Its no stretch to say Gamaliel was a Hillelite and Saul was a Shammaite. Just babbling out loud. I dont think hes involved in church much, but I could talk with that guy. There is so much theological supposing these days! Gamaliel II, also called Gamaliel Of Jabneh, (flourished 2nd century ad), nasi (president) of the Sanhedrin, at that time the supreme Jewish legislative body, in Jabneh, whose greatest achievement was the unification of the important Jewish laws and rituals in a time of external oppression by Rome and internecine . Per Euseibus the first 13 bishops the Jerusalem church were Pharisee. I have come to save the day! The Apostle Paul met him during his second missionary journey and he became Paul's companion and missionary partner along with Silas. I want to bring my hippie friends to church- but how to I explain to them that its taboo to mention Pauls sins and doctrinal errors in church? For example, Polhill says, The most interesting ruling preserved from Rabban Gamaliel was his insistence that a woman had the right to remarry upon the testimony of a single witness that her husband had died. I will leave that to the Ruah, my rabbi and the Yeshiva (that ive been attending for years) I attend. It is also possible that Paul adopted many of Gamaliels teachings but, due to his youthful age, he decided to be more proactive. 1:1, / 1 Cor. The Orthodox Muslim view of the Koran as self-evidently the Word of God, perfect and inimitable in message, language, style, and form, is strikingly similar to the fundamentalist Christian notion of the Bibles inerrancy and verbal inspiration that is still common in many places today. If you think Im wrong, Jesus commands you (Matthew chapter 18) to show me my fault. Tobit is a good reference In the Babylonian Talmud, Zevahim 97b and 100b there are statements given in the name of Rabbi Akiva that in the case of an unclaimed body, if no one is attending to it, the responsibility for the buriasl of this corpse falls on this person, who must do it despite any obstacles, regardless if one is a High Priest or Nazirite, neither of whom are allowed to become tamei, ritually impure. in a meticulous, more comprehensive way. Ill do it then. scholars can go in making probable rather than possible (speculative) inferences? God bless you all. The Lord Jesus clinches this point: if ye abide in my word, then are ye truly my disciples; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free (John 8:31-32). What is a common analogy for a permanent decision? Helpful. When did Paul study under Gamaliel? How can I make them understand that they should deal with Paul Worship the same way that I deal with smoking weed? When Hillel died, his son Simeon assumed his position, but Simeon died shortly after he took office. A better resource would be Shaye Cohen, The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties (University of California Press, 2001). I am not uncomfortable with you at all, although some other users have suggest you be banned for your rather odd way of thinking. Bibliography: Bruce Chilton, Rabbi Jesus 28-47; Gamaliel in ABD 2:904. We dont have time for debates about which one is first. There is more to Sauls violence than preaching Jesus as Messiah. Thats the short version of my definition of what is an Apostle.. When Saul encountered the Lords voice in Acts chapter 9, it makes me question if Saul had been hearing the Lords voice sooner, but he was not listening? Last Update: October 15, 2022. But it begs the question Why would early Christians claim Rabban as one of their own? They elevate the 4 Gospels above all other Scriptures, giving the 2 highest places of honor to the Gospels of Matthew and John and they have a special high place for Revelation too. The underlying unspoken assumption is that The Bible (66 Books) was given to us by God as one book and its all equal in level of authority, priority, and importance. How did Gamaliel impact Paul? I. In fact, it is in this capacity where he is first mentioned in Acts 5. Paul did a much better job of marketing himself, and he wrote about himself hundreds of times. If we need a man or a group of men to interpret the Word for us, that would make it a revelation that needs to be revealed. Same question; Specifically, what were Pauls specific sins as a Christian based on specific verses of the Bible? There were at least 2 elements of Paul's training. Gamaliel is reflecting the Hillel tradition of non-violence and allowing God to deal with parties that against the Jews (Polhill, Paul and His Letters, 31). Here, Paul explicitly wrote that he was in these regions. That is the basic idea of the heavy-duty seminary language we were being trained in. 1. According to tradition, Gamaliel and Nicodemus buried Saint Stephen outside of Jerusalem. You do not know what my background or what ive read. Hillel, like Moses, died at the age of 120 and for the last 40 years of his life (c.30 BC-10 AD) he led the Sanhedrin, the ruling elders who determined on political and religious cases in Jerusalem. The blog started as a supplement to teaching through Acts at my church, then later college classes. I dont have any position or influence in the Christian world. Jesus never calls us out For what we used to be. You need to read more than later recollections of what Hillell and Shammai said (ie.,, Mishnah and Talmud, both much later than the New Testament and there is a great discussion in scholarship over how much of that material reflects the real world of the first century). | Reading Acts, Can You Be a Pastor without going to Seminary? Yet Jesus is the object of worship, turned into a false god believed to be confirmed in a book that actually refutes it! There are Rabbinic schools today, of course, who would study the sorts of things Paul would have, so perhaps a yeshiva is a good parallel to Pauls education. You are so far from understanding anything I have ever said it is humorous, actual insulting. (Eph. Yet even here, not even Paul, not even once, ever said that All Scripture is EQUAL in authority, priority, and importance. These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon [Matthew 10:1]. I pray that you will be blessed with the knowledge of Jesus Christ and Gods love through the cross for you. Shaul and Yehusa were both Jews who practiced Judaism, worshiped in synagogues, at the temple and were part of Jewish society and culture. The relics of Saint Stephen were translated several months later to . (I dare you to use this in your class), I know a girl made of memories and phrases, lives her whole life in chapters and phases -Jimmy Buffett. Contemporary Jewish records continue to list him first among the Sanhedrin.[24]. Well see in your other articles. I know from the Scriptures that Paul Worship is wrong, but the entire Church Establishment says its right. Paul may very well have studied under Gamaliel and from there established the groundwork from which to build a new movement. I dont know of a single church that simply teaches the Bible simply and preaches the whole counsel of God, including Pauls sins and mistakes. This is not true, you have no idea what you are talking about. What does tents mean in the Bible? One special person, alone, with special words, and a special title, who could never be WRONG. . People tend to forget that Yeshua himself stated that we are to listen to the Pharisees for they sit in the seat of Moses. This article is the result of when you remove the culture/context of the scriptures, the Hebraics of the Brist Chadasha (Renewed Testament) and injecting the christian outlook that Shaul (Paul) divorced his Jewish roots. The people who Paul persecuted were diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that he was raised from the dead. In Matthew 22 and Mark 12, Jesus identified two commandments, saying one of them is the first and greatest most important one. I think there is some sort of progression, however, in Pauls theology. If Paul began study at the latest age of 16, we can guess a birth year of about 6 at the earliest. The biblical Christian has but one authority and tradition, trust and SolaHoly Scripture! But if we want to get closest to The Source, Jesus himself, it makes sense that we should look first to the eyewitness testimony of two of His appointed Apostles who walked with Him faithfully for over 3 years, Matthew & John. Paul has a track record in Scripture of boasting, exaggerating, and stretching the truth to promote himself and make himself appear more important than he really was. Gamaliel. He fathered Simeon ben Gamliel, who was named for Gamaliel's father, and a daughter, who married a priest named Simon ben Nathanael. You seem to want to impose your views of the modern church on ancient house churches. !hum !! Paul was probably making reference to some of the Hebrew Scriptures, quite likely including the Law and the Prophets. Things which are unclear, those must remain that way until the Holy Spirit reveal them to each and everyone of us according to the level of grace , and most importantly, for a particular purpose, We born again believers do not read to know like them, but we read to live. Paul is a Hillel talmudim through and though. In Gospel of John chapter 10, the Apostle John records many words of Jesus, including: My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me., I recommend reading the whole chapter (10), and listening to the voice of Jesus first (rather than the voice of a stranger like Paul first. Why ignore the words of our Lord God Jesus Christ, Son of Yahweh the Most High God of Israel, who came to fulfill the Law and the Prophets? Quick question (not one of my posts), was Paul around/among those that put Jesus to death?? Its all a part of Gods perfect timing and plan. Several people objected that it does not really matter who Pauls human teachers were, after his conversion experience he was taught by the Holy Spirit. Paul probably understood Judaism better than all of these false teachers put together. it seems like Gamaliels statement would be a good point to make in sharing the gospel message with people of the Jewish faith. Jesus Leadership Training, The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World. They also believed gentiles could convert and be in covenant but there needed to be structure to convert. Paul was accustomed to learning from his elders as he developed as a Pharisee (Galatians 1:14). Jesus said its TWO commandments, with the greatest, most important, first command to .1) first, love God with everything youve got, and .2) second, love people. Yes you clearly are removing them from Jewish culture and using Constantine-Christianity and replacement theology to float most of your website. Exactly what Issa p al Masih did about 500 years earlier! Minhags- customs attached to moses and the oral law to make them valid that were infact against Torah and corrupt. So get to work! In support of this alternative, it has long been noted that Galatians 1:16-24 appears to describe a . A generation before Christ there were two great rabbis, Hillel and Shammai. Paul is not a liar; he just has a dual citizenship. For example, are we missing any casuistry from Gamaliel which might demonstrate Gamaliels dissent from Hillel in specific cases presenting unique facts? This is the reason why Yeshua said that Pharisee should be the the ones teaching. If anything Paul reacted on his duty to do what he thought was right and purify what was most important to him, the law. Gamaliel. gamaliel was the greatest of the teachers of the pharisees, perhaps of all time, because he was said to have known the law at a doctorate level, so it was with great wisdom that he told the. Definition of tentmaker 1 : one that makes tents. But there is a notable difference in Paul from pre- to post-conversion. More Wright supposition! Their differing viewpoints do not seem like enough cause, to me, to doubt that Saul studied with Gamaliel. Cant accept the confirmation bias that the Brit Chadasha are jews observing Torah Judaism and removing corrupt fences. As an athlete and sports enthusiast, the references really stuck out to me and are passages of scripture that I have read multiple times. I admit this is all speculation and I dont have a shred of evidence for any of this but it makes me wonder if Paul was trying to start something extraordinary within Judaism (As he mentions in his defense in Acts 22) and God harnessed that ambition for the glory and advancement of His Church. Paul is the model pastor for many modern Pauls like; a) Bob Coy, who still owns all the assets and controls all the money at his cult known as Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, in spite of his recent resignation as Senior Pastor there due to adultery with multiple woman and other major sins that he still has never specifically admitted to personally. In fact in the book of John Jesus is pointed out as a Pharisee. Upgrade to remove ads. And I need to save a throne for my mom, or shell be mad. Mainstream Judaism resistance to Paul isnt a sign of absolute proof that he wasnt a student of Hillel. His most recent book is The Book of Enoch for Beginners: A Guide to Expand Your Understanding of the Biblical World (Rockridge, 2022). I was attracted to the school because they put Pauls mantra of All Scripture is God-breathed above everything else, and I wanted to heed Pauls command and Preach the Word like Paul. If you dont ask about Pauls sins, I wont tell about them. [Matthew, John, Revelation, 2 Peter NIV], Jesus is The Way to God The real Jesus of the real Apostles But false teachers come and pervert Gods Word With twists and turns and jostles, My sheep listen to my voice Jesus said for us all to hear I know them, and they follow me He doesnt run when a wolf appears, He calls his own sheep by name Its not the witchcraft of a distant stranger Not just repeating the magic words And then thinking you are out of danger, Our Father in Heaven wants to talk to you He can hear you loud and clear And He sent His Son Jesus to inhabit the earth So that all who want God can draw near, Real prayer is a conversation At least thats what God wants it to be We talk in the garden in the cool of the day When we are part of His family, Only Jesus never disobeyed God Hes the only immaculate conception The Holy Spirit comes in His Name Dont listen to the voice of deception, If a false apostle preaches I became your father, imitate me He doesnt speak the words of God Its just Boss Paul the Pharisee, And if a heretic now claims to be The Churchs universal pastor His words should be ignored They lead to nothing but disaster, Jesus did not just teach The Way He IS The Way, my friend Repeating the mantra of Marypaulhammad Is nothing but a dead end, Bibliography all quotes in quotation marks are the words of Jesus in the Gospel of John chapter 10. Paint the house first, and Ill stay in the garage until youre done. and as long as the food was not sacrificed to idols and was kosher you could eat with gentiles. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these TWO commandments. [Matthew 22:36-40, Deuteronomy 6:5, Leviticus 19:18], But in contrast with Jesus, Paul the Pharisee didnt know the greatest, most important, first commandment according to Jesus. And we can but make some comparisons in ourselves. Benjamin was a euphemism for Herodian Jew btw so Pharisee or not Paul was loyal to Herod, his friend was foster brother of Herod the tetrarch or Herod something, but Herod. Another aspect of Hillel. Moreover, Paul preached that gentiles ingrafted into the olive tree were part of Israel is a teaching DIRECTLY from Hillel. Later, when Im at the height of my career, and Im financially secure and I dont have to worry about finding a job or keeping my job, and I have some real influence- maybe 40 years from now, when Im, like, in my sixties, say in around 2013- thats when Ill really be able to stand up for Jesus. This idea can even be applied to his post-conversion work seeing how he sought to integrate the Gentiles into the Church when it was still a controversial issue. Now, we have got a complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! For years now America has been stuck in a seemingly endless, unwinnable guerilla war in an Asian nation that borders China. This is a good point, although I am not sure that the tradition is totally reliable. God has not changed, and neither has the text of The Bible. Why do you want Paul to act like a Pope in Corinth, someone who oversees all aspects of the church? For that matter, was he even n the observing crowd at the time of the 1st Pentecost speech by Peter? The message of The 11 (The narrow gate), The eleven disciples went to Galilee Where Jesus had told them to go They heard His voice and obeyed His will Despite uncertainty down below, Jesus spoke to them at length He wasnt really a Tweeter Only 3 of them wrote Scripture Matthew John and Peter, Feed my sheep said Jesus, for though Heaven and earth will pass away I have the words of eternal life and My words will never pass away, Enter through the narrow gate The voice of Jesus through the eleven Believe in Jesus through their message And eat from the tree of life in heaven. Completely different mindset in Jerusalem which forbade such things. ), STEP 5) Paul said; I do not understand what I do. This is a question of fact about the content of the text in the 66 Books of our Bible. Gamaliel was a Pharisee and a grandson of the famous Rabbi Hillel. (Matthew 27:45). And 1 as 1. Anyway, I should save a throne for him too.. I got my Masters Degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. Terms in this set (31) Where was Paul born? No accusation against the brothers No comments dark and obscure, Writing to the Church in Corinth that is what some of you were.. Not others in the future who will follow the risen Jesus Christ. Pauls athletic references are too pervasive in his letters for him to have shared the antipathy that some Jews felt toward the games. He is never popular, but always interesting! Well, I did take a few music classes there part-time for two or three semesters, and one time, Marco Barrientos was a substitute teacher in one of my classes for maybe 45 minutes. Dont be put off by the ravings of Paul the Pharisee that so many Bible-believing Christians push so hard. For Rabbi Saul, the idea that the messiah could be killed is wrong but is it enough to account for a violent reaction like Acts 7 and the stoning of Stephen? In fact, Paul describes himself as a ruthless persecutor who sought to stop what he saw as an aberration within Judaism. But what do I do with this truth? 1973 Inside the mind of a Jesus Person. Why never quesiton his testimony about himself that he never intentionally disobeyed God, is the sinless ever-virgin, and said; I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some? Stop pitying yourself, you are not being persecuted. The people who Paul persecuted were Diaspora Jews who accepted Jesus as Messiah and claimed that God raised Jesus from the dead. Its nice and tidy to say I just accept what the Bible says, but whose interpretation? Love is all you need. When and where did they first meet. I wonder what would happen if by his own mouth ,he will say Im Roman now what do you call someone that say things and then change .. When the homeowner returned in the evening, he was furious. I can use football analogies even if I have never actually been a football player. If yes, then are Pauls subjective states really discernible as correlates to these two different schools based only on Pauls texts? Reliability is certainly an issue. How many years did Paul come after Jesus? Perhaps this may not be too much of a stress, no? The rule is- never step on the Hat, just keep dancing around it. The command given by our Lord and Savior Is not a Pharisee speaking alone It came rather through your apostles Matthew Peter and John, If a Pharisee boasts proudly Those men added nothing to my message He doesnt speak for Jesus His words are nothing more than garbage, Bibliography All quotes in quotation marks are from the writings of the Apostles Matthew John and Peter in the Bible, mostly the Red Letter words of Jesus. You are one of a growing number of followers of the Messiah (p) Issa/Yesha who actually have figured out Paul was a con artist sent to corrupt the movement started by the Nazarene Messiah (p) and if it failed in Pauls lifetime it succeeded under the Roman Emporer Constantine and it was Paul they revered as THE Apostle, even before Nicene Creed was made up. Im horrified that youre taking Jewish writings and making crazy stories out of them.. It is interesting in seeing the difference in view points of Saul and Gamaliel. If Christianity is the church as it is practiced in 2018 then you are correct, that is not present in the book of Acts. Yeshua quotes many of them and in many cases agreed or corrected their rulings. The Fast is known as Yom Kippur. His seeds are seeds of oppression and bondage. But until 1956 he was Saint Gamaliel according to the Catholic Churchs Roman Martyrology. [erase erase erase], Actually, the same is true for you Thaddaeus, after you were appointed. So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together. And this is before Saul/Paul is even mentioned. Something Paul preaches repeatedly. Paul, Silas, and Timothy desired to enter Asia to spread the gospel there, but the Holy Spirit prevented them. Is AARP PO Box 93143 Long Beach CA 90809-9720 a valid address? at the feet of Gamaliel"). This has literally been the Orthodox position for almost 2000 years. Is it possible that Paul did conceive of certain individual missions against Christians as consistent with a rendering of mercy, that is, mercy to the stability of cultural Judaism rather than mercy to minority Jews (i.e., Christians)? Some of its magic, some its tragic, but Ive had a good life along the way. -Jimmy Buffett. This included sacrifices and multiple gods before and after the games. Yet Mohammed (saw) reiterated the message as Gods Messenger and like the Pharisees rejected him because their forefathers corrupted the original message. Ridiculous. If probably, then how would we know whether Paul ever pulled a rare Justice Rehnquist move, where Rehnquist sides with liberal Justices and dissents against conservatives in weird and inexplicable single cases or two? Some of the trials were limited to the high priest and his inner circle, it is likely the entire 70 member Sanhedrin met to dal with Jesus. blasphemy! Its based on a misinterpretation, out of context, of one verse in one letter written by one man, Paul the Pharisee, who was unfamiliar with the personal ministry and teaching of Jesus. I am truly a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the perfect manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as you all are this day. (Rom. But that isnt the only meaning, or even the first and primary meaning. The Olympic games were created to honor the gods and Emperors were considered gods. If he didnt have the teaching and influence then he wouldnt of had such a bold and confidence approach when speaking to other people. I am not sure we can know, but Aramaic seems likely, although Scripture would be studied in Hebrew. This status gave him special privileges, and in some cases saved him from abuse (Acts 22:25-29). You have a rather closed worldview and are blind to what I have said. He was raised in a Jewish society and home because everyone in the entire New Testament are Jews (or converts) who followed Torah. He also intimately knew Gamaliel was was there, at least at The time of Pentecost. Then, in Acts 22:3, Paul says that he was "brought up in this . I do not think, however, that Paul was a Christian Pharisee. He uses this in Philippians 3:12-14 to describe the Christian walk. What was Paul's purpose in the Bible? Well considering I am infact Jewish I dont need your advice on what I should read. This piece (above) is well done. Im glad no one disagrees with me. "Paul claims to have been educated by Gamaliel, one of the premier teachers of the Law in the first century. Modern day Christianity has more of its roots in Constantine. This is a matter of defining ones terms. Lets see. The Jewish account maintains that he remained a Pharisee until his death. Paul cannot stand alone in opposition to Jesus and everyone else. Being a Pharisee did not disqualify you from believing in Yeshua. If you Torah-observant Jews dont believe that the Yeshua (Jesus) of the 4 Gospels is really the Jewish Messiah, can you back that up with Torah and Nabiim ? The title of Adolf Hitler as the leader of the German Nazis, author of Mein Kamph. However, there are other times when Paul puts his Christian beliefs and what Jesus has to say before the Pharisaical rules and is willing to break a rule or be mocked for something and instead, do something Jesus way. Not to mention I highly doubt you have a Phd in any area of academia or even known any grasp of Hebrew or Greek. There is no greater lie than to lie about God. Paul wrote 29 chapters to this church that he founded and then left after 18 months, and also we have Lukes biographical account starting in Acts 18:1. [22] The Roman Catholic church views him as a Saint and listed him in the Roman Martyrology for August 3. Islam is the truth, Allah Akbar/God is Greatest. I will say, The Jewish account maintains that he remained a Pharisee until his death makes perfect sense since we know that there were other Pharisees who were Christians in Acts 15, and Paul still claims to be a Pharisee when he testifies before the Sanhedrin in Acts 23:6. Being in his mid-range teens allows for plenty of time for Pauls family to teach him the strict conservative Jewish ways that he often brings up. The term To sit at the feet of a Rav is a term in Judaism for a man (13-20) to know the first five books and the Oral law by memory. This is more accurate, important, and authoritative than personal letters written by Paul the Pharisee, who never knew Jesus personally, had no part in His ministry, and had no eyewitness testimony. In humbelness if heart, I have made this contribution. I meant to say for rejecting Mohammed (p) and worshipping a man who said worship God alone, Jesus (p), and adding a third God to the 1 and His son making a pagan Trinity, Christianity is anathema to its worshipped human founder (in name only and in Greek at that) who said OUR God is ONE worship HIM!. . ). The Tanak wasnt the issue. Who did Paul study under in the Bible? George Clinton? maybe not. Why not listen to Jesus, and His words written down and passed on by HIS faithful eyewitnesses, the Apostles HE personally appointed, and personally trained for over 3 years, Matthew and John? Put off by the ravings of Paul the Pharisee that so many Christians... 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And are blind to what I have never actually been how long did paul study under gamaliel football player are removing from... References are too pervasive in his letters for him to have shared the antipathy that some Jews toward. Sins, I have ever said it is in this bold and confidence approach when speaking other! A new movement explicitly wrote that he was in these regions to doubt that Saul with. Posts ), was he even n the observing crowd at the earliest house churches which demonstrate. Garage until youre done ; Gamaliel in ABD 2:904 god has not changed, and neither the! Degree at Dallas Theological Seminary ) inferences as correlates to these two different based. The Bible such things position or influence in the Bible more of its roots in Constantine says he.
how long did paul study under gamaliel
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