sheep breeds. (Weve heard them all.). wonderful pets, lawn mowers and weed eaters. 1. you want lots of sheep in a short period of time and have a lot of In fact, they can grow up to 250lbs. After being on island for over a year, I thought it was about time to compile a list of both the pros and cons of living on St. Croix. We feel that our time must be used where it will improve our operation, rather than maintaining status quo. P.S. A special thanks to our partner: RJS Bee Farm. Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment. We also sell breeding stock locally. This has nothing to do with genetics and everything to do with the latitude in which the animal lives: Things being equal, our weights will be lower than the weights of similar Katahdins raised in Canada, but higher than ones raised in Florida. Brandon says. 503-367-8912 Caleb & Hannah . When the weathers hot and the pastures are dry, their wool animals will be under a tree while the hair animals are out grazing. Pro. The Teeswater has a lean meat with a good meat to bone ratio and light bone. The thickness of a Katahdin sheeps winter coat will vary among individuals, but it needs to shed completely for an A or AA coat classification, which is the norm. . The low maintenance qualities of Katahdins allow us the time to do so. No scurs, either. Good luck! Some breeders cross with heavier hair sheep breeds Plans for the future include a larger lambing/working shed-currently under construction, later lambing to reduce cold weather losses (10percentdeath loss for everything combined, stillborn, drowning in water tank, mashed, runts, etc. In our operation, that sheep breed is the Katahdin sheep. Several myths still surround hair sheep. Log in, WHY I DONT RAISE ST. CROIX SHEEP | DORPER vs. ST. CROIX as Meat Breeds. Fact: While its true that Barbados and St. Croix are small animals (ewes 80-110 pounds), few commercial breeders raise them. We have a great selection of young purebred rams born this spring that are ready for your fall breeding. To be honest, every breed has it's pros and cons, and Dorper vs. St Croix is not different . I'm not saying they . Add to our blog community by sharingthat step in the comments! Here are a few of the not so great things about sheep that you should know about. We rely on the support of our members, grants, and donations from the public to raise the $700,000 a year needed to maintain our conservation work with rare breeds of farm animals. This characteristic is a huge benefit in terms of overall health and also in terms of annual expenses of time and medication to the shepherd. Know a lot about lawn mowers, but nothing about sheep? On the Island of St. Croix, they come in shades of brown, white and black. Which brings us to the sheep in men's underwear from . If a ewe misses a breeding, she can still lamb three times in two years. If Bowdridge can figure out the genetic marker that allows St. Croix to be immune from this parasite, he could help the entire sheep population of America. Podcast update on that coming soon! Any of the sheep breeds thats considered to be one of the true hair sheep breeds has an advantage in that cockleburs, briars, stick-tights and so forth dont become entangled. For registered breeding stock, permanent wooly fibers are a no-no. Where to stay . I was also told that St Croix are more. I went to the St Croix line in 2008. and I currently run around 250 head. The St. Croix is a North American sheep breed that's part of the Caribbean Hair sheep family. List of the Pros of Living in St. Thomas. To learn more about St Croix sheep or to find a breeder near you, visit the St. Croix Hair Sheep Breeders website. If you'd care to discuss 228 views. Thirty percent of the ewes were first-time lambers, having an average of 1.2 lambs/ewe. You can even crossbreed them to develop unique varieties for your farm or homestead. When the pastures are poor, hair animals hold their body condition much better. October 26, 2015 at 7:40 PM. to speed this process up, but like my Mother always said, "If it ain't . document.write(OT); Originating in South Africa, these lovable and attractive sheep tend to come with a lot more pros than cons. Did you know that Dorper sheep dont need to be sheared? Have you ever thought about the wayslawnmowers are dangerous? Two breeds, the Barbados Blackbelly and the St. Croix,are also found in North America. Many Greeks eat lamb for Easter, which is not always the same date as the traditional Easter. A Katahdin ewe will average between 140-180 pounds, while Dorper ewes will average 160-200 pounds. People have tried for over a hundred years to find just the right breed to thrive in the tropical heat. Our Wiltipoll sheep were developed in Australia from the Wiltshire Horn shedding horned sheep and Poll Dorset sheep back in the 1980s. My favorite vlog of yours was about your new animals, goats and sheep. 2, I usually have ewes and lambs (on the hoof or freezer-ready) Today, due to the work of Piel and other Katahdin breeders, Katahdin sheep are known as being hardy, low-maintenance sheep that adapt easily to a variety of conditions. S t. Croix, the largest of the Virgin Islands in the Caribbean, is one of the toughest environments cattle have faced. We have an 18-cell planned grazing system with 10,000 feet of electric fence and 5,000 feet of underground waterline on 35 acres. The disadvantages of sheep are lack of knowledgeable help, predation, fencing, need for observation and management skills on the part of the shepherd and your resources may not match up with the needs of your sheep. ), In fall 2000, we grazed our flock on cocklebur and waterhemp that followed an oat crop. The main reason this hybrid was created was for its meat, not its wool. I know there is a good market for hair sheep lambs as well. much as graze. That means you will receive protection via the criminal laws of the United States. OT+=ML.charAt(MI.charCodeAt(j)-48); Since Missouri has more Katahdin sheep than any other state, the majority of export animals come from here. More on that subject later. To properly flush a ewe, she should be on an upward nutritional plane and gaining weight. Sheep Breeds. Sheep naturally run from you. To showcase the commercial qualities of our animals, all breeding stock we sell comes directly from pasture, having received no special treatment. There is so much culture in the world and too often we miss most of it due to geographic limitations. They are non-selective grazers that love weeds and have been used by agricultural programs in weed control. I saw that the author is from Central Missouri, which is where we live. American Rambouillet Breeders Association, 1610 S State Rd 3261, Levelland, TX 79336 Ph: 806-894-3081. They still dont take a huge amount of time to reach it, but it is something to be aware of if you are looking for fast production. Aust pulls out all the stops and brings in Accountant Mike to develop a comprehensive pro/con list to investigate this completely new venture for the homestead. I dont have a farm yet as I work as an ordinary rank and file employee but it is my ultimate goal to have one someday. For us, the Katahdin sheep breed fits our operation and our philosophy quite well. ML="e@fycsptg"; Learn More, Questions or comments? Accountant Mike and Aust battle it out: To mow or not to mow? Dorpersare known for their fast weight gains as lambs. These sheep are broke to hot wire and being moved every 2 days. This is inconvenient since you must pasture ram lambs separately from ewes to prevent unplanned pregnancies. starting with the cons: The pros: (a The pros of living in St Croix are its low crime rate, stable currency and beautiful beaches. Other than a few lambs for Hispanic weddings, we sell our slaughter animals through the local auction barn. Our grass-fed ewes normally go into the fall with a body score of 4-5, which makes flushing difficult: Adult Katahdin sheep can maintain themselves on poor quality forage that had our Romanovs literally skin and bones. Lambs can also take a little longer to reach their market weight than some other breeds of sheep. However, they have been cross-bred with other breeds over the years to develop the modern breed we see today. These slaughter lambs sell comparable to pure Katahdin sheep per pound unless theyre full of cockleburs and briars. 2 - Cultural Perspective (and a brief history lesson) Prior to deciding on St. Croix we entertained the idea of teaching internationally and really liked the idea of offering our children (two boys 9 and 7) a broader cultural perspective. 2, I usually have ewes and lambs (on the hoof or freezer-ready) the rain gutter and lamb). A second group was imported into . The sheep and I Due to "con" number These sheep are typically white in color, though there are known variations such as light brown, tan and black or white with black or brown spots. This increases the risk of falls and injury, which can be expensive to fix. Here's an article I wrote all about it, 7 Disadvantages Of Raising Sheep, if you want a more in depth look. Great for a homestead, as I have witnessed first hand over a 3 year period. Pioneers get 10% off beekeeping equipment. A type of hair breed, Katahdin sheep originate in the United States. Sheep help control weeds. Its carcass size is even smaller than most other wool breeds. I grew up on a 100-acre sheep farm in Maine, was an active member in 4H, and I showed my flock across New England and at the national show in Louisville, Kentucky. If this same time is spent building homestead fencing, watersystems, improving lambing or handling facilities, its improving an operation. November/December 2003 and regularly vetted for accuracy. In terms of temperament, cost, and maintenance, they are both excellent options. My email is Their hair falls off naturally during the year, making them an easy breed to care for. I have the land to run . uncommonly resistant to foot rot, prolapse, and parasites. I enjoy reading your blog and watching your videos. The backbone of this episode, however, isnt so much about the topic itself, or the debate of Animal vs. Machine. If you're a former "wooly" producer, you Some of the main pros of keeping Katahdin sheep include: Katahdin sheep are one of the easiest breeds of sheep to care for. Ive seen Shropshire being used to keep weeds and grass down in Christmas tree plantations. The Meatmaster Breeders established and developed a sheep breed as close to nature as possible and allow the . . In the sheep arena there are 3 hair breeds that are both well developed and well known in the USA: the Dorper Sheep, the Kathadin sheep, and the St. Croix sheep. (Lynne Vanderlinden) live in Cave Junction (extreme SW), Oregon, outside My wife and I feel theres no best breed, but rather which breed best fits your operation. Foote chose a relatively consistent group of polled, white sheep from a landrace called Virgin Islands White. We are fortunate that buyers for the large ethnic market in St. Louis often attend sales. You're still living in the United States. A major con of living in St. Croix is the unreliable electricity and cell coverage. They produce excellent fertilizer. I love that you keep them together and that you have explanation on why you are keeping them all.. Any updates on those? There are three sections worth considering staying: Cane Bay, Frederiksted, and Christiansted. Thinking about The St. Croix sheep are very pretty sheep that have a hair covering the body instead of wool. These shepherds welcome the St. Croix into their barns as a way to avoid the annual investment in shearing their flock. Having raised them since 1999, here's my honest evaluation of the St. Croix breed - They were bred with other hard footed, shedding, Continue reading "Wiltipoll" I've decided to let them fall in love only once a year. I Its also common to see animals of up to a year old climbing to the top of a big bale of hay. This market presented difficulties such as lambing in the dead of winter, having lambs large enough (especially when Passover comes early) and pooling with your neighbors to find enough lambs for a truckload. The majority of ewe lambs are sold as registered breeding stock; the majority of ram lambs are sold for slaughter. For more on the differences, plus potential pros and cons between the breeds, read on. After two seasons of growing plants based upon capricious wants (see here for how that turned out), we finally began to do research to inform ourselves on the best possible way to grow the vegetables and plants we want and enjoy. $14.95, Copyright 2020 | ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | PO BOX 477, 33 Hillsboro St, Pittsboro, NC 27312 |. United States of America. The breed is believed to be descended from African . My name is John Taylor, I am a retired pilot and now run a small ranch in Menard Texas. Salty air can take its toll on your things, especially electronics. Here's the mess that this sheep made because it couldn't lift its heavy tail out of the way for urinating and defecating. St. Croix are a medium size sheep with ewes weighing around 125 lbs and rams weighing 165 lbs. Breeders often use less-expensive Katahdin ewes to initiate an upgrading program with registered Dorper as the final goal. swears they're the best organic weed eaters he's ever used. My email is, St. Croix Sheep In my own life, with a family, a job, and multiple interests, needs, and dreams, learning to make decisions has become a necessary skill. St. Croix sheep are known for high fertility, and ewe lambs become fertile at about six months of age. Caribbean Hair sheep were developed from West African hair sheep and a few European wooled sheep that were brought to the Caribbean beginning in the 1600s. You see, this sheep doesn't need shearingit sheds its fleece once a year. Cons of Living in St.Croix 1. We may be partial to the breed, but were not raising a hobby flock. As a bit of trivia, the majority of cull ewes the U.S. exports go to the Mexico City area. We are interested purchasing Katahdin sheep and found this article very helpful. - Unlike my goats, Our sponsor The Power Plucker will make your life easier. Youll find these sheep to have an easy-going temperament, and they tend to produce leaner meat with even fat distribution. Compared to other breeds, these sheep are relatively new, dating back to the 1950s. $ 350. These rods also cost right around $450 - and are Elite St. Croix Fishing Rods. In 2020, I discovered the principles of regenerative agriculture and embarked on a journey with the end goal of building a profitable small farm on 23 acres by 2027. The only things to consider include: The fact Katahdin sheep dont produce wool isnt necessarily a disadvantage. Especially in the case of erosion control and sewer and electric infrastructure. 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